Cath/Sara Slash #8: Strippers Down The Hall

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Oh I wish!

That might happen if the writers weren't completely insane and so focused on ruining the show by writing a pathetic romance between two characters who should not even be together.

I wish they'd get a clue and take advantage of electrifying chemistry that's right in front of them. Hell, any other pairing makes more sense than the one they're wasting time on now. lol.
You know, I just watched the Happy Place, where G and S effectively broke up. It would be interesting if Sara came back after G has left so she can see Catherine :D

Now that would be totally awesome. We can wish eh? It would be so amazing. *goes off into thought*....

They do have so much chemistry, almost every scene they're in together has something about it. You can almost feel it. I truly love the Cath/Sara ship, just something about them, they're so different, yet also very similar, and they could help each other so much.

I love watching the old eps and seeing things i missed before, like that really cute look/smirk.

And Banshee_D, I NEVER expected to see you in here :D:D I'm loving the fact you're coming around to the amazing chemistry/sexual tension that Cath/Sara have/had, and yay... that hug was very intense. hopefully now you're here you'll stay :D

Electrifying chemistry... That's exactly what it is lasttoknow :)
You know, I just watched the Happy Place, where G and S effectively broke up. It would be interesting if Sara came back after G has left so she can see Catherine :D

Everytime when Sara had some problems or when she was gone I see in my mind one scenario - she was coming to Cath (or Sofia, sorry, I miss so much this ship). Of course it was very privet thing and no one knew it.

I love watching the old eps and seeing things i missed before, like that really cute look/smirk.

Oh yes. I love episodes from early seasons. From the beginning was a strong chemistry.

And Banshee_D, I NEVER expected to see you in here :D:D I'm loving the fact you're coming around to the amazing chemistry/sexual tension that Cath/Sara have/had, and yay... that hug was very intense. hopefully now you're here you'll stay :D

I'm full of surprises;)
^ ^ You most certainly are lol. :)

This is the first ship I shipped in CSI (Nick Greg came a bit after;)). From the moment the two met I just saw the chemistry between them, and it's just there constantly.

There are many many occasions where something has happened, and I also see Sara going to Cath or vice versa. And it just fits. Like say for example, in too tough to die she was really angry at the husband, she could have gone out with Cath and explained everything, and she'd have calmed her down. I think it works the other way too though, and if something happened to Cath, Sara would automatically be there (in BTK2, the emotion in Sara's voice when she knew Cath may have been raped, and Cath's 'I called you') says a lot to me, the emotion between them there was just wow.

Even smaller scenes, where they're just working you can still just see the glances, and the chemistry between them.

(OK I went a little off on a reminiscence;))
There are many many occasions where something has happened, and I also see Sara going to Cath or vice versa. And it just fits. Like say for example, in too tough to die she was really angry at the husband, she could have gone out with Cath and explained everything, and she'd have calmed her down. I think it works the other way too though, and if something happened to Cath, Sara would automatically be there (in BTK2, the emotion in Sara's voice when she knew Cath may have been raped, and Cath's 'I called you') says a lot to me, the emotion between them there was just wow.

Even smaller scenes, where they're just working you can still just see the glances, and the chemistry between them.

Oh definitely. The "I called you" had so many unspoken emotions behind it. The anguish in her voice and the look in her eyes left me speechless.

And the looks they shared in 'Crash & Burn'...:wtf:. You'd have to be blind not to see it.

They do have so much chemistry, almost every scene they're in together has something about it. You can almost feel it. I truly love the Cath/Sara ship, just something about them, they're so different, yet also very similar, and they could help each other so much.

Their chemistry hit me in the face during their first scene together. I don't know if it's because Jorja and Marg are so close in real life, or what, but there's something there; it's always been there. And you can't get better chemistry than that.
^ ^ You most certainly are lol. :)


There are many many occasions where something has happened, and I also see Sara going to Cath or vice versa. And it just fits. Like say for example, in too tough to die she was really angry at the husband, she could have gone out with Cath and explained everything, and she'd have calmed her down. I think it works the other way too though, and if something happened to Cath, Sara would automatically be there (in BTK2, the emotion in Sara's voice when she knew Cath may have been raped, and Cath's 'I called you') says a lot to me, the emotion between them there was just wow.

I thought about BTK2. I loved this scene when Sara came. Their connection was so strong. I like your idea with Too Tough To Die. Definitely Sara could say Cath everything 'cause who else would be able to help her more than Cath?

