Maybe that improve the team dynamics.If Eric and Ryan turn out to be half brothers or cousins or something....that would just make my day
Yes, I agree. This show is already makes me feel like I'm watching Dallas or Knots again anyway. Horatio having a son he never knew he had suddenly appearing out of the blue (didn't that happen to JR on Dallas?). Let's see... who would be JR? Ron Saris? :lol:
Actually for me the insane drama started when H and Marisol hooked up. Sorry, but - wtf? Totally unbelievable for me. They didn't develop it and make me really care about them as a couple. Granted, I've never liked H <ducks flying objects> even from season one (he's always seemed like such a pompous a-hole) but I did care about Mari, for herself and because of Eric.