Crazy Caption Contest

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Danny: Come on, ask Stella. Didn't my arms look totally hot during the handball game? Way hotter than his anyway.
Mac(offscreen) Let's test that theory...*unbuttons shirt*
Stella and Lindsey: (also OS) Whooaaaaa....

Danny: No, seriously, I challeneged him to a handball game and took off my shirt and all the girls were totally fawning over me
Stella(offscreen)Yeah, right.
Danny: Come on, Stella, you know you were
csicat said:
Danny: Oh, yeah, I've totally noticed that. He's always playing with his sunglasses and tilting his head to talk to people and . . . Oh, hey Horatio.

Good one!!! I loved this ep, BTW.

New Pic!!!


And I know that y'all got something good up your brains!!
Flack:(thinking) No way in hell am I letting Danny kiss me after eating that . . .

:D And thanks for the compliment tanglewood. You made my day (well, night). :D :D
jorja_fan86 said:
Flack: *thinking: Oh my god. Is Mac wearing white socks with sandals?

Another good one... Flack makes me LMAO here...


*I was just checking a forum about celeb crushes, and let me say jorja fox 86 , you've got it bad for your guy... like me for Josh Mathews...*

*Good, editing time didn't run out...*

Flack ( thinking ): Oh, man. Did Mac just grab Stella's ass? Man, that is just NASTY!


*someone farts*
HAWKES: Who the hell was that?
*Everyone looks at Flack*
FLACK: What? Aw, c'mon. As if you don't do it!
Flack: Danny is so brushing his teeth for an hour before I stick my tongue down his throat again.

and the obligatory:

Flack: Who farted???
Flack="I put Danny's WHAT in my mouth?"

Stella"Yeah Flack, that just the tip of the..uh..iceberg."

Flack="You gotta stop reading those fan fics to me."
Flack: Did Danny *really* eat that??? Ewwww, now Lindsey's doing it! Uh, sorry, Mac, I'd go for some pizza, but I just lost my appetite.
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