CaRWash- Thanks babe, you're fantastic!

Need4Speed said:
haha that's good! I could use that. it would be cute. and you know come to think of it. they do kinda get along like brothers. one minute they're biting each others heads off. the next they're best friends. thanks for the idea. plus i'm having writer's block..but that just unblocked it! thanks!!!

no problem... :)
can't wait to read it
*A 4 weeks after the kidnapping*
*Ever since the murder of Ryan's uncle Ron, Eric thought about what Ryan said about having no blood relatives left. so he dicided to do some digging to see if he had any relatives in any other parts of the country*

*Calleigh was now 6 months pregnant...but there was something unusual about her size. she was much larger than a woman carrying one baby would be at 6 months. Alexx seemed to notice.*
Alexx:Calleigh, honey are you ok?
Calleigh:yeah, why?
Alexx:when was the last time you had an unltrasound?
Calleigh:last month, we found out we're having a little girl.
Alexx:Calleigh, did they do a thourough exam?
Calleigh:yeah Alexx, wh yall the sudden concern?
Alexx:well I've noticed that you're rather larger than an average woman carrying one baby at 6 months.
Calleigh:you think?
Alexx:honey, i don't think, i know. now why don't you let me do a thurough exam. because i think you may be having twins.
Calleigh:but the doctor would have picked up on it.
Alexx:i know, but the doctor may not have done a thurough enough exam to find out.

*Eric was still searching through databases for people with familiar alleles(Sp?) to Ryan's DNA. the computer beeped and he pulled up the profile of the match. his eyes widen in shock as he sees who's profile it is: His own*
Eric:*he was talking to himself* no, it can't be. it's got to be a mistake.
*H came in*
H:what has to be a mistake?
Eric:eek:h, H. hey didn't see you there.
H:you want to explain to me what's going on?
Eric:well H. i was remebering about what Ryan said about having no blood relaitives left. so i ran a country wide search for people with familiar alleles to Ryan's DNA.
H:and did you find a match?
H:well who. because i think Ryan ought to know.
H:what? that can't be right. are you sure?
Eric:yeah H look. *Eric showed H his DNA profile and then showed him Ryan's*
H:Eric, you do realize that the alleles match on more points than cousins or other relatives like that. the only other possibility is that you're Ryan's brother.
Eric:his brother. but how's that possible? i never had any brothers growing up. only sisters.
H:well if you ask me it looks like your mom was *ahem* involved with Ryan's dad. it's the only explination. so lets talk to your mom and find out how this happend than shall we?
Eric:shouldn't we tell Ryan first?
H:no. lets confirm the story first.
Eric:eek:k H.
*PD brings Eric's mom in for questioning*
Mrs. Delko:Eric, hijo. what's this about?
Eric:i think you know, mami.
H:now Mrs. Delko. i have a question to ask you.
Mrs. Delko:Lieutenant?
H:did you step out on your husband, ever?
Mrs. Delko:no! how dare you make such an acusation!
H:well i have a DNA comparison that says that your husband is not Eric's biological father, but that Jonathan Wolfe is. you want to explain that to me?
Mrs. Delko:eek:k. so i slept with Jonathan. only once! but then i found out i was pregnant. i told my husband it was his baby. but i knew that it wasn't.
Eric:mami, how could you do that? how could you cheat on papi!?
Mrs. Delko:i'm so sorry hijo. i should have told you a long time ago.
H:eek:k. thank you Mrs. Delko. you can go now.
*Eric doesn't even look at his mother as she leaves*
Eric:now can we tell Ryan?
H:lets do that.

Alexx:eek:k. i've complete my exam.
Alexx:you're having twins.
Calleigh:eek:h my god! are you serious?
Alexx:yep, a little girl and a little boy.
Calleigh:eek:h lets go tell Ryan!!
*they leave to tell Ryan*
*they find him in the break room*
Calleigh:Ry, babe! i have the best news!!!
Calleigh:we're having twins! a girl an a boy!
Ryan:this is fantastic!!!
*just then H and Eric came in*
Eric:uh Ryan?
Eric:i have something to tell you.
Eric:there's no easy way to do this but. Ryan...i'm your brother.
Ryan:no. that's the craziest thing i've ever heard!
Eric:Ryan. i'm serious.
Ryan:you expect me to believe that all this time. i've been working with you and this whole time you were my brother? i don't believe it.
Eric:here. look *Ryan looked at the DNA profiles*
Ryan:eek:h my god. i don't believe it. it's true. you are my brother.
Calleigh:uh wow. this is alot to take in all in one day. first i find out that i'm havign twins and then i find out that i have a brother in law.
Eric:wait! wait! did you just say you're having twins?
Ryan:this is the best day of my life. i find out that i'm going to be the father of twins and then i find out that my best friend turns out to be my brother.
Eric:hey Ryan. i'm sorry for everything. treating you like dirt for replacing Speed, treating you the way i did. if i had known you were my brother, then i would have embraced you joining the team, not shun you away. I'm so sorry.
Ryan:i forgive you. *they share a brotherly hug*
Alexx:now isn't that sweet. now maybe you two will get along better.
Eric:i think we will. *he smiles at Ryan*
Ryan:yeah *he smiles at Eric then hugs Calleigh*
Eric:and now i'm an uncle.
Ryan:eek:h yeah. that's right.
H:well this has been a very *puts on sunnies* eventful day.

That is so cute!! nice job on the brother part...that is excatly the way I would have done it...bravo!!

and if you ever get writer block and need some help let me know, seeing as I helped you with the brother thing...haha :)
very*puts on sunnies eventful day*...Thats a great story...but wouldnt H be sorta realted to them to since he was married to Eric sis? I dunno. love the story!
just a littl starting note, but did you notice Ryan's dad's name? Jonthan? it's just my little in script tribute to Jonathan Togo. but anyways...

