Confessions Thread #2

Confession: I haven't had a good night's sleep in years, I only seem to get one if I'm in a tent, God knows why :confused:
confession2:i'm still afraid of the dark sometimes, so I think so much to forget about it that I can't sleep easily at night :(
^ *way up there* Kelly Clarkson is the first American Idol winner. Her songs are addicting in the sense that they get stuck in your head :lol:

Confession: Alright, I get it, beauty beholds everyone. But c'mon, there are days when everyone feels like that!

Confession uno Two: I want to adopt one of those poor childern you see on the sad TV shows. I want to because their so adorable, not because freakin' Brad Pitt and Angelina made it 'cool'. Yeesh.
Thanks, Palm . That would explain why I din't knew her... :D

Confession: I have to go walk the dog, and I don't feel like it... I want to stay here and talk to you guys... :(
Confession #1: I don't really enjoy crossing the road myself. Not like I can't. Just that, I'll feel better if there was a horde of people around me! I crossed the road at a traffic light just now. No one else behind me. No one in front of me. I looked like a goofball and all the people in the car were staring at me! :lol:

Confession #2: I don't personally get attached to kids but they are in my range of childishness and it's always so fun to hang around them. :lol:
JayneEmilysRealm said:
Confession: my nickname 'jaynewalker' has a reason :rolleyes: I like to cross the road without looking.. yes, I'm in my own pretty little happy world :)
You wouldn't survive a nano-second in India. :p

Confession: I was singing the whole afternoon, just me and a big empty house, singing singing hollering. I even pretended to hold a microphone. :eek:

Confession 2: I don't know who's Lady Heather and I keep seeing her name and face everywhere here. :confused:
^ Lady Heather is the woman in Catherinesmyidol banner[scroll up]. Don't know much about her except, she looks fiesty :devil:! She'll probably look good with a whip.
Lady Heather apppeared in CSI LV. She's gorgeous, has the most intense eyes, is a dominatrix and is also Grissom's lover. Well, the last bit... don't quote me on that. :p

Confession 1: My handphone is my alarm clock.

Confession 2: I'm one of those people who is always the first ones to turn up. Sometimes I wish I can be the later ones, but I feel so darn bad when it happens. :p

Confession 3: I think some guys do get PMS, and when they're all PMSsy, they're so much more bitchier than us girls. :p