Crazy Caption Contest

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Messer-"So show me that again."
Hawkes="Ok, so if you're going to satisfy the whole locker room you have to...."
Hawkes: if some guy tries to hit on you just do this- grab, twist and pull.
Danny: (has a puzzled look on his face) ok,then....
Hawkes: Man..she tried to do this with my...well ya know.
Danny: *looks closer, face turns terrified* Oh man, I have to stay away from Stella...
HAWKES: What? You say you don't want me in the field, biatch? I've been taking classes--look at what I can do to you if you keep that crap up!
DANNY: *gulp* Ookay...sorry, Doctor Hawkes, sir...

danny: woah, what the hell are you doing??
hawkes: excuse me? did you just say something *gives menacing look*
danny: who me? er.. noo...

Hawkes: And if Flack ever tries to make you do something you don't want to, you twist like this...

Danny: ...


Danny: Damn, Lindsay, is that made of latex?
Lindsay (off to the side): Maybe...
Danny: Freak.

I took this from the movie "Hide and Seek"

Danny(child's voice): Charlie? Where are you? Come out, come out wherever you are...

Flack(to Hawkes): I think we should get psychiatric help here...
"What has Flack been doing under my bed? Is that . . . monopoly?"

I know it's lame, but it's late. Maybe the next pic. :D
Danny: [humming] Now, to see what's under here... what does Mac keep under his bed? Doot de doo... oh. Oh my God. What is that? It's a-- it's a-- *psycho music*

Stella: [walks in behind him] For God's sake, Danny, it's a gym sock! Stop being such a drama queen.

Danny: [cries]
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