CSI: Hangman #4

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Good guesses. Already any ideas?? :eek:


C1: "-e---e ---´t rea-i-e -ust h-w ma-y sets -- ha--s a -ie-e -- e-i-e--e -asses thr-u-h. --si-- e-i-e--e is-´t ab-ut a-ythi-- s-eaky. It´s -ust huma- err-r."
C2: "-e-e-se att-r-eys ha-e ma-e a wh--e -areer --- that huma- err-r."
C1: "Yeah, te-- me ab-ut it."

guessed: a, e, h, i, k, m, r, s, t, u, w, y
Got both. :)


C1: "-eo-le -o-´t reali-e -ust how ma-y sets o- ha--s a -ie-e o- e-i-e--e -asses throu-h. Losi-- e-i-e--e is-´t about a-ythi-- s-eaky. It´s -ust huma- error."
C2: "-e-e-se attor-eys ha-e ma-e a whole -areer o-- that huma- error."
C1: "Yeah, tell me about it."

guessed: a, e, h, i, k, l, m, o, r, s, t, u, w, y
Catherine: "People don’t realize just how many sets of hands a piece of evidence passes through. Losing evidence isn’t about anything sneaky. It’s just human error."
Warrick: "defense attorneys have made a whole career out that human error."
Catherine: "Yeah, tell me about it."

Too tough to die
can I go?


C1: --- --- --- ------- -- --------?

C2: -'- ------ - --- ---------

C1: -- -- -------?

C2: - ---- -- ----
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