Criminal Minds

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I got excited as soon as Elle woke up and then it showed the ending credits! I was like wonderful, but now I am looking foward to the next episode more than usual.
Lyn said:
Just to add to Fay's awesome post...

Hotch : We met his brother during the series, and were told that their father died quite young. Aaron therefore took that role within his family. It's a role he also takes on within the BAU, but when Elle calls him "Dad" one episode, he doesn't like it. Hotch is usually quite serious, and doesn't often let his guard down. He's also quite ambitious, although you get the impression it's because he wants to change the FBI for the better.

Gideon : At the beginning of the series, Gideon is on medical leave. Six agents were killed by the serial bomber, Adrien Bale, because Gideon trusted Bale when he shouldn't have. This one event affects Giden for the whole series, because of the guilt he still has over it. It's also the cause of tension between him and Morgan. (see next bit)

Morgan : Morgan was meant to be in the team who went out to catch Bale. He ended up not going, and surviving as a result. He still questions Gideon's ability to work in the BAU, and this sometimes leads to him questioning Gideon's leadership. Hotch frequently has to step in and have words with Morgan.
Morgan also argues with Reid, in a much more brotherly way. He teases Reid something rotten about his social awkwardness and uber-intelligence, but he's also the one who offers Reid advice and guidance for being "normal". Elle sometimes gets involved in this also - she's an old friend of Morgan's and the two regularly tease each other. His most amusing relationship is with Garcia though - she's the only one in the team who can consistantly out-snark him.
Work-wise, Morgan's the one who you'll see trying to "think" like the killer. Putting himself in their place and asking "so I'm a killer, what would I do here?"

Elle : Elle wasn't in the team at the beginning. We see her join a few episodes in - she wants to be part of the BAU and goes all out to impress. As previously said, she's an expert in sexual crimes and she really shines in cases where rape is involved. She's sensitive and thoughtful, but also extremely good at her job - we see her earn a lot of respect as the series goes on.

Reid : Is everyone's favourite nerd :lol: He's a walking encyclopedia, and he has a tendency to spout out facts at any given time, even when it's inappropriate. He's not doing it deliberately, Reid just can't read social situations and Hotch or Gideon have to gently guide him or explain him to members of the public. A lot of Reid's development is about the team teaching him to socially interact. He also breaks cases a lot of the time, thanks to Gideon teaching him to think outside the box. Gideon and Reid's father/son type relationship is probably the most important in the show. He's awkward but sweet and the team seem to try to protect him.

JJ : Has hidden balls of steel. Honestly, JJ is the one who takes most of the crap thrown at the team by law enforcement and the unimpressed media/public. She's the one who gives out or withholds information, and organises press conferences. She's exceptionally pretty, but also calm and level-headed. (I'd totally lose my temper half of the time, if I was her).

Garcia : Is probably the most under-appreciated character in TV history. She's their IT/tech expert, and she does everything from tracing phonecalls to hacking goverment websites. What she's really known for though, is her wise-cracking mouth. Almost everything that she says can be taken the wrong way, sounds smutty and is totally hilarious. She has no respect for rank, being as rude to Gideon and Hotch as she is to Morgan and Reid. She's especially flirty/snarky with Morgan, because he gives her equal amounts of sass back.
Garcia doesn't move from her office, which is filled with monitors and keyboards and the like. She is incredibly protective of her space - she hates her room getting messy or people bringing food in there. She's also a tetris addict :D

Ask and ye shall receive.
This is Aaron Hotchner (played by Thomas Gibson). "Hotch," as he's usually called, is in charge of the BAU. His character is the only one whose personal life we really know anything about--he's married and has a young son.

Jason Gideon (played by Mandy Patinkin) technically works under Hotch, but he generally calls all the shots because he's the most experienced profiler. The others usually refer to him as "Gideon."
Derek Morgan (played by Shemar Moore) is an expert in obsessional crimes, and I believe he has an ATF background. The team often refers to him as just "Morgan."
Elle Greenway (Lola Glaudini) has a background in sexual crimes. She's usually called "Elle."
Dr. Spencer Reid (played by Matthew Gray Gubler) is a genius with a photographic memory and very little people skills. The team calls him "Reid," but they usually make a point of calling him "Dr. Reid" around other people, particularly law enforcement, so that they'll take the younger man seriously.
Jennifer "JJ" Jareau (played by AJ Cook) is the teams media liason. In earlier episodes, she didn't have a very large role, but as the season has progressed she's become a more integral part of the team.
Even though Penelope Garcia (played by Kirsten Vangsness) isn't technically a member of the BAU team, instead being the technical whiz that's usually communicating with the team over the phone from her place at the FBI office, the character is still a regular on the show. She has a very flirtatious relationship with Morgan, although there's no indication that it will go anywhere. She's usually referred to as "Garcia."

