Could Canon Slash Work?

I think it could happen, only if the writers think they won't lose a particular fanbase because of it. Everyone has their particular slash ship that they would love to go canon. (My taste being more than one, I have one ship from each show.) If the writers feel like they will not be losing a good fanbase by trying to bring a gay relationship out for the public to see, then they would try and do it. For us all, we can hope that this happens. The way CBS is though....well....I will keep my fingers crossed. Always the optimist. :D
Personally, I think it COULD work. However, with the writers' track record on writing romance, I'm not so sure. I do agree with the comments posted above about CBS being a conservative network, and some of the fans being conservative. However, I think that could be worked around. Other shows have had gay couples on them and it's been no problem.

My main problem is the writers' track record of botching Canon relationships. It seems that every single canon relationship is dysfunctional in some way, or either born of dysfunction. Catherine's taste in men, the idea of Sara getting with Grissom and her life is magically a-ok all of a sudden, Warrick's marriage to Tina, the fact that Nick only has sexuality when it can advance a storyline, the DannyLindsay debacle, Stella's abominable relationship with Frankie Mala, etc.

I can see them getting Danny and Flack or Nick and Greg together, and then everything getting botched, like they did with Danny and Lindsay.

That became a HUGE trainwreck. I can totally see them doing that with a pair of main characters.

I'd love to see something happen between Danny and Flack, especially because Lord knows that they're so incredibly in love with each other. The way Flack stares at Danny, the way Flack is the only one Danny can trust, etc. I can see it. However, it's the fear of the writers botching it....

That's why, I think they should include some sort of LGBT relationship with a main or recurring character. That's what's irksome about them deleting the Bobby Dawson scene from Grissom v the Volcano... Something nice, just a throwaway remark, but....boom.

I think Adam from NY would be perfect. That little line in "DtRH" where he asked Mac if he wanted a male or a female character was so cool. Says that he's experimented before. It would be nice if there was a little line like in "Oedipus Hex," where he said he'd dated a Suicide Girl before, that he'd dated a guy. That would so be funny.

Of course, there's also the theory that Adam and Sheldon have been going at it in the Supply Closet for two years and no one knows....

Still, I think it's way overdue for there to be something where there's a main LGBT character or they're not a victim.
Well for me, yeah i think it can work and might work very well.


Ok, so I've read that some viewers are older- so what? There are gay ppl, bi ppl who are in their 80's !

And if its about exposure- then isnt it really about time that we saw at least main characters talking about their partners. For example, my ship is pretty clear, but I have no problems in having fem on fem ship cannon either.

IF a person is going down that avenue of- no relationships on CSI, then sorry in my mind thats wrong.

After all this is a drama. Yes I know its not about their own lifes as a CSI but as fighting crime per say, it would be nice just for once that gay characters was part of the main show and not the murdered person or the convict!

Shytownmofo- I totally agree, TPTB's view of relationships is well blotchy to say the least. Theres is potential to have Nick/Greg, Danny/Flack as the leading male relationships... Each ship has its own strenght, but also for me, Wendy/Cath is very strong as well..

What is conventiality when it comes to relationships? Why cant we see gay or bi relationships on our fav show? When other shows have successfully done this... Regardless of which country it is.

Remember thought, CSI is a world wide hit, so who knows. But even if its only done in part, because like i said, this isnt Dantes Cove (?) or even the L word... This is CSI.

So yeah i'll still route for my fav ships, and hope that this show isnt afraid to have good strong talented characters that are gay/bi.

At the end of the day, if a tv programme isnt ready for it, when? In 20 years time? 30 years time?

In England where I live, we've had gay and lesbian characters on our tv for years...

But hey thats my idea.
Candygirl, I'm a "child of the sixties" and I have no problem with slash relationships on screen. I think some of the BBC America programs have slash and they do it well. As long as slash follows the same basic TV rules for any other relationship, why would anyone here (at least most of us here) object? Heck, I could visualize Cat or Greg on Vegas, or Flack on NY, or several characters on Miami being willing to try something new (or maybe already are doing) :lol:
Personally, I don't trust the CSI writers enough for that. :lol: On BTVS, Joss Whedon (and other writers) did a magnificent job of taking an already well loved character (Willow) and having her realize she liked girls. Even though I was a Willow/Oz shipper, I actually liked the Willow/Tara relationship. I didn't see them as a lesbian couple, just as a couple in love. That's how brilliant the writing was. Now, Willow and Kennedy, that was a bad idea. I didn't like Kennedy at all. :lol: but, I digress... Anyway... I just wouldn't trust the CSI writers to do that kind of thing justice.

