Crazy Caption Contest

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Stella: Don't worry, Danny, you'll get over her eventually, I promise!
Danny: But... But I loved her...
Stella: I know. And I know it hurts. But really, you WILL get over your broken nail... eventually.
Danny: *chokes back a sob*
Stella: *drunk* Dan-ny... you know, I lovvvvve ya... sometimes I wish Mac wurr ya... ya know, when...
Danny: Oh, God, why'd they make me babysitter?

LOL! She does look drunk in that pic, though, right?

Stella: Hey, Danny, I heard Mac caught you throwing baseballs on his picture. What did he do?
Danny: Screw you, Bonasera...

(Reference to my previous caption)
But then again, Danny could never be this rude... :p
Melina: Carmine, you have to realize that Sinise has a contract for a few more years. Even if he should leave, I will be the star of the show, not you.
Melina-"Carmine, it's ok. The producers will fix it next episode."
Carmine-"But my fans will be so disappointed."
Melina-"I know, but you'll get the shower scene in the next show."
Carmine="All right, but unlike you-I'm showing some skin."
Melina-"Carmine, it's ok. The producers will fix it next episode."
Carmine-"But my fans will be so disappointed."
Melina-"I know, but you'll get the shower scene in the next show."
Carmine="All right, but unlike you-I'm showing some skin."
I like it! :D
Danny: *pouts* It's not fair! The judges disqualified me from participating in the "Little Miss America" beauty pageant! *sobs*

Stella: *reassuring voice* There there, Danny... it's alright. It's not your fault that you didn't know that the judges wanted little girls aged 6 to 11.

Sorry but I just love picking on Danny! :lol:
Stella: *drunk* Dan-ny... you know, I lovvvvve ya... sometimes I wish Mac wurr ya... ya know, when...
Danny: Oh, God, why'd they make me babysitter?

LOL! She does look drunk in that pic, though, right?


:lol: LMAO I LOVE it. Heh Heh I agree Stella does look drunk in that photo.
Melina-"Carmine, it's ok. The producers will fix it next episode."
Carmine-"But my fans will be so disappointed."
Melina-"I know, but you'll get the shower scene in the next show."
Carmine="All right, but unlike you-I'm showing some skin."

Loved it...

Aight, here's my new pic

My caption:
(Flack walks in...)
Flack: Hey, Danny...
Danny: Shh! I'm jut trying to see if the egg cells here are my babies...

(LOL... taken from LV)
Danny: Holy crap, I never knew that vomit could look like that!
Mac: *off comera* That's because you're viewing it the wrong way dumbass.
Danny: Ahhh...I knew something wasn't right.
Danny: ow ow ow ow ow ow ow ow. ow. oww.
Whoever that is in the corner: What is it, Danny?
Danny: I thigg Chad did subbthig to this bicroscobe... id's stugg to by dose... owwww! *whine*
Whoever: *mutters* drama queen.
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