Cath/Sara Slash #8: Strippers Down The Hall

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Thanks :D I liked that ep. "It's raining man juice?!" "Hallelulah?" There cases were good, :( I hate using the past tense. and in that second pic, Sara is definately looking at Catherine;)
They totally are! That pic has always been one of my favorites. I never know who's position I'd like to be in... Checking out Sara or checking our Catherine... hmm...

I think I'll stick to being myself and checking out both at the same time. :p
I love that promo pic! Interesting that they didn't have any real scenes/case together in that episode, yet they end up in a promo pic together.

As the eternal pessimist, I'm not holding my breath for any upcoming Cath/Sara scenes. For the past two seasons, Sara has only been around to be part of the GSR storyline, which is why there's basically been no C/S since early season 6 Secrets & Flies.

and the other pic - "It's raining man juice"..."hallelujah?" has to be among the top 5 CSI lines of all time!!
Oh yeh, it is one of the best lines... and their facial expressions too- loved it!!

I do like the fact that they got that promo pic together, even though there were hardly any scenes with the 2 of them in (I remember right at the end Sara goes into Grissoms office when Cath is there if I'm right?), it's great that there's a pic of them both.

I am kind of pessimistic but hoping (I know that totally doesn't make sense), but I doubt there will be much new interaction, but I hope there will be, because Cath/Sara scenes, even to non shippers have sometimes got to be some of the best, and funniest on the show.

Of the top of my head 2x09 stands right out, the scene in the little shop place, and of course the man juice scene in 4x02.

And miacharlize, I think I agree, I don't know who I'd rather be at that point in time.

Sara and Cath from "All for our Country" I liked it when they were on cases together

Thanks Taryn, I remember this is the scene that got me into liking this pairing, and then liking CSI LV! (Noticed the sequence? :lol:)

When I saw this scene I have no idea who these two are, coz I wasn't so much into CSI LV then...just find them too cute to not be together!

I know lotsa people have been talking about why Sara got to go, but to me it's "why can't she stay for Cath?" :brickwall:

^ ^ I know. And I've read quite a few fics where Sara comes back for Cath. I'm living the ship through fic atm, there's still a lot of good ones around, which is good.
really? Do recommend some good ones? I haven't been back at the fanfic corner for quite a bit too.

Maybe it's time to find my way back there.:D

*rushes to find map*:guffaw::guffaw:
Ah, the thread died again :( I'm going to forever keep trying to keep it going :D I'll never give up lol. So for that, i'm sorry for the double post.. :D

I bring us some old classic Cath/Sara pics.

Look at that look in Cath's eyes. My favourite Cath/Sara scene I think. :devil:

photobucket is being tempremental, with me at least. A couple of others I've resized and it still posts HUGE.

I was just wondering, there's so many Cath/Sara fics on, and lots of new ones too. I take it not many people who regularly post there are on here?

anyway, Cath/Sara scenes/pics/anything anybody? :D
yeah, this thread seems to keep dying, just like what TPTB did to the girls after mid-season 5. They rarely had any scenes together in the final 3 seasons. I don't know if I could pick a favorite CS scene, because since there were so few of them throughout the run of the show, each one is special to me. Some of the favorites:
Where Sara tells Cath "nice work, Catherine" when they get the results of Holly's murder suspect:

Or when they're both clueless about sports in All For Our Country:

Or, when they're in the clown promoter's office in Getting Off
or even walking in the hallway together in XX
i loved all of those scenes. Also, the root beer scene. The scene is the Dantini case. The 'Sara's all you get' 'all I need', the shop in 2x09, there's loads :) plus the office scene in Secrets and flies. I'll get caps, when I'm back from vacation in just over 2 weeks time :)
OK, so I actually don't ship them but I keep noticing that there are indeed quite a few scenes that make me want to believe.

I've just watched Built to Kill Part 2 and I loved that Cath called Sara. Just a sign of how much she trusts her of all the people in the lab. And the way she says "I called YOU" says so much.

I also loved the scene from "All for Our Country" (S4). But then again, women in tank tops ... :drool:
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