Crazy Caption Contest

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Mac: Aww dammit is Danny making off with my pizza again?

*off camera*

Danny: Hey guys look what I!!!
Flack: OMFG food.
Mac: Mole. Bloody mole. I'm not supposed to talk about the bloody mole, but there's a bloody mole winking me in the face. I want to c-u-u-t it off, ch-o-o-p it off, and make guacamole.
Stella: (off camera) Oh, shut up!
Mac: Moley, moley, moley, moley, moley!
carlz31 said:
Mac (thinking): Oh Crap, how do i tell him that there is a HUGE piece of food between his teeth?


Danny: They've been telling me for two and a half hours that my call is very important to them and please hold for the next available operator!
Danny: Oh, yeah, I've totally noticed that. He's always playing with his sunglasses and tilting his head to talk to people and . . . Oh, hey Horatio.
Danny: Pink panties?!? Am I wearing pink panties?!?!? I think you got the wrong number, fellow...
Danny: They better get me off hold soon, this polka music is driving me crazy!

Danny: Hey, they just had a radio ad for tonight's show!

Danny: Oh, Mac is *sooo* flirting with Stella...and Lindsey too I think. Which makes it harder for me to flirt...*looks up at sound of voice* yeah, Mac, I'm working on it.
Danny: Welcome to Pizza Hut. May I take your order please?
Danny: No, I don't want to switch my long distance service dammit!
Danny: No, you hang up tee heh.
Danny (in a very condescending, I-know-more-than-you tone): Well, you see, it's like this... the yada yada is blah, but if it's blah-er, then its yada blah yada... (continues droning on and on in the background)

Guy on the other end (thinking): I don't suppose it registers in his puny mind that I graduated from Harvard at age, oh, what was it, FIFTEEN?!?

Guy: I know all that, I just want to know about the results, darn you!! I'm trying to help with your case, and you don't need to explain it!

Danny: Oh... sorry! I, uh... I forgot... (thinking) that doesn't sound quite right.
Danny (singing along with MP3 player): Out here in the fields, I fight for my meals, I get my back into my living.... This is a great song. Where have I heard it before?

=== or ===

Danny (talking on cell phone): Yeah, Eric. Same old same old. How's everything in Miami? ...... He put his sunglasses on where? You've got to be kidding. ...... Did you hear what happened to Nick in Las Vegas? ...... Yeah, with a showgirl.
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