CSI: Hangman #7

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Ch1: -o-ta-a! S-- a ---- ---- t--s, --?
--ats t-- ---at -----s, -o?
Ch2: -a-- yo- ---- ---- s--- a ---at -----?
Ch1: --at's to s--? -t's --st ---at.

letters guessed: Y,A,T,S,O
Ch1: -o-ta-a! S-- a ---- ---- t--s, --?
--ats t-- ---at -----s, -o?
Ch2: -a-- you ---- ---- s--- a ---at -----?
Ch1: --at's to s--? -t's -ust ---at.

letters guessed: Y,A,T,S,O,U
Ch1: -o-tana! See a --e- ---e t--s, e-?
-eats t-e --eat --e--s, no?
Ch2: -a-e you e-e- e-en seen a --eat --e--?
Ch1: --at's to see? -t's -ust --eat.

Sorry Elsie no P.

letters guessed: Y,A,T,S,O,U,E,N,P
Danny: Montana! See a view like this, eh?
beats the wheat fields, no?
Lindsay: Have you ever even seen a wheat field?
Danny: What's to see? It's just wheat.
Yay DragonflyDreamer you are correct!!!! *hands you a lollipop* Just in case anyone was wondering, it is from the Episode called Stealing Home.

you're go!! btw I don't like calling people by their s/n, so can you tell me your real name or a nickname you wouldn't mind me calling you instead of having to type out your entire s/n?
Sorry for the delay. It's been a crazy week.
An easy one this time...

C1: --- ------ --- ---- ---- ----- -- -------, ---- ------- ---… -------- -------… -------- -- --- ---- --- - ---- ---- ------- --- ------- ---- --- ----.
C2: --- ----?
C1: ---- ------- ---- ----.

C1: --- ------ --- ---- ---n ----- -n -------, ---- ------- -n-… -------- ------n… -------- -- --- ---- --- - ---- ---- ------- --- ------- ---- --- ----.
C2: --- ----?
C1: ---n ------- ---- ----.
C1: --- ------ --- ---- ---n ----- -n -------, ---- ------d -nd… -------- ------n… -------- -- --- ---- --d - ---d ---- ---d--- --- ------- ---- --- ----.
C2: --- ----?
C1: ---n ------- ---- ----.
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