Heh. That was probably more than you were asking for, eh? Anyway, I have more pictures of them if you click on my banner and go to the "Criminal Minds" section of my Photobucket account.

Thank you sooooo much!!! I was sitting there on Sunday going "So this is?" And "They are who?" I was pretty sure but not certain!!! Tgis helps loads!!!
(And i know Im posting this way later then it was posted buit my internet hasn't been working properly!)
Just something that made me laugh. It's about 5.30am here, i can't sleep, and all i can blooming think about it CM, and wondering if anyone has made progress with the clues.

Also, what do you guys think will happen about the Elle situation?
Nicely done, Barberella. Are you a member of the CM community on LJ? They've found where Sir Knafe (or however it's spelt) is from as well as other random bits of info. Things are moving so fast I'm struggling to keep up.

Monkey: We're stil tracing the book. Did I see you join LJ to follow stuff, or am I imagining it? XD

CSIVegasMiamiNY - You're welcome! We're all about spreading the Criminal Minds love here. Feel free to bombard us with questions if there's anything else you're confused about.

To those of you who are still a bit confused - episode 22, "The Fisher King Part 1" was the season finale. There's no conclusion this week! The idea is that we take the clues and try to solve it ourselves. Read back through the thread a page or two to see where we're going with it, and for some links to other discussions :)
Lyn yes i did join LJ to follow it. Don't worry you're not going crazier. :)

You know, seeing the reaction of people i think this cliffhanger was a great idea for the show. What better way to ensure the viewers come back next year?
I just saw the episode....i'm not sure if i actually enjoyed it or not.

One thing that this episode has confirmed is that i don't like Elle very much, both the character and the actress annoyed me in this one. I've never really warmed to her, maybe once i see the rest of the episodes beforehand. Although, if i'm honest i'm not all the concerned if the character survives.

Now, to re-watch and have some fun!
monkeyrabbit said:
I just saw the episode....i'm not sure if i actually enjoyed it or not.

One thing that this episode has confirmed is that i don't like Elle very much, both the character and the actress annoyed me in this one. I've never really warmed to her, maybe once i see the rest of the episodes beforehand. Although, if i'm honest i'm not all the concerned if the character survives.

Now, to re-watch and have some fun!

Interesting. Why do you think Elle annoyed you so much? It's kind of weird, because the writers really seem to work round the male characters, but we don't generally get so much development for the women.

Elle's best episode is the one where they go to Mexico, I think.
This may sound a little harsh, but right at the end when Elle was tired, i thought that Lola Glaudini was just, well plain bad. I haven't had a problem with her acting accept for tonight.

Also, in this episode, the complete corniness of the scene at night at the beach. I laughed out loud at some of Elle's lines. To me where Morgan come as natural, Elle seemed..just wrong to me.

And also .. the stupidity of leaving the windows open. I know this is the writers ..but c'mon! She hasn't been home from what...leaving ground floor windows open for 2 weeks. Yeh, that irratated me.
I think for me the problem for Elle generally is exactly what you say Lyn. We have, i think, four very interesting male characters that are a main focus, and then one of the other females, Garcia, such a "breath of fresh air" (excuse that, i really couldn't think of anything better)

Elle hasn't had any decent development in the episodes i have seen, but with such intersting charachters around her i'm not all that bothered either way.

Re-reading my earlier comments i think i was a little harsh. I do care if Elle dies, i don't think she is a bad character.

Lastly, this isn't a pop at Lola Glaudini. Except for some of tonight she has been a fine actress, and watching a interview with she seems like such a lovely person.
Are you a member of the CM community on LJ? They've found where Sir Knafe (or however it's spelt) is from as well as other random bits of info. Things are moving so fast I'm struggling to keep up.

I joined the 'criminal eps' community a while back but I wasn't aware of another one! *goes looking on LJ*
Barbarella said:
Are you a member of the CM community on LJ? They've found where Sir Knafe (or however it's spelt) is from as well as other random bits of info. Things are moving so fast I'm struggling to keep up.

I joined the 'criminal eps' community a while back but I wasn't aware of another one! *goes looking on LJ*

It's criminalxminds, I believe. :D
It's criminalxminds, I believe. :D

Yep! Just found it and joined yesterday - I can't believe that I missed that before! :eek: I've got a 1959 edition of "The Once and Future King" that I'm going to dig out of storage tomorrow and see if that leads to any clues.
I've done it - the first ed of The Collector is the correct book. The book code reads as follows :

The path to the end began at his start
To find her, first calm her long broken heart
She sits in a window with secrets from her knight
Is it adventure that keeps him out of her sight?

Edit : Discussion is here.
That is such a cute picture of Garcia! I really thought that it was kind of sad when she started crying on King Fisher Part 1. Yeah, but I thought they would put a repeat on but they didn't even put any CM on. I was like "Well what am I supposed to do now, lol"
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