I like when they both have case. I gonna miss it so much! Like in this episode where little girl was killed by her own mother in the amusment park. Catherine was so nervous about it and Sara was trying to calm her down.
I agree, its such a strong connection shown in BTK2.

Justice is Servies -the Dantini case 'we're not getting lunch, are we?' (something like that)haha. I just forget the last scene of the ep, and in my own version Cath knocks on Sara's door instead, and they talk, and Sara helps Cath get over the case.

The chemistry is just always there. In that same ep Sara says "This is fun" and the look she gives Cath was more than just a normal lfriends/ colleagues look!

Even my mom raised an eyebrow at the Crash and Burn scene. I could see out of the corner of my eye. So even she noticed it.

I have to say the moment at the end of that ep is probably in every Cath/Sara fans top 3 moments?

I love it, you could cut the tension with a knife then.

I guess there could be so much chemistry because Marg and Jorja are close, but I guess the personality of the characters and the way they portray them just gives us the chemistry. The characters are so different but so similar, so they clash, but they understand each other. I was just watching What's Eating Gilbert Grissom, and at some point during the ep, looking through evidence, Sara gets so close to Cath, and gives her another trademark look. I'm going to search for the cap.

I could go on about them all night ;)

Meanwhile, some old goodies:

Organ Grinder

Such a chemistry filled look

Crash and Burn
The more I read this thread the more exciting I get. Now I actually consider re-watching those episodes.

I remember their first scene together and I just thought, wow, they look so good together and the tension between them was just great.

And who could forget about Crash and Burn. The last scene really is amazing. And the one in BTK 2, too.

Ah, I think you might turn me into a Cath/Sara shipper :eek: I definitely have to check out some episodes again.

Just remembered, I think it was All for Our Country, where Cath and Sara worked that case of the football fan they found in the bathtube. Wow, they looked so damn good in those tanktops :drool:
The tanktops.... They both looked totally unbelievably hot in that scene, too bad about having to get rid of the floater man...

I loved the 'It's raining man juice?' 'Hallelujah?' from that ep, and also in the bar, when they look at each other so cutely when the talk of sport is about.

Yay for you love_fan, Cath/Sara is an awesome ship :) two very hot women with bags of sexual tension. :) I'm like that you may go watch some good old eps ;)

Seriously, the more old eps I rewatch the more moments I see, they are so so many little moments throughout the older seasons. My next two I want to watch are 2x07 and 2x09, if I remember they have some good Cath/Sara in them:)
It is undeniable. I'm really excited about Cath/Sara again now :) I actually may attempt to further one of my fics later...

I love the fact that although we haven't had many scenes recently with Sara leaving, the ship can still attract new fans :D

And, the looks they share sometimes, and the arguments/near arguments just scream sexual tension :)
You all are getting close to starting a new I thought I would post this for you. I will lock this thread when it gets to 1000 posts. Thanks!
Thanks for posting that BlackKat.:) Anyone have any name suggestions?

How about Cath/Sara #9: "I called you".

I know, it sucks... but I loved the moment in that ep. And I suck at name thinking ;)

Carrying on from what was said earlier (sorry who said this, i've forgotten, I'm useless), but what does everyone think could happen if Sara and Grissom have effectively broken up? I mean I know Sara has left again now, but, does she keep in touch with Cath. Cath was so happy to see her in For Warrick, there was something else there, definately. Cath was glad that Sara was there for support, but she was glad to see her anyway.
I'd go with either:
Cath/Sara #9: "I called you" or
Cath/Sara #9: "keep it between us"

Someone mentioned somewhere (I think it was in the "for Warrick" episode thread) - how did Sara get there so fast and who called her? Because Grissom seemed shocked to see her there. I think it was actually Catherine that called her. Remember that she was on the phone to call Greg back from the airport in that episode. I think she called Sara first. Usually, calling the rest of the "family" home after a death is usually something the "mother" does. In this case, Cath is kind of the "mother" of the team. That would also coicide with the reason (during the hug), Cath said "It's great that we can all be together".
I'm agree that Catherine is a "mother" of the team. I started to think about her in that way from the beginning. Thanks to that everyone can really rely on her, especially Sara and vice versa like in BTK2. And it's possible that Cath phoned her not Grissom. He was in a big shock and Cath is much stronger so she made all phone calls.

I like both names for new thread. Don't ask 'cause I can't decide.
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