Lab Technician
C1: T-ats --tta ---t. --?
C2: W-- ---’t --- t-- it? EWI
C1: --!
C2: -ea- t-- it.
C1: T-at’s se---- -a-ass-e-t -a---.
Letter's guessed: A,T,S,E,W,I
Oh man sorry I completely zoned out last time and forgot a bunch of T's
But I checked this one like 5 times :lol: Sorry again.
C1: T-ats --tta ---t. --?
C2: W-- ---’t --- t-- it? EWI
C1: --!
C2: -ea- t-- it.
C1: T-at’s se---- -a-ass-e-t -a---.
Letter's guessed: A,T,S,E,W,I
Oh man sorry I completely zoned out last time and forgot a bunch of T's