"CSI Down" Discussion **SPOILERS**

Do you guys think that Brody's and Ecklie's relationship can be repaired? At the end of the episode it still seemed like she was incredibly resentful to him, despite her ordeal (being led off by DB rather than her father.)

I think that's the way they'll go. I hope so. If a major situation like this doesn't help tho, I don't know what will. Maybe after the shock of what happened wears off she will come to him with some reconciliation.
Personally, I think that there is still a possibility of reconciliation, despite this recent situation. I think that their particular situation (being estranged and all) is still too fresh and new for both of them to just toss aside years and years of awkward feelings and mistrusts, etc... if you know what I mean.

Their relationship will have to be rebuilt one step at a time, as we all know. I think it would have been to unrealistic had things been magically repaired upon Morgan's brush with death with the hostage situation and helicopter crash.

But I loved how when she walked away with DB, that she actually broke down. Not that her breaking down emotionally makes me happy :lol:, but the fact that it showed the emotional side to the character. That when all was said and done.. when the shock wore off and reality set in, that she was effected deeply by this, just like anyone would be.
I have to say that this episode was a great example of how there is a lack of focus on forensics this season. There was no forensics work at all except for taking a few photos, and a cursory examination of the bodies by doc robbins and superdave. In the early series there was lots of shots of the csis bagging evidence, finding hairs and fibres, using ALS to locate bodily fluids etc and this season (and other recent seasons as well) there has been a lack of such shots. I know we've seen these techniques done loads of times but im sure there are other techniques that we havent seen. Not to mention we hardly ever see the csis do any work in the lab, sure there are labrats but the csis arent meant to sit back and do nothing in the lab. Would love to see the CSIs do some forensics this season!

As for the plot of this episode, as a sara fan, my main issue was of course the lack of Sara. I also found that some of the shots of the helicopter flying were so clearly cgi and not very realistic. Not to mention cafferty’s miraculous recovery from his original injuries and morgan being completely unhurt in the helicopter crash was rather far fetched in my opinion. I also felt the whole father/daughter issues thing was taking up too much focus, especially as there seemed to be no resolution of the issues between ecklie and morgan at the end of the show.
I love D.B. Russell. I just sit back waiting to see what he is gonna say and do next. I loved his episode. I give it an A. I am really growing to like Brody. She has something that reminds me of early Sara. Not sure what it is, but I like it. It is always good to see Greg even if it is emotional. I am hoping we get more Eckle/Brody interactions. I also liked that the two cases were connected. That really makes for an interesting episode.
I didn't noticed that Eric spat at the camera when he starts yelling at the girl, when I first watched this before. Not even when watching the cut of it on CBS.com many times. The second time, full episode last night = :rommie:.
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