CSI: Hangman #10

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Okay, I'll keep the "N" till we get two more letter's, then I will post it. :D As we are only to have three letters at a time. :)

Jeez...I never realized how long it was till now :lol: :lol:

Good Luck : CSI:LV

C1: --'- -----. T-e t----- --- -e-e--e- a-- t-e t----- t-at
--- ---'t, --- ----. T-e-e -a- a --e-- -- ---- -- t-e a--.
-a-t(-)--- -- t-e -e- a-- -a--. T-e-e -a- t--- ----- ---
------ --- --t-. - -e-e--e- t-e ---a- --- t--- -e --t-
---te- -a-e. - -a-'t -e-e--e- -e- -a-e, ----- -- -t-a--e,
--- ----, -e-a--e - ------'t -et -- -- -e- -a--.

C2: -e--, t-e ---- -a- ---te-s.

C1: - -- -e-e--e- t-e -----. - -e-a-e "t-e ---- ---'-
-at-e- -a- -ta--e- t- -eat-". -- --- t---- t-e-e'- a
----e- -e-e?

C2: - ---'t -e--e-e t-at -e-e- a-e --e---t--- -- ----e-t

C1: --- ------'t ---- t-at at -- ----e. T-e ----t-, t-e
-e-----, t---- t- t-e -----ta-, - t-----t -t -a- t-e -a-
e-e------ ---e-. --e- -- --t-e- ----e- -- -at-e-, - -----
--- -t -a--'t.

Letter's guessed: A,E,T
Good Luck : CSI:LV

C1: It's --nn-. T-e t-in-s --- -e-e--e- an- t-e t-in-s t-at
--- --n't, --- -n--. T-e-e -as a s-e-- -- i--n in t-e ai-.
-ast(-)--- on t-e -e- an- -a--. T-e-e -as t-is ---n- ---
---in- -is --ts. I -e-e--e- t-e ---an --- t--- -e int-
--ste- -a-e. I -an't -e-e--e- -e- na-e, --i-- is st-an-e,
--- -n--, -e-a-se I -----n't -et -- -- -e- -an-.

C2: -e--, t-e -in- -as -i-te-s.

C1: I -- -e-e--e- t-e ----s. I -e-a-e "t-e -i-- ---'s
-at-e- -as sta--e- t- -eat-". -- --- t-in- t-e-e's a
----e- -ene?

C2: I --n't -e-ie-e t-at -e-es a-e --e-i-t--s -- -i--ent

C1: --- -----n't -n-- t-at at -- ---se. T-e -i--ts, t-e
-e--in-, t-i-s t- t-e ----ita-, I t-----t it -as t-e -a-
e-e------ -i-e-. --en -- --t-e- -i--e- -- -at-e-, I ---n-
--- it -asn't.

Letter's guessed: A,E,T,N,S,I
Good Luck : CSI:LV

C1: It's -unn-. The thin-s --u re-e--er an- the thin-s that
--u --n't, --u -n--. There -as a s-e-- -- ir-n in the air.
-ast(-)--- on the -e- an- -a--. There -as this --un- ---
-u-in- his -uts. I re-e--er the ---an -h- t--- -e int-
--ster -are. I -an't re-e--er her na-e, -hi-h is stran-e,
--u -n--, -e-ause I --u--n't -et -- -- her han-.

C2: -e--, the -in- has -i-ters.

C1: I -- re-e--er the ----s. I -e-a-e "the -ir- ---'s
-ather -as sta--e- t- -eath". -- --u thin- there's a
-ur-er -ene?

C2: I --n't -e-ie-e that -enes are -re-i-t-rs -- -i--ent

C1: --u --u--n't -n-- that at -- h-use. The -i-hts, the
-e--in-, tri-s t- the h-s-ita-, I th-u-ht it -as the -a-
e-er----- -i-e-. -hen -- --ther -i--e- -- -ather, I --un-
-ut it -asn't.

Letter's guessed: A,E,T,N,S,I,U,R,H
Please can everyone make sure they have read the rules for this game, you can find them in the first post of the thread.

lostladyknight said:
I know it.

Please don't make posts like this as it could be considered spamming. You should have requested a letter if you wanted to participate or posted the answer if you know the quote.
Good Luck : CSI:LV

C1: It's -unn-. The things -ou re-e--er an- the things that
-ou -on't, -ou kno-. There -as a s-e-- o- iron in the air.
-ast(-)o-- on the -e- an- -a--. There -as this -oung -o-
-uking his guts. I re-e--er the -o-an -ho took -e into
-oster -are. I -an't re-e--er her na-e, -hi-h is strange,
-ou kno-, -e-ause I -ou--n't -et go o- her han-.

C2: -e--, the -in- has -i-ters.

C1: I -o re-e--er the -ooks. I -e-a-e "the gir- -ho's
-ather -as sta--e- to -eath". -o -ou think there's a
-ur-er gene?

C2: I -on't -e-ie-e that genes are -re-i-tors o- -io-ent

C1: -ou -ou--n't kno- that at -- house. The -ights, the
-e--ing, tri-s to the hos-ita-, I thought it -as the -a-
e-er--o-- -i-e-. -hen -- -other ki--e- -- -ather, I -oun-
out it -asn't.

Letter's guessed: A,E,T,N,S,I,U,R,H,K,G,O
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