Cath & Warrick #8 YoBling: Eye-Sex Pioneers

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Re: Cath & Warrick #8 YoBling: Eye-Sex™ Pioneers



Sometimes I feel as though I'm all alone in this world.

Where are you Yo!Bling believers??? :confused:
Re: Cath & Warrick #8 YoBling: Eye-Sex™ Pioneers


You know... I was once in a play and that was my only line. Over and over again.

I was directing but had to take the part because I didn't have anyone else to do it.

It was great!
Re: Cath & Warrick #8 YoBling: Eye-Sex™ Pioneers

You've directed a play?

That's so awesome.

I had a role in my first grade play. I was a dancing flower. I was such a raw talent! :lol:
Re: Cath & Warrick #8 YoBling: Eye-Sex™ Pioneers

Yeah, I did theatre for 10 years before I decided to do what it is I'm doing now.

The play was "The Complete Works of WIlliam Shakespeare, Abridged."

About the funniest show I've ever done.

I wonder if Grissom has ever seen it?
Re: Cath & Warrick #8 YoBling: Eye-Sex™ Pioneers

Wow, that's really impressive!

Dude, I bet Grissom has totally seen it. (The writers need to explore some more character backstory so we can find out for sure. LOL.)
Re: Cath & Warrick #8 YoBling: Eye-Sex™ Pioneers

Hey everyone. LLK...I can't pm you because you have exceeded your max pm's!!! Sorry if it's off topic...I hope Warrick has more screen time this season!!!! ;)
Re: Cath & Warrick #8 YoBling: Eye-Sex™ Pioneers

I am here, just high school is getting over the social life I don't have, at least I am so busy with my homework and exams that doesn't even let me come here and have my YoBling fix.

I'll try harder and come and visit more often :)
Re: Cath & Warrick #8 YoBling: Eye-Sex™ Pioneers

maricejayo, I know what you mean. School interferes with almost all good things.

Keep up the Yo!Bling love, people. :cool:
Re: Cath & Warrick #8 YoBling: Eye-Sex™ Pioneers

i know this is way after the fact but,
i may have said this before, but i can't believe cath and warrick aren't canon yet. it seems like they should have gotten the idea by now. what is it w/ vegas? is there something in the water that our csi's can't figure out they're supposed to be w/ someone for like a decade?

our show needs some serious lovin
Re: Cath & Warrick #8 YoBling: Eye-Sex™ Pioneers

PAGE TWO??!? I don't think so. Spread the Yo!Bling love, people. Spread it.

I think we should start a Yo!Bling worship congregation. I can deliver daily sermons to help get C/W shippers off their asses and into the community. LOL, j/k.

But seriously... where are all of my Yo!Bling pals?
Re: Cath & Warrick #8 YoBling: Eye-Sex™ Pioneers

Hey all...

I posted chapter three of the story I wrote with Bauerfreak "Symphony of Change" over on the fanfiction thread. I'd love it if you'd go review on

Chapter 3 is yobling.
Re: Cath & Warrick #8 YoBling: Eye-Sex™ Pioneers

I just read and reviewed. You guys are going a great job!

Man, what happened to this thread's buoyancy? We need something to keep this baby afloat.

And ideas?
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