*Three months later*
*Ever since Ryan and Eric found out they were brothers, things haven't been the same, in fact they've been better.*

*Calleigh was in the mourge talking to Alexx*
Calleigh:uhhg, Alexx i can't take much more of this.
Alexx:i know baby. but you're due any day now. it won't be long before you're doing all the things you love about this job.
Calleigh:yeah i guess you're right. well I'll see you Alexx, i have to go find Ryan.
Alexx:eek:k baby.

*Calleigh found Ryan talking to Eric in the break room*
Calleigh:hey babe. *she kissed Ryan*
Calleigh:Hey Eric.
Eric:hey Cal. so how are things going?
Calleigh:horrible! i mean not in the fact that I'm pregnant and going to be a mother, but horrible in the fact that i can't do anything! no field work, no test firing guns!! nohing!!
Ryan:well, Cal, it'll all be worth it. you're due any day now. and soon enoguh you'll be back in the firearms lab test firing guns until your heart's content.
Calleigh:aww, you always now hoe to cheer me up. thanks babe.
Ryan:no problem.
Eric:so uh my mom finally told my dad about how i'm not really his. and surprisingly he wasn't upset. he just said that he raised me as his own and i'll always be his son in his eyes.
Ryan:that's nice.
Calleigh:well i'll just leave you two to talk.
*she leaves*
Eric:so uh Ryan, what was your, i mean our dad like?
Ryan:well uh, he was *sniffles* he was a very good guy. and he was a really understanding guy who cared about me, my mom and my sister very much kind of like, uh are you still gonna call him your dad?
Eric:yeah, he raised me like his own. he made me the man I am today. and i accept that fact that your dad was my dad too, even though i didn't know him, but from what you told me, i'm sure he would have and did make a great dad to raise a guy like you.
Ryan:awww. and i'm sure if he knew about you, he'd care about you just as much. and my mother was a very understanding and accepting woman. she'd probably welocme you with loving arms.
*Just then Ryan heard Calleigh calling for him*
Calleigh:Ry!! Babe!? RYAN!!!!
*Ryan and Eric ran to see what's wrong*
Ryan:Calleigh!? what's wrong? is it the babies?
Calleigh:uh huh..oh god *she grabs her stomache*
Ryan:eek:k. hold on. Eric, help me get her to a hummer

*at the hospital*
*By now everyone is in the waiting room. H ,Alexx, Eric, Natalia, and Mr. Duquesne*

*several hours later*
*Ryan comes out of the delivery room*
Ryan:well everything went fine. and we have a beautiful little girl named Lily Marie Wolfe and an adorable little boy named Noah Ian Wolfe.
Eric:hey congrats man!
*everyone went in to see them*
Alexx:aww! he looks just like you Ryan!
H:I agree. he looks a lot like you.
Calleigh:hey Eric?
Calleigh:well Ryan and I have been talking and we want you to be their godfather.
Eric:uh wow. i'd be honored.
Ryan:*smiles at Eric then at Calleigh holding their two beautiful new children*

*five months later*
Ryan:hey Cal. are Lily and Noah asleep?
Ryan:i can't believe they're five months old already.
Calleigh:i know. it seems like yesterday they were so tiny. hey i was thinking that we could bring them in for a visit.
Ryan:yeah that sounds good. how about tomorrow?

*the next day*
H:hey guys! aww, well would you look at them! they've gotten so big already.
Calleigh:i know. tell me about it.
*Alexx came over*
Alexx:eek:h, they're so cute! *she took Lily from Calleigh, much to Calleigh's relief. she needed a break from carrying her* and Ryan, i'm telling you, Noah is a spitting image of you.
*Eric came over*
Eric:hey! you bring them to see Alexx and Horatio but you don't bring them to visit Uncle Eric?
Ryan:eek:f course we were going to bring them to see you it's just that H and Alexx were right at the front desk is all.
Eric:eek:k, ok. *to Noah* now come and see Uncle Eric. *he took Noah from Ryan to give him a rest*
H:so uh how are things going?
Ryan:great. everything is wonderful
H:eek:h good.
Calleigh:yeah. things are great.
Alexx:do they keep you up at night?
Calleigh:not really, i mean they did for like the first two months. but not so much now.
Alexx:eek:h that's good.
Ryan:so Eric, how are things with you and Natalia?
Calleigh:eek: hdon't pretend you don't know what we're talking about.
Eric:things are great. in fact i'm going to propose to her tomorrow
Ryan:really? way to go man. and that'll be another CSI/ workmate we'll be related to! LOL!!
H:wait what are you talking about?
Ryan:well seeing as Calleigh and I are married and Eric's my brother that makes him related to Calleigh. and seeing as you were married to Eric's sister Marisol, that would make you two in laws, and seeing as Eric and I are blood related that means you're my in law too. and then when Eric get married to Natalia, then she'll be related to us.
H:you know, i never really thought about it but you're right. one way or another we're all related.
*Later at home*
Calleigh:well the kids are asleep.
*she snuggled up in his arms ad he gently stroked her hair*
Ryan:Cal, I lvoe you
Calleigh:i love you too babe.

*the next night*
Eric:uh 'Talia. can i ask you something?
Natalia:sure Eric what is it?
Eric:Natalia, *gets down on one knee* will you marry me?
Natalia:eek:h Eric!! yes!! Yes i'll marry you!
Eric:*he puts the beautiful gold and diamond engagement ring on her finger* I love you
Natalia:i love you too.
*they kiss*
