Character flaws, foibles, annoyances and aggravations

I really don't have many problems at all with the characters, but I do have a few.

Flack- I actually have no problem at all with him. To me he is perfect the way he is. Of course I know that's just me being biased because he is my favorite character and I love him so much that I don't really see his flaws if he has any. So I'm sure other people will see it differently than me but whenever Flack does something or thinks a certain way it always seems that he has a good reason for it and he truly believes it's the right thing to do. And even when he makes a mistake like when he jumps on a suspect before the evidence completely backs up the suspect it seems like he always admits he's wrong in the end in one way or another. Like in "Til Death Do We Part" in season one, when Flack & Stella disagreed about who was guilty. So I always trust whatever he does, he's doing it for the right reason. He can be a bit of a hot head but he usually comes to the right conclusion in the end. I also love his humor and everything else about his character. Eddie Cahill is just amazing as Don Flack!

Danny- He is my second favorite character after Flack so I don't really have many problems with him either. The only one is that I think he takes Flack's friendship for granted sometimes. Flack is always trying to help him when he gets in really bad trouble and Danny just kind of gets annoyed with Flack for butting into his life. And maybe Flack should mind his own business, but the way I see it he's just trying to help out a friend and he means well and I know if I were Flack I would do the same thing. So Danny being a little selfish sometimes is my only problem. I love Carmine though.

Mac- I love Mac but one problem I have with him is that he is always right. I hate that whenever there is a disagreement in a case between Mac and someone else on the team wether it be Flack, Stella, Danny or anyone else, it seems like in the end Mac is always right and the other person is just completely shown up by Mac and how amazing and smart he is. Which he is, he's the boss so he's supposed to have the most experience and all that but I wish for once someone else on the team could come out on the right side and Mac be wrong for once.

Stella- One thing that bugs me about her sometimes is that she puts on the I'm a tough bada*s act a little too strong. Most of the time I think it's great and I love her for it but sometimes she goes kind of overboard with it.

Hawkes- It's been said before but he can be really pretentious sometimes. He can come off like he's talking down to the team a lot of the time. But then again he is a DR. :lol: That can be really annoying, especially since as far as the main characters go he is probably my least favorite. (but it could be Lindsay, I'm not sure) But when I say he is my least favorite I don't mean I dislike him I just like the other members of the cast better.
I think that the character flaws are what makes them great characters...and in my opinion I don't think that Lindsay should go. I think her and Danny need to decide what they are and put that to rest. I don't think that she should react the way she did at work with him. They should keep the personal things a home and not on the job!!
I read a tv review/article in the Radio Times where Mac was described as 'plastic and impassive' and it really puzzled me because I've never seen anyone here (or anywhere else on the Internet, except the odd review of s1) level that particular criticism at him. The reviewer also commented that she found Mac a bit too right wing which made me go :wtf: because again I've never heard anyone complain about any of the characters' politics here before. It's odd 'cause re-reading this thread I can either agree with all of your criticisms of the characters or most of the time see where you're coming from even if I don't agree, but with this I just don't see it at all!
With the exception of Lindsay, it's mostly little things:

Mac can be so damn righteous sometimes. He rides his high horse and doesn't have a lot of perspective on himself when he's the one under fire. That said, I know he means well.

Stella's hardness rubbed me the wrong way in the first few eps of first season, but I'm glad they've found a balance with her, making her tough and still humane.

Danny has the worst judge of character of any human being on this planet. If you want to know who the killer is, just ask Danny who he thinks didn't do it, and you've got your man/woman/deadly house plant. Danny also seeks out unhealthy relationships, such as his desperate need for Mac's approval in s. 1 and his relationship with Lindsay.

Lindsay--selfish, self-centered, whiny, manipulative...the list goes on in the Why Lindsay Must Go thread.

I honestly don't have anything on Flack or Hawkes. And the things listed above--aside from the ones for Lindsay--really just make them more well-rounded, human, believable characters, so it's not like I'd want them to change. It's nice to have a group that isn't perfect--they're real and believable as people and not just characters spouting off fancy science lingo.

Horatio from Miami is even more self-righteous..:guffaw: :guffaw: :guffaw:I still like him though! :) Anyways, I found Mac has been even more self-righteous this past season...makes me wanna *goes downstairs, grab one of my sister's teddy bears, and starts choking it*. He's also too "by the book"...Mac must learn to trust his gut sometimes...!

Stella, she wears way too much cleavage and had the worst taste in men. Must save some of her smarts for her love life...
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I read a tv review/article in the Radio Times where Mac was described as 'plastic and impassive' and it really puzzled me because I've never seen anyone here (or anywhere else on the Internet, except the odd review of s1) level that particular criticism at him. The reviewer also commented that she found Mac a bit too right wing which made me go :wtf: because again I've never heard anyone complain about any of the characters' politics here before. It's odd 'cause re-reading this thread I can either agree with all of your criticisms of the characters or most of the time see where you're coming from even if I don't agree, but with this I just don't see it at all!
Seems as if the critic had more of a bone to pick with Gary than the character of Mac. I think she let her disagreement with his politics (or assumed ones) color her view of the character. Granted, Mac can be an unmovable object to Stella's unstoppable force, but I've never viewed him as plastic.
I read a tv review/article in the Radio Times where Mac was described as 'plastic and impassive' and it really puzzled me because I've never seen anyone here (or anywhere else on the Internet, except the odd review of s1) level that particular criticism at him. The reviewer also commented that she found Mac a bit too right wing which made me go :wtf: because again I've never heard anyone complain about any of the characters' politics here before. It's odd 'cause re-reading this thread I can either agree with all of your criticisms of the characters or most of the time see where you're coming from even if I don't agree, but with this I just don't see it at all!
Seems as if the critic had more of a bone to pick with Gary than the character of Mac. I think she let her disagreement with his politics (or assumed ones) color her view of the character. Granted, Mac can be an unmovable object to Stella's unstoppable force, but I've never viewed him as plastic.

I found the article and read it. She seems to qualify her statement about Mac being right-winged with his views on the death penalty, so it appears to me that she is talking about the character as opposed to the actor. I also looked at some of her other reviews and she really liked Gil Grissom and the character Vincent D'Onofrio plays in Law and Order: Criminal Intent and they were a bit more quirky than Mac Taylor so maybe the character just doesn't appeal to her. I like Mac Taylor, but would have to admit that he doesn't emote much, except to blow up occasionally.

The article is actually pretty complimentary to the show and if you want to read the entire thing just google Alison Graham Radiotimes and look for her blog. The blog entry date is April 23
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*scroll back up to see the title of the thread*
Oh, for a moment there, i think the thread will read: "CSI female fashion thread". My bad, sorry...

Slash Lindsay, I like all the characters with all their flaws and annoying things. But, for most part, i kinda agree with what you've said so far. What i wish will happen soon, though, is that for Danny to grow up!