Cath/Sara Slash #8: Strippers Down The Hall

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I would love to see that convo too, actually. I kinda fear how the TPTB would handle it. Given past history and how they treated their working relationship from the start, I'd hate for it to turn into a Nesting Dolls type shouting match.

They've written Sara to be very stubborn about this relationship with Gil, whether she believes it to be a good move or not.

Either way, I think the writers owe the characters some kind of closure. Sara and Cath have come a long way since the second episode. It would seem weird for neither woman to address it.
I just watched The Good The Bad And The Dominatrix the other day and as Cath & Sara are working the scene together and Catherine mentions Heather and Grissom.... I love that scene. Even more when she asks about Sara's fantasies!
Damn, would I love to know what was going on inside her head at that moment..

*worth a fanfic!* :devil:
Oh, I can very well imagine what naughty little Miss Sidle is fantasizing about... and that has nothing to do with either Grissom nor Lady H...
I wonder if it included any saw dust ;-)

I am working on a new fanfic and I am also working on an update on my already existing fanfic Lifelines. Just doing some Cath/Sara stuff to get over the fact Jorja is leaving :rolleyes:
Okay so no CS in the Cross Dressing ep but how adorable was the little exchange between Sara and Lily? That smile is not the way you greet the mother of a co-worker you barely know. Looked much more like mom in law if you ask me. ANd Lily seems to like her daughter's choice the way she smiled back.
Thanks to the Quotes You Wont Hear thread, I have now come up with what will most likely be the most GAY fanfic of CSI ever. I am going to start it later tonight. I mean.. the whole lab will be gay. Aint that going to be fun :devil:
I love Lily. She's so unpredictable but fiercely protective of Catherine, even when she's being a nag.

And Miacharlize, have I mentioned lately how much I love your sig banner? RAWR.
I agree, Lily is great. She seemed a little annoying (more from Catherine's pov than the viewer's) but it's obvious she cares a great deal about her daughter. That's why I thought it was so awesome that she seemed so fond of Sara, she evidently supports their relationship ;)

Thanks for the comment on my banner btw, I'm glad I'm not the only one who likes it :)

And, Happy B-Day Chris.
Needed to find this thread.. it had gotten kind of lost.

I am working on a new fanfic (its not the all gay one I mentioned before) but its still nice. Will let you guys know when the stuff will be online :D
They're pretty. I should do fanart for my stories as well... But I'm a little lazy...

Anyway, love the "I can't make you love me" image. Seen the manips before though :p


No real fanart, just a little avi




hey guys, just popping in this thread to say hello :) and to wake the thread up, I mean it's on page 3 :( And Cath/Sara is my fav. ship. I normally don't post much, but I just thought I'd pop in here ;) And I haven't seen today's ep, but I'm gutted... So I thought I'd try and be happier about it, and looked to read through these threads, and found bottom of page 3!!
The one thing I'm disappointed with, now that Sara's gone, is that I was hoping there would be some new case that popped up with ties to Eddie's murder - and they finally can pin the murder on someone specific. If they bring that subject up in the near future, Sara won't be around and it wouldn't have the same impact/implications that it would if Sara was still part of the team.
Has anyone else been disappointed by the fact that in her last ep Sara and Catherine didn't have a proper scene together?

Catherine was supposed to supervise Sara, but they didn't talk to each other once. :(
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