Criminal Minds

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Had a shitty day, so I thought I'd list some Reid highlights to put a :D on my face :p:

I just saw the episode where Elle is one of the hostages on the train for the first time. Gotta say- loved Reid in this episode! His delivery of the line: "Can you do me a favor? Can at least one of you look like you'll see me again?"

Also just saw the entire episode (had only seen parts of it before) when the families get kidnapped before vacation (I really should learn the episode names...)- Reid and Garcia talking about getting the medical info and Garcia telling Reid he'll go to jail and be some guy's bitch :lol:
Speaking of "Derailed" (the episode with the hostages on the train), it came on here tonight and I have to say, it made me raise my eyebrows a bit, knowing what we do about Reid's family and Schizophrenia. He was talking like he knew about 'hearing voices' first-hand, although I suppose he could just have been relating his mother's experiences or his own fears...but it sounded very personal if you ask me...I wonder what would happen if it turned out that he was schizophrenic? I'd hate to think that they developed the character with the intention of having him develop schizophrenia and be forced to leave. :(

What do you guys think of that little exchange at the end of "Derailed?"
Faylinn said:
Speaking of "Derailed" (the episode with the hostages on the train), it came on here tonight and I have to say, it made me raise my eyebrows a bit, knowing what we do about Reid's family and Schizophrenia. He was talking like he knew about 'hearing voices' first-hand, although I suppose he could just have been relating his mother's experiences or his own fears...but it sounded very personal if you ask me...I wonder what would happen if it turned out that he was schizophrenic? I'd hate to think that they developed the character with the intention of having him develop schizophrenia and be forced to leave. :(

What do you guys think of that little exchange at the end of "Derailed?"
Did we learn about Reid's family in the finale or another episode (that I most likely missed)?
In the finale, we find out that Reid's mother is schizophrenic, but we don't learn anything about his father. Some people were a bit concerned that, since this disease can run in families, Reid might end up developing it as well. With that in mind, the conversation that he had with the guy on the train at the end of "Derailed" can be pretty unsettling.

Here's a little thing I found about schizophrenia:

"Schizophrenia runs in families. One percent of the population suffers from this illness. If your mother or father suffers from schizophrenia, you have a 10 percent chance of developing the illness. If both parents suffer from schizophrenia, you have a 40 percent chance of suffering from schizophrenia. If you have an identical twin who suffers from schizophrenia, you have a 50 percent chance of developing the illness"

I also found this "Handbook for Families," which is much more in-depth than the previous link I included. Here is a quote from this article about schizophrenia in families:

"In the field of genetics it has long been known that members of families who have a history of schizophrenia have a greater likelihood of becoming ill with this disease. The closer the family relationship to someone with schizophrenia the higher the degree of risk. "

So it's quite possible that Reid does have the disease. In fact, it makes me wonder if the FBI keeps an extra-close eye on his psych evaluations just in case (knowing that his mother has it)...

By the way, I'm not trying to offend anybody, so I hope that it isn't coming across that way. Schizophrenia is very misunderstood, and I don't know very much about it myself.
This is what i was talking about in a previous post.

With those comments in derailed and now the knowledge about his mother, how could they not got down that road.

Obviously if he had schizophrenia i doubt he could work in the BAU (well you never know, they've already made an exception with his age) I just think its a storyline that will come up...and if Reid did leave i wouldn't mind this storyline if its done well.

Maybe a sibling is diagnosed and it worries him? I don't know, but those comments in Derailed just make you think.

(O/T: Faylinn i love your signature!!)
Yay! I finally got to see the finale- awesome episode!! :D
I definately think I need to rewatch it a few times before I even attempt to try and figure out the clues!!

ETA: Okay, I lied. My brain is already starting to work on the clues! :lol:
Probably has nothing to do with anything, but I kept thinking of Amelia Earhart when they kept saying "They looked, but they could not find her" (I know they meant the missing girl, but..) or whatever it was....and she was married to George Putnam who was an author....
Another thing, everyone called Reid "Dr. Reid" when introducing him, etc...I noticed the unsub didn't.
See, all these things are probably nothing, but it's just my brain working overtime! :p
This is what i was talking about in a previous post.
Oh yes, of course, I meant to say that. :eek: What I should have said was that I re-watched the episode when it came on because, since you'd reminded me about it, I was looking to see what was said that might make sense given what we know from the finale. (I have the episodes on tape, but I haven't wanted to watch that one again because it's not my favorite one from the season ;)).

