Criminal Minds

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:) Here's a larger version of that second picture.


That's one of my favorite group shots, along with this one:


That's a very interesting connection to Perceval, Lyn. :) The idea of the guy being Reid's uncle is definitely intriguing...

Oh, I 'corrupted a young, innocent mind,' Monkey? I'm sure you don't mean yours. ;) :lol:
Faylinn said:
:) Here's a larger version of that second picture.


That's one of my favorite group shots, along with this one:


That's a very interesting connection to Perceval, Lyn. :) The idea of the guy being Reid's uncle is definitely intriguing...

Oh, I 'corrupted a young, innocent mind,' Monkey? I'm sure you don't mean yours. ;) :lol:

Yeah that was a better pic. Thanks Faylinn.
Welcome to the thread sandleissocute! :) Nice to have another Criminal Minds fan with us. Who is your favorite charater?

Reid love is certainly needed! :D
Barbarella said:
I've been thinking about the music box (mainly because at the end of the finale, they flashed on a note that Gideon had written that said, "what is the significance of the music box?") I've been doing some looking into the Schubert piece. The music was based on a poem by German poet Christian Friedrick Daniel Schubart called "The Trout". He was a composer as well as a poet - also a criminal who was imprisoned for ten years (supposedly for insulting the wife of a Duke). Most of his greatest work was written while he was locked away.

In a clear brooklet,
in lively haste,
the wayward trout
flashed arrowlike by.
Standing on the bank,
contentedly I watched
the jolly little fish
swimming the clear brook.

An angler, with rod,
stood on the bank, cold-bloodedly noting
the fish’s twists and turns.
As long as the water
remains so clear, I thought,
he'll never take the trout
with his rod.

But at last the thief
tired of waiting. Artfully
he muddied the brooklet,
and the next moment,
a flick of the rod,
and there writhed the fish;
and I, with blood boiling,
looked at the deceived one.
I'm a bit late in my reply, but thanks for posting that. :) I've been looking up stuff about the music box and song too. Schubert's song (the only piano quintet he wrote) uses only 6 of the 8 verses of the poem. Here are the other two:

To it the golden source
Stays to save the youth,
Think nevertheless of the trout,
See their danger, then make haste!

Usually you are missing only from lack
of intelligence. Girls, see the
Leader with the fishing rod!
Otherwise you bleed too late!

(I made some tweaks in the translation I got through Google just to have it make more sense. Here's the literal translation-
The it to golden source/Stays to the safe youth,/Thinks nevertheless of the trout,/See their danger, then hurries!
Usually you are missing only from lack/of intelligence. Girls, see/Leader with the fishing rod!/Otherwise you bleed too late!)

Another trivia fact, a BBC sitcom called "Waiting For God" used it as their theme song.

Has anyone read The Waste Land by TS Eliot? There are references to the Fisher King and the grail, etc...
Ask and ye shall receive teh Gube. :p

Here's a pic that I found of MGG with some guy named Steve (I think he's a radio person). The best part is the huge "G" mug he's holding. Heh heh, whut up G? :lol:

I went to the dna modeling site and got some pictures from MGG's section. I didn't get all of them, but if you guys want the rest I'll get them too. :)

He's giving us the sexy face. *pouts lips* (actually, he looks a bit like Ashton Kutcher here...)

Argh! Don't get sand in your pants, Gube! :p

Er, I guess the bull-fighter look is in. ;) (Oh yeah, and NIPPLE PEEKING!! :lol:)

Tell me you couldn't just kiss him right here...
I lurve the way he's standing in this one. Just ignore the girl, though. :lol: ;)
Aww, he's so cute when he smiles
Suit=hot...funky hair=WTF?
I cropped this out of a larger picture, just because I like the profile-shot
How does he manage to pull off a bow tie? :p
In a suit+profile shot=teh hotness ;)
Aww, he looks so dorky and cute >_<
And last but not least...someone please feed this boy :rolleyes: ;)

By the way, if any of you keep up with MGG's website, he's updated it. Apparently his younger brother is in a video. Heh heh, must watch for the Mini-Gube. ;)

Oh, and here's some random Shemar goodness. The arms, THE ARMS!!! *drools* ;)
I just searched Google for CM pictures and came across both of those. D'you know what's funny? It always seems like the best pictures are on the sites that aren't in English. :p

Speaking of picture sources, I snagged all of those Gube pictures (except for the one with the radio guy) from the dna models website (just in case you wanted to check it out). :)

By the way, I was on the "Criminal Minds" section, and I noticed that they have a "Behind the Scenes/B Roll" video you can watch on there. :D
I think i watched that!

Was that where Thomas Gibson talks about Shemar's batman/utility belt? :lol: That made me chuckle so much.

Watched a new episode tonight. I have a new-found love for Hotch. That guy is a dude.

(oh no Faylinn no way is my mind innocent... well.. anymore. :lol: ;))
:lol: Yeah, the 'bat belt.' :lol: I was bored enough to watch it and write down what they said. ;)


TG: Shemar is wearing his bat belt. I don't know if you noticed, but it's the bat belt. It's full of gadgets.
*camera zooms toward Shemar and TG sticks his head in front of the camera*
TG: Check it out. Hey Shemar, come here for a second.
*Shemar heads over, and the camera zooms in*
TG: *sticks his head in front of the camera again* It's the bat belt.
SM: What?
TG: Just showing 'em your bat belt...You look like Batman, with the bat belt.
SM: I'm Gadget Man!
TG: *laughs* Exactly.
SM: *sings* Here I download your face!
TG: *pulls aside his jacket to show his belt* No gadgets, no gadgets. *taps head* It's all in here.

:lol: (Too bad I couldn't get better screencaps. ;))

Anyway, I thought it was really funny. That was actually the only funny part about it. :p Everything else looked interesting, but it wasn't humorous. (Too bad the audio wasn't better, so I could have heard what Teh Gube was saying. ;))

So, you have a new-found love for Hotch, Monkey? Well, in honor of your lurve:



(I really need some new pictures. ;))

(oh no Faylinn no way is my mind innocent... well.. anymore. :lol: ;) )
Heh heh, I didn't think so. :p :lol:

Edit: By the way, this coming Wednesday, the CM episode that will be on CBS is "Unfinished Business"--"Gideon, Hotchner and their team reopen the unsolved case of a serial killer who has attacked someone for the first time in 20 years." Good episode. :) (Then again, was there ever a bad episode? ;))
Wow! I really had to search for this thread!

Givin' it alittle bump- for all those Gube fans, he's directed another video for Whirlwind Heat. This one's for their song called "My Electric Underwear". ...interesting song name... :p
I just saw one he directed that had his brother in it.... violent mini gube!!!

On Criminal Minds front, i just saw Ride the Lightning. Found it quite uncomfortable to watch, but i kinda thought that was the point to it...Thought it was a good episode though, showed that the show could be different.

(Faylinn! The Hotch post still makes my day everytime i come on here!!!!!)
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