CSI: Hangman #4

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C1: Are you -uys on t-at -us-- -ro-oter?
C2: L-ke -lue.

CSI: Miami
C1: You nee- so-e -el-?
C2: Na-. - -ou-d undress a dead -an -n -- slee-.
C1: Lea--n- t-at one alone.

Guessed: N, S, E, T, W, A, Y, D, R, L, O, U, K
Incorrect: B
Are you sure you are not missing some letters in Miami quote? because I'm pretty sure it's this

Speed: You need some help?
Alexx: Nah. I could undress a dead man in my sleep
Speed: Leaving that one alone
>_< Shoot me. Hey, a big thing like that, you're bound to miss a few. :lol: Yeah, you're right Ducky. Just need the episode name.
*been looking through the old OLD threads and came across Ducky being a newbie* .... *giggle-snort, seeing some other Mods in there too* Ooooooohhhhh... Blackmail! :lol: You were so cute :p

OT: Correct, as always.
ShuriyuCSI said:
*been looking through the old OLD threads and came across Ducky being a newbie* .... *giggle-snort, seeing some other Mods in there too* Ooooooohhhhh... Blackmail! :lol: You were so cute :p

:eek: That's so wrong! Stop reading old posts :p I usually laugh tears in my eyes when I read those. I swear kazzy and kate were the best :p

But...there's still that NY quote to go ;)
ShuriyuCSI said:
*been looking through the old OLD threads and came across Ducky being a newbie* .... *giggle-snort, seeing some other Mods in there too* Ooooooohhhhh... Blackmail! :lol: You were so cute :p

That must've been quite a while ago then! Where abouts can you get them? hehe
bit over two years ago... hee, the board was wild and free and me, cat, kazzy and drkate spamming :lol: (just choose "from all dates" from drop down box and happy clicking...

But back to the business ;)
ShuriyuCSI said:
*been looking through the old OLD threads and came across Ducky being a newbie* .... *giggle-snort, seeing some other Mods in there too* Ooooooohhhhh... Blackmail! :lol: You were so cute :p

That's so evil :eek: :lol:

If I wasn't a mod, I'd make some sort of empty threat :devil: But I have an example to set :lol:
C1: Are you -uys on t-at -usi- -ro-oter?
C2: Like -lue.

Guessed: N, S, E, T, W, A, Y, D, R, L, O, U, K, I
Incorrect: B

You guys are so good now too, eh? :lol: :lol: Found an old dirty joke of yours too Duck. You spammed A LOT. O__o Can I get a warning please for this Admin? :p :lol:

Okay, back on topic before I get tears in my eyes xD
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