Could Canon Slash Work?


Okay, first of all, I don't want this to turn into an "I hate slash! You guys are evil!" thread. I'm not starting this thread to find out who likes slash. Rather, I'm interested in how a potential same-sex couple on one of the shows would work.

We even have a character--Bobby Dawson--who was intended to have been outed on the show. Unfortunately, that didn't happen. My question is this: What if the writers on one of the CSIs decided to try their hand at a slash (same-sex) couple? Could the writers pull it off? How would it play out?

I have thoughts on the subject, but I want to hear what other people think.
Well, it is possible. Sara and Catherine would be a nice couple to me, but it isn't possible. That's for sure. But a couple like Nick and Greg is great. They could start as great friends and then grow to be a couple. It would be great, cause same-sex couples are part of the community. If CSI would launch a canon slash, that would be great.
Ummm, it could work, depending on who the couple was. I think a "Girl" slash storyline would work out better than a "Guy" slash stroyline, just because I think girls are accepted a little more then guys are (in society I'm saying). I think the writers could pull it off either way though if they really wanted to; they're pretty talented (despite the fact we all want to kill them sometimes). It's also hard to tell how it would play out because, it all depends on who the characters they make slash are. Does that make any sense?
Great question. It's a bit difficult to answer though. I don't think any sort of on screen romance would be good for the show period.
That said, I would still love to have an (out) gay character on the show and Bobby D. is indeed a very good candidate for that. It shouldn't be too hard for the writers to throw in aline every now and then like someone asking how the boyfriend is doing or him letting something slip. The same way the other characters have occasionally mentioned girlfriends, boyfriends, spouses and other family.
But again, seeing how the writers have handled the "romantic" storylines so far it's probably best not to indulge too much...they're a lot better at crime and gore.
On a sidenote: I wouldn't mind if Sara came out gay ;)
HHMMM Bobby Dawson? I could see that. It could work in my opinion. Shows like Will and Grace seem to have no problems in the ratings, but that show is all about the gay guy/straight girl friendship.
CSI is different obviously :D I think the writers could pull it off if it's done well, like most of the character interaction on CSI . But, some viewers might get turned off by it. Just a thought.. :confused:
Does this include all three of the shows? I've been sucked into the Danny/Flack vortex and I'm not sure I ever want out. They'd be my choice. It just seems so logical, but that may only be because I've read so much fanfic and just naturally put these two together. I can't imagine any other pairing to be honest.

I think that if they did do a same sex couple it would have to be very subtle, almost implied, so that the people who are ok with it could see it but those who are not could igore it. Many D/F fans claim they already see it on the show between Danny and Flack. I personally have not seen it, but then I haven't studied all the shows where Danny and Flack have scenes together. If I ever get my Season One set back from my friend I'm going to just watch the shows and look for what everyone is apparently seeing between these two.

To me, Danny has a feminine vibe about him (no offense Carmine!)that could be played up if the writers wanted to. It seems to me that Danny flirts alot, and not just with women. As for Flack, aside from his interaction with Stella in "All Access", I've never seen him warm up to a woman at all. But like I said, I'm a bit behind the times on all the studying of the shows and such. Even with Aiden I never really saw any spark; just a friendship. But I have seen the screencaps where Don is staring at Danny or just really giving him his attention.

But still, if the writers were going to do it I doubt seriously that they could get away with any bedroom scenes between the pair or any romantic overtures on camera. They *might* be able to get away with subtle looks, having the two get real close to each other while looking at evidence, maybe have their hands brush together and then have a little smile, maybe come out of the same apartment building in the morning when we know they are not roommates, maybe play up one being worried about the other in a situation where one is in some sort of danger. The scene where Mac is waiting for Flack to wake up and the relief on his face when Flack squeezes his hand, could be played up if they were to pair these two. Stuff like that. But full-on same-sex pairing? No. This country, where these shows are produced, is *way* too homophobic for that. If it was on Showtime or HBO maybe. But not network. Too bad too because Danny and Flack would be a natural couple!!!
I don't think you can compare CSI to a show like Will and Grace, not just because W&G focusses on gay people but also because it's comedy. I actually don't believe that a majority of viewers would be turned off by the idea, provided it was just a sub-plot and well done.
Of course, if they suddenly, without many explanation turned one of the main characters gay and on top of that coupled them with another many would protest. (Probably slash fans too)
Well I've been reading what everyone has to say, and I've thought about the situation. In all honesty, I don't think CSI would be able to pull off same-sex relationships onscreen between two main characters. It's not that I'm against it - Because I'm not - but society tends to not be very open to same-sex relationships, even if there is a large number of people who are fine with it.

That being said, I think it would be a great idea if they tried it out because, in reality there are same-sex couples so the world isn't going to be able to hide from it. I just don't think networks such as CBS are ready for that milestone in television dramas.
I do believe that it would be a huge step to take to even make a minor character gay. Not to speak of the main characters. But the most important thing would be to have the potential partner be from the outside, someone who appears in stories told, maybe has a little scene thrown in somewhere. I would love for a popular show as CSI to forward a storyline like that, it's not like other shows have intruduced or outed people who were gay and then had their ratings drop. So it's not social suicide for a show. Who knows, maybe one day they will learn that too.
Could canon slash work? Hell yeah!

