Catherine/Adam #1-Not The First Time Around, But The Second

Re: Catherine/Adam #1~Not the first time around, but the sec

Well I seem to be a Cath mulitshipper :lol:

WillowsWannaBe you should be proud your ship is featured already:)

and I hope he will be back

it will be fun to watch how they interact together
Re: Catherine/Adam #1~Not the first time around, but the sec

What an awesome featured ship :D

I just saw the courtoom scene from Leaving Las Vegas between Adam and Catherine and oh wow...the intensity in those looks!
Re: Catherine/Adam #1~Not the first time around, but the sec

kaylyne said:
No wonder I couldn't find this thread - it was right at the top of the page. It's nice that we get a "featured" spot right off the bat!
Hehe that happened to me, too. I couldn't find this thread until I saw Anne's reply being listed on the main page. It's so cool to have a featured ship. Woot! Anne, did you watch their last scene from Leaving Las Vegas? They looked so great together, and Adam actually smiled. I so looooved that scene!

Btw, do you guys remember the Adam/Nick scene where Adam told Nick that Catherine was a men hater? I was laughing so hard. Hehe, if he only knew her...
Re: Catherine/Adam #1~Not the first time around, but the sec

Catherine/Adam!!! it was only a matter of time :lol: I'm in :D


they are hot :devil:
Re: Catherine/Adam #1~Not the first time around, but the sec

You know, at the end Catherine encouraged him to take on Guffey's case. Maybe Guffey will tell Adam about her little show and Adam will want her to give a demonstration of what happened.
Re: Catherine/Adam #1~Not the first time around, but the sec

Goddamn that's a hot photo.

Anyhoo, guys

I just wanted to pop in for a moment and mention this.

This ship is getting a following, and I heard a rumour that someone is writing a Catherine/Adam fic. I don't know if it's anyone on here, but anyone, may I make a blanket suggestion?


Although I'm sure most of us understand the difference between characters and real life actors/actresses, I still think writing for this couple is a little....wrong. Too much Marg and Alan and too easy for the lines to blur.

Just a friendly suggestion ;)
Re: Catherine/Adam #1~Not the first time around, but the sec

Drumchik said:
Goddamn that's a hot photo.

Anyhoo, guys

I just wanted to pop in for a moment and mention this.

This ship is getting a following, and I heard a rumour that someone is writing a Catherine/Adam fic. I don't know if it's anyone on here, but anyone, may I make a blanket suggestion?


Although I'm sure most of us understand the difference between characters and real life actors/actresses, I still think writing for this couple is a little....wrong. Too much Marg and Alan and too easy for the lines to blur.

Just a friendly suggestion ;)

Drumchik, Catherine and Adam are characters on a tv show. They are fictional. While I realize that the actors (Marge and Alan) are married, that has nothing to do with their characters. If anyone wants to write a fiction about Catherine and Adam, they have every right to do so. I think everyone is mature enough to know the difference between the characters and the actors.

So, please don't suggest that someone can't write Catherine/Adam fiction. If you feel it's "wrong", that's your opinion and you have a right to feel that way (and you don't have to read the fics) but please don't tell others they are "wrong". Since the names Catherie and Adam be used in the fics?? I don't think they will be confused with Marg and Alan.
Re: Catherine/Adam #1~Not the first time around, but the sec

Drumchik, what's wrong with someone can write a story about Catherine and Adam? They want to write about them, not Marg and Alan, they're married, but not Catherine and Adam, they not married.
Re: Catherine/Adam #1~Not the first time around, but the sec

Before it gets out of hand, I have addressed the post about Catherine/Adam fics. Let's just continue the discussion about them.
Re: Catherine/Adam #1~Not the first time around, but the sec

I think it probably has something to do with some fics both Anne and I have read involving not just the characters but the real-life actors as well. Believe me, there ARE fanfic writers who confuse fictional characters with the actors who play them. With the actors being a real-life couple, it's probably even harder for some people to draw the line. But that's just an opinion and 1CSIMfan is right that people are entitled to write whatever they want as long as they don't cross the line. IMO Anne was just trying to make a friendly reminder. :)

And I really don't think it has anything to do with whether they're married or not, NicknGrissom. It's more about fiction/real life. :)

So, any interesting thoughts about the two characters?
Re: Catherine/Adam #1~Not the first time around, but the sec

Cross the line or not, people are entitled to write what they want. I don't agree with writing fics about the actors but we can't stop it. They just won't be posted or linked to on this board.

Now, as I stated two posts up, let's move on. This matter is closed. ;)
Re: Catherine/Adam #1~Not the first time around, but the sec

I noticed both Lindsay and Lily seemed to like him (I mean, they were talking friendly as I can remember)...That's another reason to ship these two :D

And YAY for featured ship!
Re: Catherine/Adam #1~Not the first time around, but the sec

But that was before Lily caught Catherine's look that told her to go into the house because all was not as it looked like. I'm guessing Catherine had to tell Lily what was going on after the cops showed up at the house. I'm not sure Lily would be so accommodating to Adam this time around.
Notice how protective Nick seemed to be - especially when he was walking to the SUV and noticing Adam had been talking to Catherine - he asked if she was alright. I'm guessing everyone at the lab knows about the rocky start Cath & Adam have had.
Re: Catherine/Adam #1~Not the first time around, but the sec

I'm going to weigh in on one thing Anne said and I WILL move off.

I don't think she was telling anyone not too, but suggesting it.

There's a big difference.

Now, moving on!

I really like this ship. It has potential to grow. I say this beacause of the following reasons:

1) There won't be any problems with her dating a co-worker. I know that's been mentioned as a determent in some other ships.

2) With their schedules, they should be able to spend evenings together. He works days, she works nights. They'll have the best time of the day together.

3) Someone else said this, but I'm adding it. Lily and Lindsey like him. That's always a plus.

4) Natural chemistry always rules.
Re: Catherine/Adam #1~Not the first time around, but the sec

Love the reasons :) I got another one:

-Bickeing couples are always hot :lol: