Crossover Ships - Who's Your OTP??

OK. almost everybody has their own OTP (One True Pairing). So, here's the place to vote on your OTP. It's also the place to vote on other Crossover ships you follow and how you follow them. There will be three other polls for Vegas, Miami, and NY. So, if you multi-ship any of those, you can vote in those threads too.

First the guidelines. Please read before voting or posting.

~ This is NOT a popularity contest. It doesn't matter which ship gets the most votes.
~ There will be no comments that [insert ship here] is winning or [insert ship here] has more votes than [insert ship here]
~ There will be no flaming. trolling, or any negative comments said about any other ship.
~ There will be no [insert ship here] is better than [insert ship here]
~ There will be no [insert name here] should be with [insert name here] instead of [insert name here].
~ There will be no negative comments regarding slash. No remarks like "it's gross, it's not healthy, or i hate it". If you don't like slash, don't comment.
~ If you feel the need to negatively comment on another ship...don't.

If the above rules aren't followed, this thread will be closed.

Now, the fun part. Post and tell us who your OTP is. Tell us why they are your OTP (without mentioning other ships). Tell us who else you ship (besides your OTP) and how you ship. The ships are listed in random order and if I have omitted a ship..I am sorry about that.
Okay, I have to say my OTP of crossover pairings would be Calleigh/Flack. (It's all your fault, 1CSIMfan! :lol:) I'd love to see these two in the same episode to see how they interact--I'm sure it would be explosive. :p

For other pairings I voted for Calleigh/Danny and Calleigh/Mac. As you can tell, I've really only given thought to crossovers with Calleigh. :lol:

I picked 'all of the above' for the third poll, but that's not totally accurate--I've discussed Flack/Calleigh and Danny/Calleigh on Messenger, but I've never actually gone into a thread to discuss it with other people (on this message board at least ;)). I've read one or two Flack/Calleigh fics, but I'm eventually planning to write fics for both Flack/Calleigh and Danny/Calleigh. (But we'll see how that goes. :p)
Sara and Calleigh, baby!

And I kinda like crossovers with other shows...always wanted to write one, just lacking the right idea...

I read what little there is about them, write and make manips because they look so good together ;)
Het OTP: Calleigh/Nick (such a hot southern couple), Calleigh/Flack

Slash OTP: Calleigh/Sara (such a hot couple. Period. :p)

Would you ever guess I love Calleigh? :cool:
Lol this is such a fun poll.
For OTP i picked Cath/Hammerback.How crazy but awesome would that be?I'm loving Hammerback pairings at the mo! :)

Others i like the idea of-Calleigh/Mac,Calleigh/Danny and Calleigh/Flack.They're the only ones i could really see happening.I'd love another MY/Miami crossover but this time Calleigh goes to the big apple!I'm sure she'd cause a stir!
Faylinn said:
I've read one or two Flack/Calleigh fics, but I'm eventually planning to write fics for both Flack/Calleigh and Danny/Calleigh. (But we'll see how that goes. :p)

yes! write flack/calleigh!

that way i'm not the only one.

my OTP for crossovers is probably Calleigh/Flack as well. probably because it was the first one i ever wrote, and they're just...awesome. these two i could actually see toughing it out when the going got tough.

i also ship:

Delko/Maka - i've recently discovered that delko and danny are basically the same person, except one's tall, hot and latino, and the other is a little shorter, hot and italian. therefore, they tend to attract the same kinds of problems, have somewhat of a similar personality, etc. therefore, the banter between delko and maka, while it may not quite be the same as danny and maka, but it would still be there and i would be happy.

Nick/Stella - this one recently latched onto my brain, and won't let go. i think these two would be adorable together, for reasons i have not yet quite processed, and i plan on writing them together sometime very very soon.

Danny/Sofia - another one of those ships where they wouldn't know whether to shoot each other or screw each other. sofia would not give danny any leeway the first time he pissed her off, but then again, danny wouldn't be afraid to do it as well.

...and i think that's it for right now. none of the ones i listed above were up there, but i had to slip them in and attempt to infect the masses. :D
This wasn't tough for me as I only really ship one crossover pair: Ryan/Greg (aka: RuGged WoNders/Nerds With Badges)
How do I ship?: All of the above.

What can I say? I love Ryan!! :devil: :p

And what can be hotter than Greg Sanders & Ryan Wolfe together? They're both so adorkably cute and sexy. :D Put them together and you got an adorkably sexy pair! :devil: :lol:

Surprise, surprise! I post on the threads here, write and read fanfiction for this pair and also beta for a certain few that ship them. :p
My OTP is... well I guess you could guess that from my avatar :p :lol:

I love Greg. I love Ryan. They're both hot. And one day it just accured to me: why not both? Hotness combined!! :lol: Not to mention it'd be, as someone put it in the R/G thread, very aesthetically appealing :D :devil:

And I think there's a few similarities between Ryan and Greg that I think if they ever meet there'd hit it right off. But enough differences to keep it interesting :D Also because some people say they look alike, I think it'd be funny if they meet. Not to mention like Grissom said in 'A Little Murder' how people attracted to someone who looks like them ;)

I think crossover ships are fun. And the good thing about R/G is that they haven't met and it has no real scene on-screen yet, so we get to make everything up, which is really fun.
So, yes, I think Ryan/Greg would be so hot!! :D

I read, post/discuss, (trying to) write (unpublished yet :rolleyes:), ... and I manip ;) :D
I haven't study crossover ships much..but..Horatio Catherine,Horatio Stella,Calleigh Danny,Calleigh Flack..

those!! :)

but I am staying completely loyal to my very true ships! ;) :D :D :rolleyes:
Oooh! I love Crossover Ships. My OTP is Calleigh/Flack, I also (kind of) ship Sofia/Flack because they are so similar, and I ship all of the above. :D.
My Crossover ship is Calleigh/Mac, and Calleigh/Flack.

I have another one too, but I'll shut up so Kels doesn't whack me for more ships. :D
My OTP: I think Shadowfax and Silhouette summed up the reasons for shipping Ryan/Greg. :) They're both my favourite characters and SOO hot!! So, I did what Shadowfax and Silhouette did, and was like "Hey, Greg's hot. Ryan's hot. Ryan and Greg are hot. Ryan and Greg together is HOTT!!" :devil: :D It was all downhill from there. Wayyy down. Deep, down in Gutterville. :lol: