"Cockroaches" Discussion *SPOILERS*

pabzi said:
What were the names of the pills again?

I think it says Modafinil, or something like that :p
It does say "Modafinil" <Snip from Link>
"It is used to treat excessive sleepiness caused by shift work sleep disorder (sleepiness during scheduled waking hours and difficulty falling asleep or staying asleep during scheduled sleeping hours in people who work at night or on rotating shifts)."
"Modafinil may be habit forming. Do not take a larger dose, take it more often, or take it for a longer period of time than prescribed by your doctor."
"be aware that you should avoid drinking alcohol while taking modafinil."
Thank's Destiny and he was drinking and taking those at the same time, no wonder he was hallucinating and seeing things, that really weren't there!
Sometimes even the smartest people think that they can ignore the warnings on labels. Warrick is a scientist, but as bright as he is, he screwed up big time with the drugs, drinking and whoring.

It'll be great to see the old Warrick overcome this.
Stupid Warrick! Poor Grissom! Stupid Warrick! Putting aside all the damage Warrick is doing to himself, look at the damage he's doing to others, mainly Grissom, but Nick too. Does he think Grissom doesn't have enough to worry about that he makes him play babysitter? And how does he think Sara feels when Grissom tells her about it? (if he can't protect her from it- she has to find out eventually and he needs the moral support, but I digress) That really isn't going to help her "find herself" when she's worried about him, and Grissom, and Nick, and- anyway, does Warrick not think AT ALL???? I cheered when Nick confronted Warrick about his pills. I was so afraid they'd just drop it, damn writers, and let cross purposes have their way. Hooray, Nicky! Good for you! I love you! (yes, I actually told his image on the screen this. a few times. ahem) So proud of Grissom, too, being all tough. I cried when I saw his face as he threatened to fire Warrick in the promo for next week. Poor baby, you can just tell how bad he's doing without Sara. At least he hasn't reverted back to his old hermit ways. Which, incidentaly, is my point- his head is out of the microscope and he notices these things going on. A few years ago his radar may not have picked up on these things, or he at least would have handed them differently. But I don't think he smiled ONCE! He just looked so sad and lonely every time I saw him on the screen. It's just killing me... DAMN YOU WARRICK BROWN, YOU STUPID TWIT (my new word) for causing all this mental anguish! Come back Sara, the team is going to hell in a handbasket without you!
Warrick hasn't caused Grissom all of his mental angish, Grissom is doing that to himself with trying to handle the team and his girlfriend leaving. It can't be blamed all on one person becaue of how Warrick is handling his own personal problems.

Keeping asking for her to come back isn't going to solve any of the problems. She needs her time, and if the strike continues, as it seems to be doing, there will be a long wait to find out what happens with everyone.
Warrick is and has caused his own problems. The thing is, the fans/viewers don't know how much the 'marriage' ending affected him, he's a deep brooding kind of guy and he's hurting right now, but I remember the ep. where he was apalled and disgusted by the girl he had been enthralled with who was shooting up, & had track marks on her arms, and then he turned and walked away! and then does the same kind of activity :eek: his path is wrong, but people deal with problems in different ways, and Grissom is hurting as well, brokenhearted :( remember "Ala Cart" he was all smiles, with a jump in his step and a twinkle in his eye, when their [his & her's] 'relationship' was out in the open, now he's back to serious, morose, moody, cold Grissom, and for him, the work is the way he copes, so he think's everyone should react like he does :( hopefully this will change, when Sara returns, and he'll be lighthearted & fun, and happy again, Warrick too, they all miss her!
i drink alcohol with meds all the time, even when it says not too... :lol: Not the best idea, but its easy to do, especially with prescription drugs.

The 'trippy' scene was over the top, but I am pretty sure he was probably drugged. And judging from the opening scene with the car, it was also spoofing 'Fear and Loathing in Las Vegas'. That movie has a lot of those trippy scenes similar. It also starts with a scene with a red convertible in a similar way with the drinking and drugs.
hellogilbert said:
Come back Sara, the team is going to hell in a handbasket without you!

Oh my - did we watch the same episode? The character of Sara Sidle is completely beside the point when it comes to the events of this episode. You might as well blame the unexplained absense of Sophia on Warrick's unravelling as well. There wasn't much foreshadowing before Warrick's big meltdown, but as I recall, one of the first hints was a scene with SARA. So since he was already on this disastrous path before she left, you can hardly attribute it to being without her. And the rest of the team seems to be managing just fine, by the way. I get that you miss Sara (kind of hard to miss that), but her absence is completely beside the point when it comes to this story line. I for one would like to think that Grissom's reactions to these serious circumstances would be the same whether Sara was just around the corner or visiting her mother.
I think I figured out what this episode reminded me of, and that is the movie....American Psycho. Dude in that movie, from what I can remember was takin' drugs mixed with alcohol, and tripped out BIG time.....all this crazy stuff happened, or so he thought, it seemed so real, but it was all in his mind and never really happened at all.

