CSI: Hangman #10

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C1: A -ame -as -ea-, --t e----- a---t ---. T-- a-r -as --t a-- -ea-- a-- ----e- --t- -r---, ma---- me t--rst-. T--rst- --r a t--- -r--- -- -ater. T-at’s --e- - sa- -er. A ----er. A-- --t t-e ---- --- --- -- a -a-e-. S-e -as ---- stemm--.
C2: A-- r---t, Ra-m--- --a---er, -e -et -t.

C1: A -ame -as -ea-, --t en--g- a---t ---. T-e air -as --t an- -ea-- an- -i--e- -it- -r-ng, ma-ing me t-irst-. T-irst- --r a t--- -rin- -- -ater. T-at’s --en I sa- -er. A ----er. An- n-t t-e -i-n --- -in -n a -a-e-. S-e -as --n- stemme-.
C2: A-- ri--t, Ra-m-n- --an--er, -e -et it.

C1: A -ame -as -ea-, --t en--gh a---t her. The air -as h-t an- hea-- an- -ille- -ith -r-ng, ma-ing me thirst-. Thirst- --r a tall -rin- -- -ater. That’s -hen I sa- her. A -l--er. An- n-t the -in- --- -in -n a la-el. She -as l-ng stemme-.
C2: All right, Ra-m-n- Chan-ler, -e get it.

I think I've got it.

Greg: A dame was dead, but enough about her. The air was hot and heavy with wrong, making me thirsty, thirsty for a tall drink of water. That's when I saw her: a flower, but not the kind you pin on a lapel. She was long-stemmed.
Sara: All right, Raymond Chandler, we get it.

Thanks :)

Here is the next quote. It's from CSI NY

X: --- --- -----------?
Y: -'- --- -------- (-) ------. ----- --- ---- - --- ------ ---- ----- -- --. ----- ------- ---- -- ------- ------- -- --- -------- -- --- -- ----. - ---'- ---- --- ----- ---- ---- ---- ----.
X: ---- --- --'-- ----- --. ---- -- ----.

Good luck everybody.
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