If they did it, it would probably be best to go the way of Xena/Gabrielle. With the subtext being there, without them actually having them be a couple. Does that make sense?
Personally, I don't trust the CSI writers enough for that. :lol: On BTVS, Joss Whedon (and other writers) did a magnificent job of taking an already well loved character (Willow) and having her realize she liked girls. Even though I was a Willow/Oz shipper, I actually liked the Willow/Tara relationship. I didn't see them as a lesbian couple, just as a couple in love. That's how brilliant the writing was. Now, Willow and Kennedy, that was a bad idea. I didn't like Kennedy at all. :lol: but, I digress... Anyway... I just wouldn't trust the CSI writers to do that kind of thing justice.

If they did it, it would probably be best to go the way of Xena/Gabrielle. With the subtext being there, without them actually having them be a couple. Does that make sense?

Yep i totally agree with you there. I loved Willow's transformation on Buffy it was great! I agree with you, CSI lol will muck it up.

If there gonna stick to subtextual comments- but a bit more obvious- then I'll stick to Nick and Greg.
Well, I can agree with a lot that was mentioned before. There's no way TPTB will handle a gay (or any) couple well. First of all they could never meet all the expectation of the fans and second it's a drama, and TV series need to do something to the relationships or else it gets boring (at least they think that, I don't) so they'd end up with either wrecking the relationship in a completely stupid way or bury it completely.

I really don't think you can compare Buffy and CSI. Joss Whedon is a genius and no one can come near his genius! It was so great when he let Angel and Spike admit that they'd had sex once. I still get all excited about that.

Yet, the idea of making one of the recurring characters reveal their homo- or bisexuality in a subtle way would be great and one step in the right direction. I'd love to have Bobby talk about his partner and daughter or Adam make a side remark about a boyfriend. Just give me something!!!
I'm gonna agree with Candygirl, in the UK gay couples have featured on our shows for years so it's not something that we are unfamiliar with.

Yes I'm a DL shipper but I also thought that if they were gonna have a gay couple, Danny/Flack would work. Very first ep and they are discussing basketball at the weekend. And there is of course the Flack staring :lol: There is definately a bond between them. Friendship leading to a relationship? Happens all the time with a staight couple, why not a gay couple?

I don't however think that the writers would make it work. They can't handle straight relationships so I think they would really botch a gay relationship. They would really need to make the effort and not stereotype in any way. Danny/Flack would be interesting because as ( I think it was) Rhonda said before, two tough NY detectives together? It is realistic, and I don't mean for people to assume that I mean just the characters in NY but in real life. Yet I think there are a lot of people that wouldn't think that'd work. Maybe because there is this idea that gay men have to be effeminate, again with the stereotyping.

At the very least, I don't see why they can't introduce a gay or bisexual character as perhaps a starting point before attempting a couple.

One last thing and it may seem like a really, really dumb question so please don't mock me too much, how did the term 'slash' come about? :confused:
Well, I might be wrong, but I read somewhere that the first slash couple was Kirk and Spock from Star Trek. And because there's a slash between their names (Kirk/Spock) people call it, well, slash.
I'm just not sure if you can use that term for straight pairings, too.

Agree with you, Little_Peaches, here in Germany we have gay characters all around the clock in daily soaps and TV series (although it could be more, but I'm not complaining), too. No problem there at all! :thumbsup:
Well, I might be wrong, but I read somewhere that the first slash couple was Kirk and Spock from Star Trek. And because there's a slash between their names (Kirk/Spock) people call it, well, slash.
I'm just not sure if you can use that term for straight pairings, too.

Agree with you, Little_Peaches, here in Germany we have gay characters all around the clock in daily soaps and TV series (although it could be more, but I'm not complaining), too. No problem there at all! :thumbsup:

Yes your correct love-fan, kirk and spock led the way in slash- (they was the first), but Nick and Greg is the largest lol. True, gay characters are just like any other characters on our favourite shows. A persons sexuality shouldn't come into it- unless its like i said the "L word", or "Queer as folk", but that doesnt mean that GLBT characters should be totally ignored especially on a world wide hit like CSI.

