Cath/Nicky #3 - Make a muscle Nicky - CatNip

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iheartnickcath said:
If she just walked in and kissed Nick, I would be first shocked, then I'll be screaming OMG they finally are doing it!. and then, I knew it all along.
Lol, totally! I'd so be screaming right along with you! That'd be the coolest thing ever! :lol:
Back to Grave Danger...forgive me, I apparently can't keep up...but Cath holds Nick's hand and says "I'm here honey"?
Wow do I have a lot of catching up to do...I thought I'd seen a fair amount of CSI eps but apparently not! Wow! Fun times for me ahead! :lol:
Cath does hold Nick's hand in Grave Danger, but the "I'm here honey" was Lynn capping the pic. But of course we know that she did say it, we just didn't get to hear it ;)
It really would've, but we all know in our world. She said, "I'm here honey" We just didn't hear it. Yeah, She so said it!
*She got the ransom for her boy (that we so gotta find out about!)
*She took off her glove, just to hold his hand.
*We had ass check by Nicky in this episode. Yup. We so did.
Ahh gotcha...but either way, it's reciprocation...what goes around comes around, right IHNC ...especially with these two! :devil: **Moriel ducks out before she falls into the gutter and gets whacked by the infamous meter!**
Nicky, Nicky, Nicky, what am I going to do with you? tisk tisk. Keep it up baby! :devil: I love her outfit though. I'm sure Nicky did too ;)
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