I think that a slash ship would be wonderful to have on the show. Their are homosexual people in this world and they have normal lives and work just the same as hetrosexual people. CSI having a slash ship would bring more reality into the show.
I agree with Radical, a femeslash would probably work out better then a slash ship, just because it would probably loose less veiwers (since more people are against gay guys then they are against lesbians, in the general population). Though male slash seems to be a more likely canidate seeing as they usually depicte the males as being closer to eachother friend-wise, and knowing more about each other then they have with the females. They seem to have the females bitting each others heads off more often then getting along.
Lyne also has a point. The United States in general is very homophobic. Whether it be because of religious reasons where you believe a marriage should be between a man and a woman, or just the fact that you don't like the thought of to people of the same sex together, we generally seem to turn the other cheek towards it. They would need to do it subtly so that people who are homophobic wouldn't really care because it would not be a big deal. TPTB couldn't do like they did with Sara and Grissom, they couldn't just show them in a bedroom together. They probably shouldn't do that either, even if the ship has been long exposed.
I think that if they were going to give it a shot, they probably should not do it on LV. I think that, since it has been on for six years, people tend to not be open to change on show that they have decided how it should be. I think that if they tried it out on any of the shows LV would suffer the biggest loose of views, not just from homophobic people, but also for people who can't except change well. Miami might be able to work, especially if they use people like Ryan and maybe a lab tech that we see occasionally, like Cooper, even if he has been in since the beggining, just because Ryan is still new and we haven't exactly gotten his character down to a t, and the lab tech we rarely see, so we won't have known much about their personality either. Most likely they'd be able to pull it off with NY, we have known the characters the least, and we are still learning about them. It would probably have the least impact on the ratings, and the be the easiest to write for.