Cath/Nicky #3 - Make a muscle Nicky - CatNip

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Continued from here

Welcome to thread 3.

*throws confetti* thread three baby!

So you were saying that he loves her. I agree. He loves her no matter what.
She's protective of him, and he doesn't want to let anyone hurt her. Its really sweet.

What scene happened next? or are we moving on?
oooh look how close he is to her, "hey baby"
Aww Gotta adore them. they are so aww-worthy <drools>

Nick would.

Cath cries.
Nick kicks their ass, while punching, "Thats my girl, you hurt my girl again, I will kick your ass or kill you whichever you perfer"
His other hand is probably on her ass :D

I could see him doing that.

The next scene is a walking down the corridor together, then the scene where they test the blood.
Everything after the muscle is a blur, really. Except for the you don't scene. Thats in there...but after that, blur really.. I can't get the muscle scene outta my head! That was so hot. Such a great episode for us, really. Now we need another one like that, thats for sure.

Any more scenes or do we wanna move on to if we had any in Swap Meet?
Those are my two favourite scenes of the episode

There's no more CN scenes after that, I do like the end of the episode with Catherine looking into the mirror.

Swap Meet, we don't get any scenes, I think Catherine only has one scene with Grissom.
I always figured that Nick would come up behind her and tell she didn't need that stuff again and if she thought of it, he was gonna whack her. :D

So that means we're at Crows Feet since we're still nibbling on that one ;) and Whats Eating Gilbert Grissom thats the hand on shoulder scene right?
Nick wouldn't have been happy with her if he knew that she hand't listened to him when he said she didn't need it.

The first scene we get in What's Eating Gilbert Grissom is this one:

He would've whacked her.

Cath thinking those thoughts.
Nick pulls a Gibbs and whacks her on back of the head, "Quit thinking those thoughts!"

Cath: I'll kill you if our kids are like that.
Nick: I'll help.
**Throwing confetti and catnip...and giggling!**
Yay for Thread 3! Took me a minute to find it...but here I am, lol! :lol: Yay!
IHNC love your new avie...very appropriate! :D
I like by the way, how Crow's Feet has managed to carry us for like 4 pages or so, maybe's impressive! I mean I knew it'd happen, but still...way to go! :lol:
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