CSI: Hangman #10

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C1: He‘s - -o-? He --s shoo--n- -t -e. He‘s - -o-?!
C2: Th-s -s the --- -o- -ere -h-s-n-, -ro- the ---rt-ent?
C1: -e-h, th--‘s h--. He --s shoot-n- -t -e!
C2: - ---n‘t -s- -o- -- he shot -t -o-. --e -o- s-re th-s -s the --- -o- -ere -h-s-n-?
C1: -es, -‘- s-re, ---. - -e-n, - th-n- th--‘s the ---.

letters guessed: e,t,s,o,r,n,h
oops.. i knew that.. I just forgot how to count to 3.. I don;t know why I was under the impression that there were 3 letters.. sorry :(
He's a cop? He was shooting at me. He's a cop?

This is the guy, you were chasing from the apartment?

Yeah, that's him. He was shooting at me

I didn't ask you if he shot at you. Are you sure this is the guy you were chasing?

Yes, I'm sure Don, I mean, I think that's the guy.

Danny/Flack in "On the job"
The quote was right, except for one character I got wrong, and the epi was right, but that's fine, LLK may have this turn, if she's right :)

He's a cop? He was shooting at me. He's a cop?

This is the guy, you were chasing from the apartment?

Yeah, that's him. He was shooting at me

I didn't ask you if he shot at you. Are you sure this is the guy you were chasing?

Yes, I'm sure Mac, I mean, I think that's the guy.

Danny/Mac in "On the job"
nope.. luvingmyhoratio It's your turn.. u got right this time.. and not.. that was no all the interaction between danny and mac.. i guess that she had to write all of it down.. :-? i don;t know exactly :confused:
Okay, thanks :)

CSI:LV...Good Luck :)

C1: --'- ---------- ----------, ----. ------- ---- -------
------ -------.
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