CSI: Hangman #4

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ShuriyuCSI said:

You guys are so good now too, eh? :lol: :lol: Found an old dirty joke of yours too Duck. You spammed A LOT. O__o Can I get a warning please for this Admin? :p :lol:

Okay, back on topic before I get tears in my eyes xD

So did Cat and she's a mod too :p
The main point is that I changed my behaviour and can behave now ;)
Did you see my bullet joke?it's kate's fave :lol:
I was a teen back then ;)
The last quote from ShuriyuCSI was "Stuck on you".

As I´m new here, I´m gonna post only one puzzle.


C1: "------ ---´- ------- ---- --- ---- ---- -- ----- - ----- -- -------- ------ -------. ------ -------- ---´- ----- -------- ------. --´- ---- ----- -----."
C2: "------- --------- ---- ---- - ----- ------ --- ---- ----- -----."
C1: "----, ---- -- ----- --."

Have fun :p

C1: "-e---e ---´- -e----e ---- --- ---- -e-- -- ----- - --e-e -- e---e--e ----e- -------. ------ e---e--e ---´- ----- -------- --e---. --´- ---- ----- e----."
C2: "-e-e--e ------e-- ---e ---e - ----e ---ee- --- ---- ----- e----."
C1: "-e--, -e-- -e ----- --."

Guessed: e
Have all. :)
Sry wibble, forgot your M. :(


C1: "-e---e ---´t -ea-i-e --st --- ma-- sets -- -a--s a -ie-e -- e-i-e--e -asses t------. --si-- e-i-e--e is-´t a---t a--t-i-- s-ea--. It´s --st --ma- e----."
C2: "-e-e-se att---e-s -a-e ma-e a ----e -a-ee- --- t-at --ma- e----."
C1: "-ea-, te-- me a---t it."

Guessed: a, e, i, m, s, t
DaWacko said:
ShuriyuCSI said:
*been looking through the old OLD threads and came across Ducky being a newbie* .... *giggle-snort, seeing some other Mods in there too* Ooooooohhhhh... Blackmail! :lol: You were so cute :p

:eek: That's so wrong! Stop reading old posts :p I usually laugh tears in my eyes when I read those. I swear kazzy and kate were the best :p

But...there's still that NY quote to go ;)

Oh yes, yes. :D I do believe I was one of the best too. :p

I'd like to pick a B!
A is already guessed. Thanks to need ;)


C1: "-e---e ---´t -ea-i-e --st --w ma-- sets -- -a--s a -ie-e -- e-i-e--e -asses t------. --si-- e-i-e--e is-´t ab--t a--t-i-- s-ea--. It´s --st --ma- e----."
C2: "-e-e-se att---e-s -a-e ma-e a w---e -a-ee- --- t-at --ma- e----."
C1: "-ea-, te-- me ab--t it."

guessed: a, e, i, m, s, t, w
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