Destiny, it would be pretty amusing if the only reason why Rossi was MIA, and his scene with Hotch at the beginning of the ep was clipped, was because JM had a sore throat. If I found out that was the reason, I'd hate the episode less.
Well they do tend to film out of sequines so maybe thats what happened, when the filming started (that first scene) he was fine. I know this one flu bug has been going around and hitting people hard, my dad had it for four days, I got the mild version of 12-24 hrs. But I can tell you that my dads voice was raspy like, his throat wasn't sore but it did affect his vocals. Might be what happened to JM.
They also might wanted to have more focus on the other five (JJ, Em, Garcia, Morgan & Reid) to show how they relate on a case without big brother and uncle around (sorry but I can't say the parents lmao) seems Hotch and Rossi both only came in or spoke at certain points as if to keep them on course if they needed something, or what have you.
Morgan has been acting wierd alot with all of them, and not to mention Garcia pointing out that getting involved with a victims family member not a good idea. Now some might say they all do that, and they do but not to the extent Morgan did. Rossi did with the kids, because of the fact it had been twenty years and he and them needed closure but he didn't go that far about it (the kids thought he had they were wrong), but I notice that ever since JJ had her baby Morgan is strangely suspious of her motives for presenting the case and bring up that she is a mom.
Take in that ep with the fire killing the kids and suddenly suicides spiked in a small town, Morgan was against it before anything was really to profile or anyone put their thoughts into it. I also think noticed he didn't seem to like that Rossi informed them that they were taking the case.
Now had they followed Morgan and left it go the angel of death if you will would have continued, he [Morgan] just didn't seem all that interested. Where as Em, JJ, even Reid, and Garcia agreed with Rossi that something was a miss, and Hotch must have agreed when he showed up later and got the info he was working it with them.
I give Hotch points in the one ep, when he mentioned that he noticed the type of cases she brings him, he allowed her that thoughtful moment to hear him and think on it, nothing accusing, and after that rarely unless in passing was it mentioned again.
So I am wondering if this temperment from Morgan, isn't leading to something of a storyline for him, sort of paving the path if you will little things here and there, then add them up? And a storyline is the outcome.
I don't know and that isn't a hint or a spoiler but rather a thought on it.