I'm not really sure what I thought of this episode, it was really... strange. Granted, I enjoyed it but there was something off about it, and maybe a bit too un-CSI like for my taste, but there were certainly bits I enjoyed about it a lot!
There were three (main) characters who were highlighted in this episode: Morgan, Ecklie and Greg. Morgan annoyed me a little last week, I thought she seemed a bit too cocky and it seems like they tried too hard to turn her into a tough cookie. Today we got to see more of a softer side and I've grown to like her again. I liked how she tried to compose herself towards the end before finally 'losing' it before the credits, it made her character seem more realistic, and a lot less like Riley, whom I was worried she'd end up being like.
Having so used to seeing Ecklie be the 'baddie in the lab', it was certainly welcoming to see a different side to him and Marc Vann did an excellent job portraying that. I have to say I LOVED Ecklie in this episode and I'm glad the show has finally managed to develop his character more. Moving on, I was a little unsure about Greg's reaction in the trailer but having seen the whole episode I think it was justifiable in a way, and it was also great to seeing a different side to his character. (It's been a great season for both Ecklie and Greg actually!)
I'd also like to give credit to the writers for creating a rather likeable 'baddie'. I was hoping Frank would at least survive the ordeal, but I really like how his character developed over the course of the episode, even if the outcome was slightly cliched.
Whereas I LOVED the character development of the three characters aforementioned, I was disappointed that Sara, Catherine, Nick and Brass felt mostly left out, they might as well have been lab rats for the episode. Sure Brass got to do his cop role, but there was a definite lack of his usual witty character coming out tonight. Heck, even DB was hoisted back a bit in this one!
Another thing I did like was the really fast-pace of the episode which sort of highlighted the sense of urgency throughout. However, at times I found myself getting lost and I was disappointed by the lack of any real investigation, with most revelations being made purely by convenience. I can see they tried to have a case tied in to please the fans who prefer the conventional CSI style, but it seemed out of place and disjointed along with the hijacking storyline. If anything, I felt it moved
too quickly.
I think the thing I hated the most of this episode was the CGI. Sorry, but it was quite frankly abysmal and made the show look very amateur.
Overall though, a bit messy in places but what I liked, I REALLY liked, so I think that'll bump my grade up to a
I think now it's starting to get into the real swing of the season but I have to say Season 12 in my opinion has had the strongest start to a season in a long time. Usually by now we'd have had some sort of 'clunker' but I think all the stories overall have been good and
Tell-Tale Hearts is definitely in my all-time favourite episodes. This is how I'd rank the season so far:
Tell-Tale Hearts
Maid Man
73 Seconds
CSI Down
All of them, in my opinion are infinitely better than the majority of Seasons 8, 9 and 11 and have really captured the family feel of the team reminiscent of the earlier seasons. I'd like to say that the new direction the show has taken from last season may have given it another two or dare I say, three more seasons.