-Dude. Paget Brewster can totally play emo well.
-A Prentiss episode the same week as Paget Brewster's birthday? Coincidence, Y/N?
-I love how Garcia seems worried about Emily. The friendship between the two of them and JJ is one of my favorite things on the show.
-Emily in the elevator: she just looked so depressed, especially with the all-black attire. My show wins with outfits.
-Hotch is worried, too. Both he and Garcia can tell that something is really bothering Emily, and that she isn't saying much about why this case is so important.
-"Is Emily okay?" "I don't know." You know it's bad when the profilers can't really tell.
-I was talking to my mom and missed what seemed to be a flashback. Help? (Okay, so I'm guessing that it was just a quick shot of teen-Emily at the hospital with Matthew.)
-As soon as the parents hear Emily's name, they kick them out. Interesting.
-They thought Emily was a bad influence? Both JJ and Hotch can tell that there's more to that story.
-Did he just say that he thinks Emily is possessed? I'm sure that would go over well. I dare you to tell her that, Senator Kelly. (Why yes, I am a dork.)
-"Seriously?" Yes, FBI, jerk. Go away.
-Oh, Emily. Please don't do this to yourself.
-"This needs to be kept quiet." Oh, Hotch. I love when you protect your team.
-"You know, there are nicer places to take a girl for coffee." I love snarky Prentiss.
-OH! I called that months ago when I wondered what Emily's past was. Not the sermon part, but the pregnancy part. (I can't prove it, but I did.)
-I. Love. Emily.
-Aw, it's not your fault, Em. *hugs*
-"He has immunity?" I love the look she gives the priest.
-"I'm a priest. I was there for them spiritually." Worst comeback ever, my friend. Especially since I'm pretty sure Emily hates you. Speaking of which, why exactly is she the one interviewing this guy? She's a bit personally involved, don't you think?
-"This isn't about me." Oh, but it is, Emily. It is.
-I'm guessing the other victim is the other friend.
-"You up for another drive?" I like that Rossi's understanding and helpful in this episode.
-"You... stood there and watched Matthew die."
-"He was never troubled until he met you." Love Emily's reaction.
-Yep, other friend. Love Emily's reaction again, the realization.
-Oh, forget it. I just love Emily and Paget Brewster's acting in general. This episode is just a great example of it. I don't need to profess my girl-crush in every single line. :lol:
-It makes me wonder if the friend was the father.
-"If you want my badge and gun I'd understand." Oh, yeah, well I'd protest.
-I like the song at the end. What is it?
-I appreciate that she didn't go in. I think it's better that she just kind of looked at the church for a while.
NEXT WEEK: Jason reference? ZOMG MORGAN!