Cath/Nicky #3 - Make a muscle Nicky - CatNip

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All y'all need to write these and then share them! **Hint, hint, wink, wink!** IHNC that means you too...or I'm gonna give you more plot bunnies! ;)
**Moriel giggles and plots the release of more bunnies in IHNC's direction!**
AmandaSzmanda said:
(Since I have no idea what happened to our song thread, and I don't want to search)

I did a search for you. Here ya go ;)

CatNip Soundtrack

On other matters, can I once again encourage you to add more content to your posts so they are more discussion based and a little less chatty. Many thanks :)
Thanks Fogs for finding our song thread! :D

yup, CatNip at the lake. hehe. Very sexy. I'm gonna add it to my fic. I have to. I need it. Its a nice fix, don't ya think?

So we're at Weeping Willows aren't we?? Since Hollywood Brass and Commited doesn't have any C/N at all, really.
Thanks fogi.

Did Weeping Willows have any? I don't remember. I don't remember Nick making an apperence on that episode *feels blonde*
Nicky got lucky with one of those you know, and isn't Greg getting lucky with one too? :p

Yeah, Nick's the one that goes over that Navok's car, and Cath shows up. I wonder what he thought of that cut below her eye.
Lynn that fic sounds like it's going to be very hot.

Weeping Willows has Cath putting her arm round Nick, fair enough Warrick is there too but who cares.

And then there's the scene with the car with one of my favourite caps :devil:
Yeah, Kelly likes to think Cath is doing something else rather then lookin into the microscope :p

I want a hot ficcie, but mostly, I want you to gimmie yours already! :D
That's because Kelly's mind is always in the gutter :devil:

The fic is finsihed, finally, and you were very impatient, hope it was worth it :D

If we're finished with Weeping Willows we can move onto Grave Danger.
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