Yeah, going back to Star Trek, theres numerious of gay and bisexual characters, also characters of non gender. Without Star Trek- and the pathways that show made, we wouldnt even see some of our much loved characters on CSI.
I know this thread does have a serious question as its theme, so I hope it’s okay to interject a little levity/something to think about (and, please, no stoning or arrows by Miami straight ship fans). As I watch reruns of the last couple seasons of Miami (minus the Marisol epis :rolleyes:), I have to wonder if we’re interpreting Eric’s upset demeanor over Jake/Calleigh the wrong way. Perhaps Eric looks at Calleigh as a sister replacement for the lost one, and is upset that she is dating the guy he wants to be with. And, maybe, Calleigh is Jake’s “beard.” It must be really tough to be a cop and gay. From now on I’m going to be open to more than just the obvious interpretation of the interactions of these three. :eek:
See, that's what I love about subtext. If you want to see it you see it. Sometimes it just screams at you, sometimes it's so subtle that you almost miss it but if you look for it you definitely find it.
I don't know enough about Miami, just saw this Jack guy once, but if you say so, I'll pay attention the next time I watch Miami.

It's all about how you interpret a scene. E.g. the whole tension between Eric and Ryan could well be of sexual nature. Eric's attracted to Ryan and just doesn't want to admit it.

In my opinion there's nothing subtle about Nick and Greg anymore. There was just too much flirting in the first view seasons to deny their obvious attraction to each other.

Same goes with Flack and Danny in NY. Flack's staring way too much at Danny.

To come back to the actual topic of this thread, I think as long as people see the subtext, there'll always be slash.
Could it work? Only if the writers are extremely careful and don't mess it up and let's face it, they probably would.
Joss Whedon is a genius and no one can come near his genius! It was so great when he let Angel and Spike admit that they'd had sex once. I still get all excited about that.

Um, huh? What ep what that in? A Buffy or Angel ep? Cause I missed some Angel eps. :lol: But, honestly Spike/Angel doesn't really surprise me given the way Angel acted toward Spike, it was almost as if he couldn't believe he'd ever been "friends" with him. :lol: I'll assume that it was when Angel was Angelus that he slept with Spike. :lol: But, I just have to wonder what Buffy's reaction to that tidbit would be knowing both guys she slept with had once been with each other. :lol:

Anyway, back to CSI. I've always kind of seen Nick/Greg as brotherly, but I guess that can also be interpreted the other way as well. It does seem like Nick always is touching Greg in some way or another... patting his shoulder, putting his arm around him, etc. The scene in Stalker where Nick complains about Greg putting up those fliers... when he put his arm around Greg and kind of grabbed his shirt, sounding like he was a little angry, I interpreted that as big brother being annoyed by something little brother did. :lol: But, now thinking back on that scene... how did Greg know about what Nick did before anyone else? That in of itself could be interpreted that he knew because Nick told him. And why would Nick tell him (given that he didn't want everyone knowing) unless... So, yeah, I can kind of see that there could be subtext there. Given the popularity of the Nick/Greg ship, I can see that maybe the writers like to tease the fans... :lol:

No, the writers probably wouldn't do an actual relationship well, but perhaps they could give the fans a little something. Like maybe Wendy or Mandy having naughty daydreams involving N/G. Hehe. But, the daydream could be that they're talking about possibly being together and then just as they're about to seal the deal with a kiss, someone interrupts Wendy or Mandy or wakes her up or whatever, thus we never see an actual kiss, but the tease is there. :lol:
Joss Whedon is a genius and no one can come near his genius! It was so great when he let Angel and Spike admit that they'd had sex once. I still get all excited about that. Um, huh? What ep what that in? A Buffy or Angel ep? Cause I missed some Angel eps. :lol: But, honestly Spike/Angel doesn't really surprise me given the way Angel acted toward Spike, it was almost as if he couldn't believe he'd ever been "friends" with him. :lol: I'll assume that it was when Angel was Angelus that he slept with Spike. :lol: But, I just have to wonder what Buffy's reaction to that tidbit would be knowing both guys she slept with had once been with each other. :lol:

What? When? Where?

I missed most of Angel except for the fifth and last season, so I'm obviously a bit out of the loop here, but I never heard that. Doesn't surprise me, either. I know they were both with Drusilla, so I wonder if it was then....or not.

I know there's a video that was going around the net that I have on my computer that's a version of Nine Inch Nails' "Closer" with footage from Buffy and perhaps Angel that is from the perspective of Spike and Angel as lovers, IE all of the fighting they did was sort of Lovers Quarrelling...let's just say that it worked very well.

I have a Dial-Suck connection, so it's kind of hard for me to upload/download stuff, so I'm googling for it, and if I find it, I Will post it, or if someone else has it...


I found a copy of it Here:

Only problem is that they're both Zip files, and I don't know how people feel about zip files.
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