heh, alright, I'll set the show aside for a moment and jump into teh fluffage
I agree with a lot of
Fruitbat's synopsis. Man, Stella really deserves better with how she's been used by the show, though Melina's more than pulled off and elevated material that could have been simply atrocious to sit thru if done poorly. I was honestly hoping for so much better with this whole Brandon thing, but he was boring and we saw very little of him. Even if they don't bring him back and move her on, at least there will have been
one guy she's been with who wasn't a freakin psycho. I've always liked Stella, from S1 on, but for some reason this season I've increasingly warmed to her character (I suppose because it's the first I've watched in it's near-entirety since S3). I really hope that, if more romance is gonna be included in the show to round out the characters, that Stella, Sheldon, and Adam are the next on the list to each have at least a little flirtatious fun peppered into their personal lives.
As for Mac. I liked Jane, I liked Peyton, I thought Quinn coulda been good, and there was some FBI Agent or something in a very quick scene that played really well. Anytime Gary's had to play material relating to Claire, they are consistently some of the most moving scenes Mac gets, another being watching the video in his office with the camp survivor victim speaking of his father. I also think that what people find appealing about Mac and Stella's relationship is the fact that each has consistently trusted the other with their vulnerabilities, when they otherwise are always very strong and independent. In addition to being able to both confide in each other and also butt heads in a no harm no foul type fashion, I think this really does make the depiction of their relationship unique and so engaging to watch.
I think they really humanize each other, and help show aspects of their strengths, flaws, and personalities, and also do so in service of whatever story or episode is underlying. It really is a strength of the show.
I also agree with most aspects of
CSI Cupcake's comments.
i always liked peyton (probably because she's a londoner!) and i thought they worked well together but i totally agree that she became a simpering needy woman towards the end, that was a real shame, i liked when she stood up to him (like over the hawkes thing).
Overall, I liked Peyton. I didn't like how she was handled in the end, that was a turn-off, but I think S3 was a really good one for challenging and evolving Mac, between both Peyton and Reed.
That's what I want material devoted to rounding out the characters to do. Not indulge in a romance for the sake of having some luvin as another aspect of the show, but to have it also purposeful. I also liked that the relationship with Peyton was contained within S3, and that it wasn't something that dragged on for wondering what else to do with it. I actually think it was all handled pretty well by the show. Plus, whatever the ups and downs with Peyton's character, I will maintain a soft spot for her simply due the scene in the diner where she speaks of cutting up some poor bastard's liver for a lovely pate just to see if Mac's paying attention :lol:.
I also think that Jane was written with the possibility of becoming an interest for Mac, but for all the changes in S2. I do find it amusing that Mac does seem to have a penchant for British women, between Jane and Peyton, and in a sidestep due the actress, Gillian.
I didn't really see the chemistry between Stella and Horatio, maybe because I've always despised Horatio and I was paying more attention to the... way... he speaks. Anyway, he's in Miami and if there's another CSI/Miami crossover, I hope they don't sleep together.
Again agree with
CSI Cupcake in thinking H mighta been interested but that Stella wasn't, or didn't even notice, or deliberately didn't notice

Man. Abstract discussions about chemistry is one thing. Thinking about Horatio actually sleeping with
anyone just blows my mind into absolut!creepy :lol:. *mild shudder*
I ship Smacked, that's no secret, but I understand each and every reason the rest of people express against it. Having Mac and Stella officially together may unbalance the show making it too romance-driven. Cases might lose importance and we must not forget this is a procedural show. All personal stuff should always come second, after the whodunit. Also, there is always the risk that their relationship becomes something like D/L. Mac and Stella have nothing to do with Danny and Lindsay, they're very well defined right now and I don't think it's likely, but it would be risky. This is no soap opera and adding more cheese to the mixture may only kill the show.
Check. Check, and check. ...aaaaaand check again. Yep. Agree with alla dat.
All in all, I'm torn here. I like the idea of the two of them together, I want them to be together, but I admit it may be too much and too risky. Turn them into a couple of sappy fluffy bunnies and a great part of the fanbase will grab their remote control and choose another series.
I can honestly understand why people think it would be a great pairing. But SFB:NY (Sappy Fluffy Bunnies: New york) would make a better Sunday parade than a teevee show, and yep, I certainly would be tuning in to watch something else :lol:
It's hard when you really like two characters together and have to watch as the show continually pairs them up with others isn't it...me...Friends...Joey and Rachel instead of Rachel and Ross (gah!).
Um. I hereby admit that I have done my utmost to completely avoid watching Friends, past and present :lol: Shocking, I know. I hadda roommate once who was obsessed, complete with seasonal dvds, and I was easily oversaturated and the opening bars of the theme song alone can make me twitch :lol: I only more recently realized that Eddie Cahill was ever on the show, so successfully did I manage to avoid it...
I think Horatio is a riot, and I smile every time I watch CSI Miami, but not because I think he can act.:lol: But that's a different thread and I won't pursue it here.
Agree again :lol: Horatio
is a riot. I used to be perplexed, but now I'm just perpetually amused. I won't say I think Miami's great tv, but it can be entertaining all the same for certain reasons, and has also been known in the past to inspire the odd fun drinking game.
Briefly aside here, came across this, can't remember for the life of me when or how. Check out a rather silly but vaguely amusing skit by Comedy Inc. on YouTube. I gather they're a sketchcom series kinda like SNL. I'll be happy to remove the link it if it's not kosher to post it. And, one more vid, something I think is even better, the cast of CSI:Miami being interviewed about the character, including David, and some of their impressions. Go Johnathan Togo, :lol:
David Caruso School of Acting
Cast of CSI:Miami on H & Caruso
I think they had potential, too! I liked Jane--the actress is currently on Lost playing Penny, and is going to be in the new show Flash Forward as well.
Agree. And she's a character I liked on Lost before I had managed to place where I'd seen her before. Nice to hear she's got more projects on.
He was different around her, much like he was different around Lindsay when they introduced her character in S2.
Agreed. It's funny--I saw a good deal of romantic chemistry between Mac and Lindsay when she was introduced, and funny enough, I saw some sparks fly early in season one between Stella and Danny as well. There was much more natural romantic chemistry in either of those pairings than I've ever seen with Danny and Lindsay (who are incredibly scripted) or Mac and Stella (who I just see as friends).

, oowoogie, nooo :lol: And here we'll just differ :lol: I did see Mac as treating Lindsay differently, but, um, no, never saw that as potential fireworks in da leastest. More eager beaver and bemused and somewhat indulgent supervisor. Neither with Stella and Danny. Always put the latter as that playful kinda banter, pushing to find out what the boundaries are. I work in a predominantly male environment in an unconventional field, and I know all about those kinds of dynamics :lol: I feel that while there may have been a fun dynamic in some of those cases, I can't say I saw romantic potential in either one.
I guess I'm one who mighta seen a playful and bantering chemistry more easily between, say, Stella and Flack, there's a certain sardonic quality to her and a snarkiness to him that just make their scenes fun; Danny and Maka; even Danny and Aiden. I will agree that I don't think Mac and Stella's chemistry is a romantic one, and that Danny and Lindsay have only what was written on paper and barely lifted off the page.