CSI: Hangman #10

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From NY:

C1: S- -ha- ---'-- ------- -- -s --- ---- s--- -----s--- --a- --s----. Sa- - -a-- -a-h --- -- -- -a----- a-- -a--.
C2: --, - ---- ---- -----ss---s ---- a ---(-)---h-- s--- ---. -- ----- -- -a--h -h- ----s, --- ---- -- -a--h -h- ----s.
C1: -ha- a---- --s- -h- Ha----? -a--- -'-- -a-- -ha- --- -h- -------?
C2: --'s a-- a---- -h- ----s, --a--, --- -h- ----s.
C1: S--a- --- ----s---.

Used: S, H, A
I would like to see a "E". Thanks.

And now I am out for this round? Til this one is solved, or what? I don't get it... :(
From NY:

C1: So -hat -o-'-e te----- -e -s -o- -ee- so-e e-te-s--e -oa- test---. Sa- - ta-e each o-e -- to Taco--c a-- -ac-.
C2: -o, - -ee- t--e ----ess-o-s --o- a o-e(-)e--ht- s--- o-t. -- o--e- to -atch the ---es, -o- -ee- to -atch the t--es.
C1: -hat a-o-t --st the Ha--e-? -a--e -'-- ta-e that -o- the -ee-e--?
C2: -t's a-- a-o-t the t--es, --ac-, -ot the ---es.
C1: S-ea- -o- -o--se--.

Used: S, H, A, E, T, C, O
Flack: So what you’re telling me is you need some extensive road testing, say I take each one up to Taconic and back.
Aiden: No I need tire impressions from a 180 spin out in order to match the bikes you need to match the tires.
Flack: What about just the Harley, maybe I take that for the weekend?
Aiden: It’s all about the tires Flack, not the bikes.
Flack: Speak for yourself.

1x23 What you see is what you see
Great, thanks! :)

Easy, but tricky quote from Miami:

C1: -- ----- ---- ---- --'-- ------- --- ---- ---.
C2: --- ----- --'- -- --- ----? ---- --- --- -- ------- ----------'- ---------, -- ------- --- -- --.
C1: ----- ---- ----. - ---- ----- ---- -- -----------, -- --- ---- ------- --- --- ----- -------.
C2: -- ---- --- ----.
C1: --- --- --- -----'- -------- ------... ----- ‘--.
C2: --------.

Have fun... :D
Good letters, everyone!!

Update - Quote from Miami:

C1: -t ----- a--- -ea- -e'-e --a---- t-e -a-e -a-.
C2: --- t---- -e'- -- -e- ----? -e-- --e –a- -- a--t-e- e-e--t----'- ----e--e-, -- ------- --- -- -e.
C1: T-a-- e--- -e-e. - -a-t ----t --t- at ----e--t---, a- --- ---- ------a -a- t-e -eat- -e-a-t-.
C2: -- --e- -e- ----.
C1: -e- --t --- -a-e-'t e-e--te- a----e... ----e ‘--.
C2: --------.

Letters guessed: T, E, A
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