Personally, I feel cheated that they cut the Bobby-outing scene. However, since the revelation that Bobby is in a committed, same-sex relationship, he's been gay in my mind, which is good, but not quite good enough.

Personally, had TPTB no gone down the Grissom/Sara route, I would have loved to have seen something happen between Sara and Sofia. There is a tension there between them that would be very interesting if it were explored from a romantic perspective. They sort of remind me of early Dana/Alice on the L Word - bickering and comments designed to hide actual feelings for each other.

My other femme option was bringing in Guinevere Turner as a semi-regular and possible romantic interest for Sara (that would melt my tv screen). but since, canonically at any rate, that doesn't seem likely, I'll settle for them bringing in Guin as a love interest for Sofia. Yum :D

In terms of boy on boy, apart from the soft canon off-screen relationship we can assume Bobby is in, I think we all know which slash relationship I really want to see canonized - that'd be the Love. Greg & Nick. I think if handled correctly, this could be an incredible canon couple.

*wanders off to dream of boylove* :D
Yes, I think it could work but I don't think TPTB could pull off the writing. They'd probably screw it up and we'd be the ones to suffer.

If they could do it right I would want to see Danny and Flack get together. They already have the chemistry, Flack's staring (Danny does it too just not as obvious), Danny calming down when he's around Flack, and they obviously like to be around each other.

Now, TPTB could make it into a relationship slowly without it becoming a big, huge "in your face" thing. It could be little things like Flack asking Danny if he's coming over tonight (done to imply he'd be staying the night) or vice versa. Maybe seeing them leave together (if they ever got off work at the same time). Maybe mentioning something when they're on a case together (like when Danny was ranting about one of his GF's in DWtF). Little hints here and there to know they are together and maybe a few co-workers knowing it. Stella is the first that comes to mind who would probably know. Mac too since he seems to know everything that's going on.

Then again, I think TPTB would probably never go that route because OMG, two tough New York detectives sleeping together!!! What would people say???

I'd say "Hell yeah, bring it on. :p
I agree with you 1CSIMfan. Did you see my post further up? Back before Danny stopped wearing a tie, I loved the story where Danny showed up to work one morning wearing Don's tie. I agree with you that Danny and Don are a natural choice. I've definitely set sail with this ship and I don't know that I even *want* to come back!
Mmm, much as I love a good slash fic, I'm not sure I'd want to see a Canon one. Mainly because I don't like any canon ships on a show, het or slash. I just feel it takes away from what the show is about when TPTB start focussing more on the characters personal lives than the actual crimes they're supposed to be solving.

If TPTB ever did decide to have a gay pairing on the show, I'd much prefer it to be the support characters, not the main regulars. There's plenty of recurring lab techs that we know next to nothing about. A brief mention of a same sex partner every now and then, that would work better, IMO.
I love slash, don't get me wrong. But I just don't think they should get into ANY relationship on the show. But, if they do think about it, I don't think it should be overly 'present' in the show. Like Ceindreadh said, a brief mention of a same sex partner wouldn hurt :)
I think that a slash ship would be wonderful to have on the show. Their are homosexual people in this world and they have normal lives and work just the same as hetrosexual people. CSI having a slash ship would bring more reality into the show.

I agree with Radical, a femeslash would probably work out better then a slash ship, just because it would probably loose less veiwers (since more people are against gay guys then they are against lesbians, in the general population). Though male slash seems to be a more likely canidate seeing as they usually depicte the males as being closer to eachother friend-wise, and knowing more about each other then they have with the females. They seem to have the females bitting each others heads off more often then getting along.

Lyne also has a point. The United States in general is very homophobic. Whether it be because of religious reasons where you believe a marriage should be between a man and a woman, or just the fact that you don't like the thought of to people of the same sex together, we generally seem to turn the other cheek towards it. They would need to do it subtly so that people who are homophobic wouldn't really care because it would not be a big deal. TPTB couldn't do like they did with Sara and Grissom, they couldn't just show them in a bedroom together. They probably shouldn't do that either, even if the ship has been long exposed.

I think that if they were going to give it a shot, they probably should not do it on LV. I think that, since it has been on for six years, people tend to not be open to change on show that they have decided how it should be. I think that if they tried it out on any of the shows LV would suffer the biggest loose of views, not just from homophobic people, but also for people who can't except change well. Miami might be able to work, especially if they use people like Ryan and maybe a lab tech that we see occasionally, like Cooper, even if he has been in since the beggining, just because Ryan is still new and we haven't exactly gotten his character down to a t, and the lab tech we rarely see, so we won't have known much about their personality either. Most likely they'd be able to pull it off with NY, we have known the characters the least, and we are still learning about them. It would probably have the least impact on the ratings, and the be the easiest to write for.