Cath & Warrick #8 YoBling: Eye-Sex Pioneers

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Re: Cath & Warrick #8 YoBling: Eye-Sex™ Pioneers

EricaSJ said:
*pops in*

Hey Rose! *waves* Glad to see you back hehe. Although I don't come here as frequent as I used to anymore, it's still great to see an old pal back here. Hope to see you more often. :)


Thanks for the great welcome I really appreciate it. I'll surely be back more often.

Re: Cath & Warrick #8 YoBling: Eye-Sex™ Pioneers

WOW...I can't believe that it has been almost three weeks since I have poked my nose in here. I've been a very bad YoBlinger, but this is what happens when work gets in the way of fun.

I finally had a moment to sit down, turn on my VCR and watch Fannysmackin. I must say that it was a great episode. Eric Szmanda's performance rocked, but what really got me all gooey inside was the brief moment between Catherine and Warrick. :)

Like so many of you have already said, this is a wonderful small step forward for YoBling. It looks like the writers are slowly bridging the distance between them, by giving them little moments of connection. I'm not going to complain if the pace is slow. I just have to keep reminding myself that it was the tortise that won the race. :lol:

I loved the look that Cath gave Rick after he complimented her. A small moment of surprise crossed her face, but then it immediately morphed into a real affectionate smile. Yay! :D

Hey, ineverysunflower, here are a few screen caps of the scene from Lady Heather's Box:concern and sympathy

Oh, and as penance for neglecting my YoBling duties these past few weeks, I wrote a new chapter of "Thirst" on (Psst - Hottie_Cath, smut alert in progress. :devil: Enjoy.)
Re: Cath & Warrick #8 YoBling: Eye-Sex™ Pioneers

iilovecsii said:
Warrick always used to say "Yo" and remember the ep. were catherine was like "maybe a little bling bling?" I got that off of An Evident Gamble.
oh thanks.
Re: Cath & Warrick #8 YoBling: Eye-Sex™ Pioneers

Sydney WB! Thanks for refreshing my memory on the arm porn in Lady Heather's Box btw. Warrick was also touchy feely in Built to Kill. Probably he's just like that, he loves to touch, lol.

Oh, and as penance for neglecting my YoBling duties these past few weeks, I wrote a new chapter of "Thirst" on
*whoot* That was hot! I love yobling doing their lovemaking in the hay :lol: Thank goodness I was able to read your story before temporarily closed their site.. they said it was due to unexpected heavy site traffic.
Re: Cath & Warrick #8 YoBling: Eye-Sex™ Pioneers

Hey guys....3 lines MINIMUM of on topic posting.

There's been quite a few short posts. Please make your posts longer and on topic.
Re: Cath & Warrick #8 YoBling: Eye-Sex™ Pioneers

heres a little[ its really small, im not sure why] picture because i felt that i since ive been absent for so long that i should contribute a little something...

<-- :devil:
Re: Cath & Warrick #8 YoBling: Eye-Sex™ Pioneers

Which ep is the 'concern' pic from? Doesn't look familiar.

Thanks, ineverysunflower...even though it's little, it still looks like he's checking out her butt hehe.

I left a fic review at but will say again here that naughty YoBling...mmmm!
Re: Cath & Warrick #8 YoBling: Eye-Sex™ Pioneers

i dont know what you all think out there but i realise in the past few seasons of CSI that i have watched, especially when Catherine was promoted... Warrick didnt really like Catherine being his supervisor.. did any of you realise that??
Re: Cath & Warrick #8 YoBling: Eye-Sex™ Pioneers

Hey MacsGirlMel...the photo called "concern" was from season 4, an episode called Lady Heather's Box.

That's the episode where Cath's ex-husband Eddy dies. :( Warrick & Nick are comforting her after the fact. Yep, nothing like a little CathDrama to bring out the YoBling. ;) (Arm porn!!! I had totally forgot there was a technical term for that Hottie_Cath ROFL)

I'm glad to hear everyone is enjoying the "heat" at the Sunset Canyon Ranch. :D That just makes me want to write more.

As for Warrick not liking Cath as his supervisor suave_elle, I'm not sure that's really true. Warrick made a point of telling her that her new position/office "looked good" on her, and we got lots of YoBling moments in season 5 (the season she was swing-shift supervisor), especially Big Middle with the ultimate YoBling Eye-Sex action.
Re: Cath & Warrick #8 YoBling: Eye-Sex™ Pioneers

One1Red said:
Hey MacsGirlMel...the photo called "concern" was from season 4, an episode called Lady Heather's Box.

Ah, I guess it was just a typo but a bit of a correction there, it was actually season 3. :)

One1Red said:
As for Warrick not liking Cath as his supervisor suave_elle, I'm not sure that's really true. Warrick made a point of telling her that her new position/office "looked good" on her, and we got lots of YoBling moments in season 5 (the season she was swing-shift supervisor), especially Big Middle with the ultimate YoBling Eye-Sex action.

ITA! They had only one moment where Catherine basically made it clear that she was a different supervisor than Grissom and even there Warrick accepted it. Instead of getting into a fight with her or becoming disrespectful he left the topic alone but I absolutely didn't see any negative feelings from Warrick after that. Like One1Red said, we actually got Big Middle later on.
Re: Cath & Warrick #8 YoBling: Eye-Sex™ Pioneers

AngelEyez said:

Ah, I guess it was just a typo but a bit of a correction there, it was actually season 3. :)

:eek: Ooops...that's too funny AngelEyez...I was looking at my DVD's and it is season 3 disc 4...Hence the brain cramp / confusion - My bad. :eek:

I just thought of something else that shows that Rick was totally comfortable with Cath being his supervisor. In Spark of Life he actually calls her "The Boss Lady". Okay, so it wasn't to her face, but it wasn't in a "I'm dissing you behind your back" kind of context either. I look at it more as a term of endearment :lol: (Yes, that's my story and I'm sticking to it)
Re: Cath & Warrick #8 YoBling: Eye-Sex™ Pioneers

LOL! I'm sticking to your story too.

THey obviously remained close enough while she was his boss or else it wouldnt have been so important for Warrick to find out what she thought about his marriage.
Re: Cath & Warrick #8 YoBling: Eye-Sex™ Pioneers

One1Red said:
I just thought of something else that shows that Rick was totally comfortable with Cath being his supervisor. In Spark of Life he actually calls her "The Boss Lady". Okay, so it wasn't to her face, but it wasn't in a "I'm dissing you behind your back" kind of context either. I look at it more as a term of endearment :lol: (Yes, that's my story and I'm sticking to it)
Ah that was the ep that came to my mind too. :D And I also thought that it is his term of endermeant for her.
Also, in No Humans Involved, when Warrick saw Catherine inside her new office, he said: "Aww, it looks good on you." That means he was happy for Catherine, that she's deserving of her position and office.
Sure they had a short tense moment (but for me it was sexual tension lmao :lol: ) in NHI but in the end Warrick and Catherine were able to come to an agreement.. I love the end scene where Cath said: "From now on, anything that happens at a crime scene, I'm your first phone call." Warrick then said: "Sure."
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