Caution: **Spoiler Lab** Ahead - Season 7

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Haha, I like the idea of Ryan and Rick working together. Maybe he'll be on the guy's good side and pave some kind of mutual road of understanding between Rick and the team? Doubt it. But hey, one can hope!

I like it too. It shows after all of Ryan's gambling problems and him getting rehired, that Rick trusts Ryan enough to work with him.

I like how it seems that Rick is working with the team and not coming in tormenting them over every little thing they do! Nice switch...although knowing Stetler he is watching everyone and everything with his third eye :lol:
I don't know if this was post already, sorry if yes.

I found the names of the last episodes and seems, we'll have 26 :D

7x22 - Dead on Arrival
7x23 - Collateral Damage
7x24 - Murder, Forensics and Horatio
7x25 - And Here's to You, Mr. Caine
7x26 - Lieutenant Duquesne, Ace CSI

Source- Tvrage
Hm...7.25 sounds interesting. I like the title. Seems like that episode would be kind of a tribute.

I like the idea of Ryan and Stetler working together for some reason....but I just hope Ryan doesn't switch careers after he finds out how wonderful it feels to burn Tara!
I don't know if this was post already, sorry if yes.

I found the names of the last episodes and seems, we'll have 26 :D

7x22 - Dead on Arrival
7x23 - Collateral Damage
7x24 - Murder, Forensics and Horatio
7x25 - And Here's to You, Mr. Caine
7x26 - Lieutenant Duquesne, Ace CSI

Source- Tvrage

26 episodes, really???!!!! :drool: :drool: yay!!!! That's awesome :).
The last three names sound funny, like are they real? funny. Not questioning you csifann1 ;). Thank you for the info :).
wow thats a lot of episodes! But Im excited...those last few do sound awesome, but maybe Cal earns her stripes that would be an excellent promotion.
I don't know if this was post already, sorry if yes.

I found the names of the last episodes and seems, we'll have 26 :D

7x22 - Dead on Arrival
7x23 - Collateral Damage
7x24 - Murder, Forensics and Horatio
7x25 - And Here's to You, Mr. Caine
7x26 - Lieutenant Duquesne, Ace CSI

Source- Tvrage

26 episodes, really???!!!! :drool: :drool: yay!!!! That's awesome :).
The last three names sound funny, like are they real? funny. Not questioning you csifann1 ;). Thank you for the info :).

IDK how accurate those titles are.....They don't sound anything like what regular CSI titles are.....722 and 723 are right

724 is called "Dissolved" those spoilers were just released this week....725, the spoilers haven't been released yet and I asked Corey twice how many eps we are getting this season and he told me 25. Spoilers are released every 8 working days...since 724's spoilers were released on 3/23, the spoilers for 725 should be out on or about April 2nd.

There are quite a few sites out there have said what the titles of the eps for the season will be and none of them have been right so far. Titles are always subject to change but we don't know the changed title until the press release is out and the ep is slated for showing. When the spoilers are posted at the site I go to, there will be changes made to them but the title almost never changes on the site. The names of the characters often change from when I see the spoilers to when the ep airs too b/c the network has to get approval to use the names and titles....this usually happens after all roles are cast and right before the ep goes before cameras...which means anything posted at the site I go to, stays the same reglardless of the changes made while shooting or just prior to shooting, until they are taken down by the site; usually when a new ep comes out.

I am not trying to shoot you down or anything, I am just tell you what I know from past ep releases, spoilers and what Corey has told me.
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so if we in fact get 26 episodes does anyone know when (date wise) the last one would be? And if we have more episodes than usual is that going to delay the dvds from coming out since the show ran longer?

I would assume they are all done filming then and are on break because there was a report on another board that Adam R. is now in Atlanta filming a Tyler Perry movie.

hey Delkolover.. how do you get that little movie/icon to play on your signature?
so if we in fact get 26 episodes does anyone know when (date wise) the last one would be? And if we have more episodes than usual is that going to delay the dvds from coming out since the show ran longer?

I would assume they are all done filming amd are on break because there was a report on another board that Adam R. is now in Atlanta filming a Tyler Perry movie.

They are not on break yet....they still have yet to film 724 and 725. Corey has said that it takes roughly 6 to 7 days to scout a location for an ep, then another 4 to 5 days to prep an ep (which includes casting roles and script changes) and then about another 5 to 6 to shoot an ep. So right now they are only working on week they will probably shoot it and then at the end of next week we will get the spoilers for 725.

As for when the finale is slated to air...Corey told me that it is tentatively slated to air on May 18th.
I don't know if this was post already, sorry if yes.

I found the names of the last episodes and seems, we'll have 26 :D

7x22 - Dead on Arrival
7x23 - Collateral Damage
7x24 - Murder, Forensics and Horatio
7x25 - And Here's to You, Mr. Caine
7x26 - Lieutenant Duquesne, Ace CSI

Source- Tvrage
So I'm not the only one who has the impression Calleigh will become the new Lieutenant :p

Anyway, I think it's too soon to know whether these titles are right or not, though I tend to think they're wrong since nobody has written the last episode yet, as far as I know ;)
If that last one was right, wouldn't that indicate that Calleigh might in fact be moved to another shift and become the leader of that shift like Cath did in Season 5 of Vegas? I don't know though, I think those last three titles sound like fanfic titles. Well, maybe not that "And here's to you Mr. Caine" one. But the "ace CSI" part of the last one can't be true. That just sounds wrong. The Lt. Dusquene part sounds okay, but the other part just doesn't sound right to me. :lol: But, if they're true that means that Wolfe isn't the only one to get his name in a title this season. :lol:

The week after next, there's not an episode on because of basketball. GRR! Which means we have to wait two weeks for Stetler's return. :(
What the heck is basketball doing on on a Monday anyway? I thought Thursday was basketball night. :lol:
I was thinking the same thing about Cal moving to a different shift, but I find it interesting that before now we have never really seen another Lt on another shift. When Jake was around he was a det. on the night shift (Nat's ex was killed) then Jake was reassigned or put back on his detail with the CriptKings so it will be interesting to see what happens.

I personally enjoy the play in the titles with the CSI's names pretty clever.
I found those names too and the first thing I thought was that it doesn't sound like actuall episode names to me. Though I'd love to have 26 episodes....

But I'd love to see Calleigh as an Lt. Maybe for the nightshift, since this fraternisation (how do you spell that?) policy should mean some trouble for her and Eric... I don't know though if the writers will mention that again... But I think Cal would be a great leader to a shift, she already showed that in the Rio episode....
I loved Ryan's comments to her in the Rio episodes, he totally was like "yes boss" and "I think this fits you well" total a** kisser.

In fact I may have to watch Rio tonight for a few laughs.
If that last one was right, wouldn't that indicate that Calleigh might in fact be moved to another shift and become the leader of that shift like Cath did in Season 5 of Vegas? I don't know though, I think those last three titles sound like fanfic titles. Well, maybe not that "And here's to you Mr. Caine" one. But the "ace CSI" part of the last one can't be true. That just sounds wrong. The Lt. Dusquene part sounds okay, but the other part just doesn't sound right to me. :lol: But, if they're true that means that Wolfe isn't the only one to get his name in a title this season. :lol:

The week after next, there's not an episode on because of basketball. GRR! Which means we have to wait two weeks for Stetler's return. :(
What the heck is basketball doing on on a Monday anyway? I thought Thursday was basketball night. :lol:

Well basketball has been on thursday nights but Monday April 6th are the NCAA Final Four games...After Monday there will only be two teams left who will play the next weekend for the title.

It sucks, I know...believe me I know :lol:
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