Head of the Day Shift
We finally got around to watching this from last Wednesday. Hotch handing over the keys to Morgan. Skippng to the creepy guys at the liquor store with the ice, and what was he pouring on it? Morgan and Tamera taking a walk and her pumping up his doubts, saying "it's a promotion" nice. Morgan not wanting Hotches office~
Case: serial killer again.. in Oklahoma, involving the guy cutting out the victims eyeballs. EWWWW:angryrazz: and possibly eating them again GROSS~
Rossi telling Hotch "Morgan is a natural leader, and what happens when he's asked to step down"?
Showing the freak-show with his little eye tool
and then maybe he's a taxidermist again EWWWW
They burst in his house and he is just that. all kind of stuffed anmals. So the end Hotch gets him alone, and he staring at whats-her-face and saying you've got pretty eyes' CHILLS [wouldn't he be fun to hang out with]:cardie:
Morgan finds the eyes of the dead girl and tells the sister she says "you have no idea what this means to us" and his sweet reply "Hope your sister can rest in peace"
Baby girl shows Morgan his new office complete with toys:lol: their such good buddies and he ends up calling Tamera~ These writers think of the most gory stories ever:wtf:
Case: serial killer again.. in Oklahoma, involving the guy cutting out the victims eyeballs. EWWWW:angryrazz: and possibly eating them again GROSS~
Rossi telling Hotch "Morgan is a natural leader, and what happens when he's asked to step down"?
Showing the freak-show with his little eye tool
They burst in his house and he is just that. all kind of stuffed anmals. So the end Hotch gets him alone, and he staring at whats-her-face and saying you've got pretty eyes' CHILLS [wouldn't he be fun to hang out with]:cardie:
Morgan finds the eyes of the dead girl and tells the sister she says "you have no idea what this means to us" and his sweet reply "Hope your sister can rest in peace"
Baby girl shows Morgan his new office complete with toys:lol: their such good buddies and he ends up calling Tamera~ These writers think of the most gory stories ever:wtf: