Okay, I'm setting this thread up for people to come in and have a long hard think about what PRECISELY is going on here. I think we've established that many of us Miami fans aren't particularly happy with the way Season Four is progressing, and there are various factors, but I think it's important for us as fans to nail down EXACTLY what we don't like, then, just as importantly, WHY we don't like it, so that we can then begin to DO SOMETHING about it - at the very least have something concrete and constructive to bring to the attention to the writers/producers etc so that we can SAVE THIS SHOW! Because, damn it, Miami was good. And I don't believe in just sitting around whining while things are going to pot. We need to DO something.
So, first things first, here’s what I DON’T want this thread to become:
1. A dumping ground for rants. We are here to actually THINK, not go blind with rage. There are other threads to rant in. If you must rant (and we all feel the need sometimes) do it in the appropriate place where the majority of people will be sympathetic to you and you don’t risk alienating others. If you only want to scream and shout about how much you hate Natalia, go do it in the thread down the page marked ‘Get Rid of Natalia Boa Vista’. That’s what it’s there for.
2. A turf war. We want something GOOD to come out of this thread, and to do that we need to stay united as a fandom. We all have differences of opinion - and that's okay. We need to respect those differences and work with them. A lot more can be achieved if we work together rather than against each other. So, no flaming, bashing or being snarky about each other's opinions, please.
I'll also head off an argument before it starts: Natalia Boa Vista - some people like her. Some don't. We are ALL going to have to live with her for AT LEAST the rest of the season so let's work around that fact. Since this thread is open to all, I would ask that we be respectful of the character, even if we don't like her (and, I'll be honest, I really don't like her). But I don't want people who like Natalia to feel isolated or intimidated or as if they can't make comment here, so I would ask that people don't call her the Snake-lady or anything along those lines. That goes for all other characters, including Calleigh, Horatio, Eric, Wolfe, etc.
If we are respectful of each other and the characters, we run less risk of this thread turning into some kind of turf-war, which is precisely what we DON'T want.
Okay, here’s how a post here should go:
1. Comment: (eg) I find Marisol annoying.
2. Analysis: (eg) I find her annoying BECAUSE blah blah blah.
3. Next Steps: (eg) The writers/producers/executives/directors could correct this by doing X,Y and Z.
1. Comment: I think the writing is getting worse.
2. Analysis: The writing is not as good as _specify a point when the writing was better_ BECAUSE blah blah blah (eg: you think the plots are less believable, you find the characters less believable, you think the story lines are too dark/light, you miss a certain character (then tell us WHY you miss that character, what did that character bring to the show that is now missing, are any new characters compensating, are they kind of getting there but aren’t quite, etc).)
3. Next Steps: The writers could correct this by doing X,Y and Z.
Think hard before you post. You can respond to other people’s posts (this thread is partly to open up a dialogue between people of differing views anyway, in the hope that we can help each other) but again, be RESPECTFUL. Bare in mind that there ARE younger people around these forums, and there ARE people who get very emotionally caught up with these shows. I myself am in my mid-late teens, but I’ve been in and out of internet communities for shows I liked where the majority of the people there were older than me since I was nine. It took me a while to learn not to take other people’s views personally, and be able to separate characters I liked from myself. By the time I was thirteen I was fully adjusted to life in sci-fi show fandom message boards, but it can take others longer and I know people on here OLDER than myself who still get very worked up by things being said. So be mindful, be respectful, if someone says something that most would see as inane or is incorrect, explain to them why they are wrong and be tactful about it.
Also, not everyone has been around Miami since season one, so we need to be mindful that not everyone knows what the first couple of series of Miami were like. I would be interested to know, actually, who of the people who LIKE Natalia have ALSO been in with the show since the first season. Most of what I’ve seen of those people who like her suggests that they haven’t actually been in with the fandom for that long in the first place – but I could be wrong.
That said, I’ll leave you guys to it. I’ll get on and make MY comment and analysis later, just ‘cause this has taken me waaaay longer than I intended to set up and now I’m tired.
hehe, aaanyway, good luck!
edited by mod to change title[/b]
So, first things first, here’s what I DON’T want this thread to become:
1. A dumping ground for rants. We are here to actually THINK, not go blind with rage. There are other threads to rant in. If you must rant (and we all feel the need sometimes) do it in the appropriate place where the majority of people will be sympathetic to you and you don’t risk alienating others. If you only want to scream and shout about how much you hate Natalia, go do it in the thread down the page marked ‘Get Rid of Natalia Boa Vista’. That’s what it’s there for.
2. A turf war. We want something GOOD to come out of this thread, and to do that we need to stay united as a fandom. We all have differences of opinion - and that's okay. We need to respect those differences and work with them. A lot more can be achieved if we work together rather than against each other. So, no flaming, bashing or being snarky about each other's opinions, please.
I'll also head off an argument before it starts: Natalia Boa Vista - some people like her. Some don't. We are ALL going to have to live with her for AT LEAST the rest of the season so let's work around that fact. Since this thread is open to all, I would ask that we be respectful of the character, even if we don't like her (and, I'll be honest, I really don't like her). But I don't want people who like Natalia to feel isolated or intimidated or as if they can't make comment here, so I would ask that people don't call her the Snake-lady or anything along those lines. That goes for all other characters, including Calleigh, Horatio, Eric, Wolfe, etc.
If we are respectful of each other and the characters, we run less risk of this thread turning into some kind of turf-war, which is precisely what we DON'T want.
Okay, here’s how a post here should go:
1. Comment: (eg) I find Marisol annoying.
2. Analysis: (eg) I find her annoying BECAUSE blah blah blah.
3. Next Steps: (eg) The writers/producers/executives/directors could correct this by doing X,Y and Z.
1. Comment: I think the writing is getting worse.
2. Analysis: The writing is not as good as _specify a point when the writing was better_ BECAUSE blah blah blah (eg: you think the plots are less believable, you find the characters less believable, you think the story lines are too dark/light, you miss a certain character (then tell us WHY you miss that character, what did that character bring to the show that is now missing, are any new characters compensating, are they kind of getting there but aren’t quite, etc).)
3. Next Steps: The writers could correct this by doing X,Y and Z.
Think hard before you post. You can respond to other people’s posts (this thread is partly to open up a dialogue between people of differing views anyway, in the hope that we can help each other) but again, be RESPECTFUL. Bare in mind that there ARE younger people around these forums, and there ARE people who get very emotionally caught up with these shows. I myself am in my mid-late teens, but I’ve been in and out of internet communities for shows I liked where the majority of the people there were older than me since I was nine. It took me a while to learn not to take other people’s views personally, and be able to separate characters I liked from myself. By the time I was thirteen I was fully adjusted to life in sci-fi show fandom message boards, but it can take others longer and I know people on here OLDER than myself who still get very worked up by things being said. So be mindful, be respectful, if someone says something that most would see as inane or is incorrect, explain to them why they are wrong and be tactful about it.
Also, not everyone has been around Miami since season one, so we need to be mindful that not everyone knows what the first couple of series of Miami were like. I would be interested to know, actually, who of the people who LIKE Natalia have ALSO been in with the show since the first season. Most of what I’ve seen of those people who like her suggests that they haven’t actually been in with the fandom for that long in the first place – but I could be wrong.
That said, I’ll leave you guys to it. I’ll get on and make MY comment and analysis later, just ‘cause this has taken me waaaay longer than I intended to set up and now I’m tired.
edited by mod to change title[/b]