Character flaws, foibles, annoyances and aggravations

Don't be hating on Stella's chesticles, y'all--ur just jelus. :p

It is pretty ridiculous how they have her dress sometimes, but am I the only one who feels lost when they cover up the bewbs in an episode? :lol:

Persona said:
My issue with Adam is all pretty much actor-related.
:( *sniffle* It wounds me. It wounds me deeply. ;) :p

I'm curious about what you mean about Hawkes, though. :)
Drew, Shane, etc, all pointless.

I suppose I see your point about Peyton having little effect on things in the long run, and I too found it odd that they dropped Jane Parsons as soon as they dropped the old set, and suddenly there was another British lady around.

But I don't see what you mean about Shane and Drew being pointless... they were pretty much plot driving characters, no?
Especially Shane--for only appearing in two eps, I really got where he was coming from and why he did what he did. Not that what he did was okay, but at least he wasn't just another "oooh, I'm so eeeeevvil and decided to go on a killing spree." Drew was less convincing to me because a) what he was pissed about happened thirty years ago, b) a rational adult wouldn't blame Mac and c) his whole game was so elaborate that it was just kind of silly. I might have been entertained by the episodes, but I had a more difficult time believing in him as a character than I did Shane.
^^ I totally agree Top41 Drew was... well a lunatic, and his craziness seemed a bit far fetched to me, but I totally sympathized with Shane, and loved seeing him take advantage of knowing Danny could relate to him. I thought Shane Casey and his story line were great.
roximonoxide said:
^^ I totally agree Top41 Drew was... well a lunatic, and his craziness seemed a bit far fetched to me, but I totally sympathized with Shane, and loved seeing him take advantage of knowing Danny could relate to him. I thought Shane Casey and his story line were great.

Agreed...I felt sympathy for him even as I felt revulsion for what he was doing.

And that's another thing about Danny...he does let people take advantage of him. Shane knew he could manipulate Danny into showing up at that bar and helping him (if the CSIs hadn't already solved the crime). Lindsay manipulated Danny into telling the mother in "Oedipus Hex" by playing on his sympathies. There's something sweet about Danny and some less than admirable people take advantage of that...and he lets them. A character flaw perhaps--an interesting one.
A character flaw perhaps--an interesting one.

There's definitely a difference between a "character flaw" that the writers and actors work with to make an effective personal dynamic, and a "character flaw" that leaves a character, flat, or poorly communicated/explained.
althea said:
Where can I rant about TPTB? I have some serious aggravations directed soley at them.
Not sure about that one, but I've got a few of my own. Maybe try the 'What were they thinking?' thread?

*sniffle* It wounds me. It wounds me deeply.
Apologies. ;) Although look at it this way, at least I'm not all 'omgwtfhestakingupscreentime!11!1'. Despite my dislike, Adam does have his uses. :)

But I don't see what you mean about Shane and Drew being pointless... they were pretty much plot driving characters, no?
Sorry, I got Shane confused with Evan. I liked Shane's plot, it was definitely one of the best minor plots in the series and it gave Hawkes a personalized focus - that and the fact I love plots that involve bailing out a friend in need. Don't know why, I just do.

Evan on the other hand, he replaced Hawkes as Medical Examiner for a couple of episodes and then... nothing.

However, I stand by Drew. They played it entirely wrong with his character. In my opinion, he should've been a one-episode killer. What was the benefit otherwise? Giving Stella another reason to go buy a couple of cats?

I'm curious about what you mean about Hawkes, though.

It goes back to the prodigy child thing. It seemed that largely in the first couple of seasons he was the go-to guy. He had all the answers, all the questions, it just didn't do it for me. I like seeing everyone except one get their CSI-related due; it's how they grow after all. It's just my opinion, though. :)

Now a minute ago I had something with Flack, but I can't remember it. :confused:
PerfectAnomaly said:
One thing I forgot about and agree with is Stella's wardrobe. I don't know how I could forget about it since her girls are always on display. I know that on a TV show they're going to dress better/sexier/whateverier, but good lord, woman. One time she's gonna have to chase a perp and she's gonna pop out of her shirt.

Dear Wardrobe Dept.:
Please to be noting that it is possible to be sexy without having your boobs on display for the world. In fact, sometimes being subtle is more sexy.
:lol: I agree. Seriously, considering some of the horrible, dangerous criminals they deal with, the sexual predators esp. (like DJ Pratt) what does she think she's doing? And the wardrobe department do need to put her in something other than the low-cut tops more often.
:lol: It would be so funny if she was chasing a criminal and she popped out in the middle of Broadway or something. :lol:
:lol: It would be so funny if she was chasing a criminal and she popped out in the middle of Broadway or something. :lol:

CSI: Baywatch!

Aha! I remembered my problem with Flack: the force. No, not the Star Wars one, the police one. Flack has this automatic view that cops can do no wrong which always irritates me. Cops are human: greed, murder, and whatever else aren't above them. Correct me if I'm wrong, but he's been proven wrong twice.

Thankfully it's lessened to a degree - his defending of Mac in Season 3 against the Captain being a prime example, however, I still wonder if it's there.
It goes back to the prodigy child thing. It seemed that largely in the first couple of seasons he was the go-to guy. He had all the answers, all the questions, it just didn't do it for me. I like seeing everyone except one get their CSI-related due; it's how they grow after all. It's just my opinion, though.
Ah, ok. I see what you're saying.