Not saying this could of happened with Warrick, but who knows what is real and what's not real being in that state mixing these pills and alcohol. Not to mention the emotional stress.
I don't know if I liked the ep or not. It is nice to see Warrick in the spotlight for once, even if he's acting extremely out of character, but then again, we have no idea what is going on in his mind, what with his divorce and the changing team.

I was a bit intrigued about the 'father of your unborn child' line. It could be that Warrick's jealousy is messing with his shot at happiness with Tina. Or it could be that Tina was messing around on him, and that's gotta hurt. Actually, I have a theory as to why Tina's pregnancy wasn't brought up earlier. Maybe she found out she was pregnant after they filed for divorce and then Warrick found out and figured she wasn't faitful to him.

However, I wasn't a fan of the trippy hotel scene or the fact that he was so hung up on Candy. That doesn't seem like our boy, but if he was on pills and alcohol, then I suppose anything goes. I also didn't like how after Nick and Warrick have a great confrontation, they just switch to work-mode like nothing happened.

I also have a love-hate deal with Grissom in this ep. I get that the guy is having a hard time and all, but he seems awfully cold. I was also expecting him to have sort of an...enlightened moment, if you will. For the past 2 years, he's been so absorbed in his own life and keeping his secret affair quiet that he neglected his relationships with the rest of the team. As was pointed out in an earlier ep, as the leader, people are building a family around him and depend on him. Warrick clearly needed guidance, whether we saw it or not, and Grissom wasn't there. I was hoping that by seeing what his neglect had done to Warrick, Grissom would realize that he needs to pay closer attention to what is happening with his team to avoid another situation like this. Warrick's situation wasn't Grissom's fault, but maybe if Grissom could have seen what his friend was going through, he could have helped him before it got this far. However I do understand TPTB's need for drama. :rolleyes:

I did like Grissom showing up at the club and getting Warrick out of there. Plus it would have been great to see a follow up to Greg's reaction last week.
I think there's a good chance that Warrick is the father of Tina's baby. Otherwise, Warrick would have told her "Goahead, talk to the lawyers, but when the DNA test proves that the baby's not mine, you'll look like a bigger fool than I thought you were!"
Sorry, but it just seems to me that every time anyone else gets into enough trouble or have enough problems to have an episode or at least a plot line centered around them (Ex- Fannysmackin, Grave Danger, whatever ep that was when Eddie got killed, Grissom's hearing, Living/Dead Doll, the list goes on) the circumstances were out of the characters hands aka they didn't do anything wrong. Nick and Sara got kidnapped, Greg got beat up for trying to help, Griss' hearing problem is genetic, ya get the point. But Warrick, on the other hand, always seems to create, or at least not help, his own problems. The gambling, Holly Gribbs, the pills, and Thursdays ep come to mind first. I understand that he is hurting after his screwed up marriage, but we never really saw him trying to fix that either. He could have asked Griss for some time, advice, whatever. I don't know, I just get frustrated! Ok- enough rambling/venting. Ecology time! MUST STUDY-ICH!
Why must Grissom continuly help others out of situations that they themselves create? he's got his own issues right now, and who's helping him out? he's suffering and heartbroken and befuddled :confused: he's not their father, and a boss can only go so far. He's helped out so many people, Lady Heather comes to mind, she created her own problems and who was there to help her out? Mr. Knight in shinnning armour? Grissom, and so on and so on, all of these CSI's have major problems and they need to figure them out for theirselves, he's not their psychiatrist :( Warrick will do fine, he's not a baby, just upset right now!
As for Candy/Joanna. I didn't really notice any spark between them. Am I to assume he was simply paying for her company? And that she was not only a stripper but willing to offer sex for money? Because otherwise their interaction made no sense to me. She didn't give him any real information about the club, and seemed a little suspicious of him, he was acting strangely after all, yet she doesn't seem to be too concerned with going to a hotel room with him. :rolleyes: Weirdness throughout this episode. Nick never paid to spend the night with Kristy, but if Warrick did to spend the night with Candy then as solicitation is illegal in Las Vegas (I assume) he should rightly lose his job? Of course, more likely will be Warrick taking some 'time off' to deal with his problems before coming back as if nothing was ever really wrong. :rolleyes: :lol:

I didn't really see a spark, per se, either. It was more along the lines of "I like what I see" on Warrick's part, not a crush or infatuation. Nick, on the other hand, was more or less in love with Kristy, and even though he knew she was a prostitute, (who got herself into trouble on quite a few occasions which he bailed her out of) he couldn't resist her, even though he seemed to try. He wasn't under the influence of a drug -- he just really liked her.