CSI: Hangman #10

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For my second guess I'll take an O please :D
And I'm good thanks. How are you?

*Wait wait! I got it!

Greg: Liquid latex.
Nick: Never heard of it.
Greg: Really? It's all the craze right now, man. Girls paint it on guys. Guys paint it on girls. You can paint it on yourself, if you want, if that's what you're into. You can't get a date.

Slaves of Las Vegas
Thanks Babe :D
Another LV quote

C1: ----- ---- ------------ ------- --- --- -------. -'-- --- -- -- ------.
C2: ----. -- --- ---, ---'- ----. --'- --- -- --- ------ --- --- --- -- --- ---- ---- --- ------ --------.
C1: ----, - ------ --- -- -- ---- --- ---.
LV quote

C1: ----- t--- -a---------- -a----- --- t-- -a----y. -'-- --t -t t- ------.
C2: ----. -y t-- -ay, -a-'- ----. --'- --- -- t-- ----t- --- -a- --- -- t-- ---- ---- --- ------ --------.
C1: ----, - ------ -ay -- t- --a- --- -a-.

guessed letters: A,Y,T
LV quote

C1: -o--- t--- -a---e----e- -a----- o-- t-e -a--o-y. -'-- -et -t to -o--e-.
C2: -oo-. -y t-e -ay, -am'- -e-e. -e'- o-e o- t-e --e-t- --o -a- o-- o- t-e -oom --e- --e m---e- o-----e-.
C1: -e--, - --o--- -ay -- to -ea- o-- -a-.

guessed letters: A,Y,T,E,M,O
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