Cath/Sara Slash #8: Strippers Down The Hall

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The only places for screencaps I know have just the main cast capped. So I guess you'll have to find someone who is willing to cap that other scene for you. Should you find them please give me a nod, ok? ;)

And thanks kaylyne for spreading hope. I don't expect much but I'll be looking forward anyways :)
onlynic said:
Ok, so i'm trying to find screen caps of "Daddy's little girl" I want the one's where it looks like Cath and Sara are in bed together... can anyone help me?
OK, I know it's been a long time since I watched Daddy's little girl - because....well, it sucked - but Cath & Sara on a bed? If I recall correctly Catherine & Sara weren't even working on the same case in this one and didn't have any scenes together. Cath was with Nick on the case with Kelly Gordon. Sara was with Warrick & Grissom on the original case.

I remember at the end, Sofia is on the bed trying to revive Kelly Gordon before she OD'd. that's all I can think of.

you can check out screencaps at Erica's site: beyond imagination
They had the scene where they were investigating the closet, didn't they? And they were checking out the boas and stuff? I may totally be wrong, but I thought that they did have at least that one scene.. *shrugs*
The scene in Daddys Little Girl is something that was used in several music vids. It's not them but it's the vic & her gf I think (haven't seen the ep). Anyways, those two look dangerously close like Cath & Sara...

And wasn't tha boa stuff from Kiss Kiss, Bye Bye?
yeah, the boas in the closet was Kiss Kiss, Bye Bye - the one with Faye Dunaway. Cath & Sara didn't have any scenes together in Daddy's little girl. The scene at the beginning of DLG was Chelsea & Bianca - who were mother & daughter. EWWWWWW.
It's been quite a while since I watched stalker. I forgot about this scene with the girls:

Is Sara playing "footsie" with Cath's knee?
Yes Cath and Sara weren't in bed together in that eppisode, but i still remember the previews for that one and it looked like cath and sara in bad together. I like to just watch the scene that looks like cath and sara and just forget about the real plot... which was the mother and daughter... but i don't want to think of that, i like my Sara, Cath moment... even if it was two other actors- they could be their stunt doubles. Ok i'll stop now.

Got to love thongs!
Riiight. *rolls eyes* I'm a moron, sorry. I always confuse the episode titles of KKBB and DLG. I don't know why. They were nothing alike. *shrugs* I didn't know that the mother and daughter were used for music video purposes, but now that it's mentioned, what an awesome idea..
*dances* hhhmmm, must think of something important and world changing to say...
Hokay, quick question, easy answer. Since we all love our CS action, who do you think would be more likely to propose? Cath or Sara? I'm thinking Sara, because it suits my fantasies. ^_^

That's a hard one! They both always want to be in charge. I say either or way it makes me a happy lady, but i would go with Cat. Even though Sara comes of more "butch" (i hate sterio types, but, eh, what's a girl to do) But i could see Cat being the one who knows she wants it and going for it.

I don't see her doing the one knee thing in my head it goes a lil like this...

*Cat pins Sara to the wall* In a perring voice Cath says to Sara "I want you to be mine forever... do you have a problem with that?"

Sara stutters a lil suprised ""

Cath kisses sara's neck and says "good than will you marry me?"

Sara suprised as one could be jumps ontop of Cat and kisses her and says "yes in a heart beat."

Aww, lovely. That's so Cat ;)

Though, no matter how many times I've read in it various fics, I just can't see these two get married. They're not the type I think.

Still, that pinning down scenario is the first one ever that I could truly see happening, the proposal part at least. Don't think they'd follow through with the whole marriage thing...
I kind of think it would be Sara. I figure with Sara's background of abuse growing up, Catherine would wait for Sara to be the one to decide when she's ready to make that kind of commitment with another person. With one failed marriage behind her, I'm guessing Cath would definitely want to wait until Sara is absolutely sure. Cath could be the one to ask the question, but I think it would be Sara's call all the way.
Who would propose? I actually think it would be Catherine, because she's more aggressive. I've always thought of her as being that way. Sara has an aggressive 'take that I need' personality as well, but she has sort of had bad experiences with relationships thus far (Hank was an ass). But since they're both strong women who always say what's on their mind when it's on their mind, it's hard to say :p ;)

I also just posted a new chapter of The Kids Are Not Alright in the fanfiction section, and it has turned into a CS friendship. The story told me it wanted to go that way, so I didn't argue :p And I'm not complaining! :rolleyes:
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