how could they not got down that road.
I agree--they have no choice but to bring it up one way or another. I get the feeling that they'll draw it out, though, giving us little clues here and there so that we're still wondering. They'll probably give us a big clue in the season 2 finale so that we're standing there like "WTF?! They can't do this to us!!" ;) :p :lol:

if Reid did leave i wouldn't mind this storyline if its done well.
I suppose I could deal with it, but I really love the character (and no, it's not just because I think Gube is teh hotness. ;)) and I'd hate to see him leave. :( Not only that, but you know they'd probably try to bring in a character who was similar to Dr. Reid, and that would just be annoying. :rolleyes:

Maybe a sibling is diagnosed and it worries him? I don't know, but those comments in Derailed just make you think.
It definitely does make you think. ;) A sibling? That would be interesting, but I wonder if they might have made a comment about that in the finale if it had been the case...I've always kind of thought of Reid as an only child, but he could certainly have a sibling. :)

I kept thinking of Amelia Earhart...everyone called Reid "Dr. Reid" when introducing him, etc...I noticed the unsub didn't
Hmm...that's very interesting. I wonder if there could be a connection to Amelia Earhart? I don't think anyone's explored that possibility yet.

As for the unsub not calling Reid "Dr. Reid," that could be telling. I'm not sure what it's saying, but it could be telling us something. ;) :lol:

Don't worry about your brain working overtime--I think my ears were smoking right after I'd seen the finale! :lol:

BTW: Heh heh monkey, I'm glad you like my siggy. I don't suppose you know what I'm hinting at there? ;) :lol: (*cough*the-morning-after expressions*cough* :lol:)
I would also be sad to see Reid leave. I love his character and not to mention his looks. :) I would still watch the show if he left, but I would really miss having him on the show.
Faylinn said:
Hmm...that's very interesting. I wonder if there could be a connection to Amelia Earhart? I don't think anyone's explored that possibility yet.

As for the unsub not calling Reid "Dr. Reid," that could be telling. I'm not sure what it's saying, but it could be telling us something. ;) :lol:
The Earhart thing could be completely left field, but hey, ya never know :D
I've read that some people think that the unsub has a strong connection to Reid, so it could show a familiarity or closeness to the character...then again on his notes and such, he did write "Dr. Reid", so maybe it's nothing.

Don't worry about your brain working overtime--I think my ears were smoking right after I'd seen the finale! :lol:
:lol: I'm getting close to that point!
I just rewatched part of the episode again and was like "Well, if Nellie Fox was a star of the 1959 White Sox, why send a 1963 card? Could that mean something? and if..." Oy Vay! :rolleyes: :lol: Pretty soon, my brain will
and I just joined the CM discussion on LiveJournal too. :)

csi_fanatic87 said:
I would also be sad to see Reid leave. I love his character and not to mention his looks. :) I would still watch the show if he left, but I would really miss having him on the show.
I second that...or, technically, third that ;) :D
Hey guys - I found this in a book I was reading, and it made me think of Criminal Minds. Remember the book code, and how we thought it might refer to Reid? And how Reid was being compared to Perceval?

Apparently, Perceval was known as "the Son of the Widow Lady".

"Leaving his widowed mother, Perceval sallies forth to win his knighthood. During his travels, he comes upon an enigmatic fisherman - the famous "Fisher King" - in whose castle he is offered refuge for the night."

The next bit is Perceval finding the grail, and not asking the correct question in relation to it. It's the next bit I found interesting:

"...the enxt morning when he wakes, the castle is empty. His omission, he learns subsequently, causes a disastrous blight on the land. Later still, he learns that he himself is of "The Grail Family" and that the mysterious "Fisher King" who was sustained by the Grail, was in fact his own uncle." we think the unsub could be Reid's uncle?
What book is that from?

Very interesting!

People are thinking the unsub is close to Reid (seeing as I just saw the finale, I'm slowly catching up on the clues and what has already been discovered, etc :)), so it definatley could be his uncle. And if his mother has schizophrenia, so could the uncle...
Actually, it's the book The DaVinci Code was based on... Holy Blood, Holy Grail? I bought it for my father but I'm gagging for something to read, so I picked it up.
Lyn I think by now the CM writers are cursing you! You keep working things out!

It definatly seems like a good possibility that its an uncle. Will be interesting how this all plays out.

(and Faylinn -you just corrupted a young, innocent mind here! :lol:)
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