Well, it was certainly action packed!
I enjoyed it and thought Elisabeth did a
great job. She had to display a range of emotions in that episode, and it all seemed appropriate under the circumstances. I liked her awkwardness with Ecklie at the end, and her scene with DB was nice; a little like his final scene with Sara in Bittersweet.
The writers seem to be showing DB bonding with his team on an individual basis, and I like that. He is a good supervisor, and a father figure; much better at it than Grissom, who was really more of a mentor and teacher who happened to be their supervisor.
I did feel sad about the pilot. I liked him.

I think Brass is on Team Morgan after this one.
Greg is cute throughout. Even when he loses his temper. (He did say bitch, didn't he? I was a little shocked by that. :lol
DB: "Maybe they took the scenic route." LOL
Smokey, I think this breaks the string of wife mentions for DB. Or did I miss it? :lol:
Overall an enjoyable episode IMO. Some of it was a little far fetched (How many lives did Frank have?), but kudos to Elisabeth for her performance!
A B+ from me. Not enough Sara to warrant an A

, but still good.