Despite my dislike, Adam does have his uses.
Hehe. :p

Evan on the other hand, he replaced Hawkes as Medical Examiner for a couple of episodes and then... nothing.
Aww, I liked Dr Zao. :p I think at that point they were trying to find a regular coroner and he didn't really fit the bill for them or something--kinda like that Zack guy being the lab tech (nobody seems to remember him, so I guess that's a sign :lol:). Then Sid came along and owned it. :p
CSI NY is the only one of the 3 in the series where I truly do like every single main character, and the recurring ones. There are a couple main characters on both the Vegas & Miami shows who I literally despise, but I honestly like all the NY characters - just to varying degrees, of course. :)

I'll start picking nits with 2 of my favorites, Mac & Flack. My main gripe with both of them is the same, they both see things too Black & White. Gentlemen, there are many, many shades of gray; please start taking proper notice. ;) Also with Mac, he needs to start recognizing the value of sometimes trusting your gut and instincts, whether it's his own, or someone else's. That said, I love 'em both. :p

Stella: I agree, too much boobage to be even remotely professional, or taken seriously. I also seriously cringe sometimes at her hardnose approach she can take, IMO it comes off as highly unlikable. (Not Stella herself, but her attitude sometimes).

Danny: Although I love Carmine and think he is one helluva brilliant actor, and does a literally perfect job at portraying Danny Messer, I simply don't like the character as much as the others on the show. He comes off as a whiny, petulant Brat oftentimes, and I wouldn't be at all surprised to see him actually stomp his foot like a child to make his point. He also has his endearing traits though, and makes me literally laugh out loud at his humor, so the redeeming traits usually outweigh his less likable ones.

I have no issues whatsoever with Hawkes, Adam, Sid. Love them to pieces! Angell, too. :) I'll reserve judgement on Kendall, haven't really seen her enough yet to form an intelligent opinion, I guess. I'm hoping for the best, though *crosses fingers*
MBGrissom said:
CSI NY is the only one of the 3 in the series where I truly do like every single main character, and the recurring ones. There are a couple main characters on both the Vegas & Miami shows who I literally despise, but I honestly like all the NY characters - just to varying degrees, of course. :)
I'm the same way. I don't like Lindsey very much, but that's something that's happened recently with s4 and re-watching s3. I didn't mind her too much in s2, before the Danny thing started in earnest and her Dreadful Deep Dark (Not so Great) Secret was revealed. If s2 Lindsay was back, I'd like her more. But on Miami and Vegas there are characters I can't stand.

I'll start picking nits with 2 of my favorites, Mac & Flack. My main gripe with both of them is the same, they both see things too Black & White. Gentlemen, there are many, many shades of gray; please start taking proper notice. ;)
I agree. I know a lot of people have noticed this in Mac, but it is true of Flack too. Someone else on here put that he has this view that Cops Can Do No Wrong, that cops are good (white) and everyone else, or criminals at least, are bad (black) and there's nothing between the two. But as we have seen twice now with the case with Truby and Moran, there are bad cops out there. I wonder whether Flack's b/w view of justice and cops comes from his father's being such a well known and (presumably) good and honorable cop, and Flack wanting himself and others to live up to that. It would be so interesting if Flack found out his dad had done something while he was a cop that wasn't bad, like what Truby or Moran did but fell into one of those gray areas.
Also with Mac, he needs to start recognizing the value of sometimes trusting your gut and instincts, whether it's his own, or someone else's.
Yes, he does. He does go with hia gut in eps like Sweet 16 and Night Mother, and he just needs to learn that that's a good thing.
That said, I love 'em both. :p
Me too. They are without a doubt my two favorite men on the show. I like Flack a lot more since he got rid of his s1 hair! *hugs Mac and Flack.*

Stella: I agree, too much boobage to be even remotely professional, or taken seriously. I also seriously cringe sometimes at her hardnose approach she can take, IMO it comes off as highly unlikable. (Not Stella herself, but her attitude sometimes).
Thank you. I was wondering why Stella's boobage annoyed me so much, and I just realized why- like you say, it's not professional, and that makes me lose a little respect for her.
I don't like her hardnose attitude either, it's unattractive and cliched.

Danny: Although I love Carmine and think he is one helluva brilliant actor, and does a literally perfect job at portraying Danny Messer, I simply don't like the character as much as the others on the show. He comes off as a whiny, petulant Brat oftentimes, and I wouldn't be at all surprised to see him actually stomp his foot like a child to make his point. He also has his endearing traits though, and makes me literally laugh out loud at his humor, so the redeeming traits usually outweigh his less likable ones.
Yes, Danny reminds me of my little cousins with his whiny-ness sometimes, OTJ being a prime e.g. But he's so sweet and funny at other times that he redeems himself for his whiny-ness.
It really irks me when they characters know everything about every little thing. It hasn't happened much lately but there were episodes where I wanted to strangle the characters. I especially find it annoying when Hawkes does it.

I really appreciated in hung out to dry when Stella had to look up Greek Mythology instead of her knowing every detail. I'm sure the experts in reality still need to look things up in book. Adding that aspect to the show once and a awhile would be nice.
When you are 4 seasons in and decide to change a recurring characters Jennifer or is it Jessica? Yes they both start with J but come on...

JulieAnn said:
It really irks me when they characters know everything about every little thing. It hasn't happened much lately but there were episodes where I wanted to strangle the characters. I especially find it annoying when Hawkes does it.

I really appreciated in hung out to dry when Stella had to look up Greek Mythology instead of her knowing every detail. I'm sure the experts in reality still need to look things up in book. Adding that aspect to the show once and a awhile would be nice.

And I am with you JulieAnn you can't know everything. Stop it with the random facts already. We get it. The tiny details is what helps you solve crime.