CaRWash- Thanks babe, you're fantastic!

OMG so much has happened since i last read i've been gone all week but the story is great!! now all you need is calleigh to be in a life or death situation and for ryan to save her that would be perfect :)
ooh that's good! thanks!!

*four months later*
*Calleigh is now about five months along. She and Ryan were at the hospital to find out the gender of their baby*
Doctor:eek:k Mrs. Wolfe. it looks like you're expecting a girl.
Calleigh:that's great!
Ryan:yeah, i can't believe we're having a little girl.
Doctor:eek:k Mrs. Wolfe, come back in a two months for another ultrasound.
Calleigh:eek:k. thatnks doctor.
Ryan:hey we've got to get to the lab.

*they arrive at the lab*
H:hey, so is everything ok?
Calleigh:yeah. everything's fine. and we're having a little girl.
H:that's great. congrats. now Calleigh, are you sure you can handle a small case alone, no one will be there but you because we have all hands on deck for the quadruple homicide
Calleigh:Horatio i can handle it. don't worry about me. i'll be fine.
*Ryan walks over after talking with Eric*
Ryan:hey Eric just filled me in.
H:eek:k ready to go?
Ryan:yeah one sec.
H:eek:k. *H went to get the hummer*
Ryan:Cal, please be careful. if something were to happen to you or the baby. i wouldn't be able to live.
Calleigh:Ry, babe, don't worry. I'll be fine.
Ryan:eek:k. *they hug and kiss*
*Ryan runs to catch up with the others*

*Calleigh grabs her kit and heads to the scene*
*calleigh arrives at the scene. she was confident she could handle it. she began to process the crime scene. she heard a noise from somewhere in the house*
Calleigh:this is CSI Wolfe with MDPD! who's there? *she went to take out her gun when someone grabbed her from behind*
Calleigh:please don't hurt my baby.
Attacker:do what i say and i won't hurt you.
*He tied her hands, gagged her and dragged her to a van and drove off*

*At the quadruple homicide scene*
Ryan:H i'm worried about Calleigh.
H:eek:k. if it'll make you feel better. i'll call her.
*He calls her cell answer*
H:she's not answereing.
Ryan:eek:h gid. H waht if something bad happened to her?
Eric:what's up? something wrong?
Ryan:Calleigh's not answering her cell. she always answers.
Eric:you think something happened to her?
Ryan:i hope not.
Eric:i'm sure she's fine. she's just probably got her hands full.
Ryan:H is it ok if i go check?
H:eek:f course. call me when you know.
*Ryan heads to the scene. but when he gets there he is worried. he sees a kit, and a camera but no Calleigh.*
Ryan:Cal? Calleigh?!? *he franticly looks around. she isn't there. he calls h*
Ryan:*he is talking so fast H can barely understand him* Hidon'tknowwheresheisican'tfindehranywhere!
H:whoa, whoa. Ryan, calm down. now what's wrong.
Ryan:Calleigh's missing!
H:eek:k! we'll be right there. we'll get nightshift to finish up here! *he hangs up. Ryan slumps to the floor, head in his hands.*

*H and the team arrive at the scene to find a distressed Ryan*
Eric:Ryan, man i'm so sorry. i hope she and the baby are ok.
Ryan:i hope so too.

*where ever Calleigh is*
Attacker:now. i'm wondering how much randsom i can ask for for a pretty little blond CSI like you.
Calleigh:screw you! My husband and the rest of the CSIs will find me and when they do they'll find you and arrest you!
Attacker:shut up! *he hits her and she slumps over unconsious*

I'm sure Ryan will save her and they'll all live happily ever after! right? you wouldn't hurt her would you?j/k
notice i didn't reveal the attacker right away..i think it adds to the suspense.

*Calleigh came too and looked at the face of her attacker*
Calleigh:you? but...but why?
Attacker:beacuse I want revenge on and your stupid husband!
Calleigh:us why?
Attacker:because you ruined my life!!! now shut up you stipud blonde idiot!!
*that hit a nerve and Calleigh got out of her resraints, got up and punched him squarely in the face so har she broke his nose*
Calleigh:you can insult the lab, you can insult the way i do things, but you can not insult me and get away with it!!
Attacker:you'll pay for that!! *he hit her on the face and created a huge gash in her right cheek, the force caused her to slump over unconsious again*

*At the lab, after they gathered any evidence*
*Ryan was still to upset to cooperate*
Eric:Ry, man don't worry we'll find her....
*just then H's cell rang*
Attacker:if you ever want to see her again I want Ryan Wolfe
alone, at the park down the street from the lab.
H:who is this?
Attacker:that's for me to know any you to never find out.
H:I will get you.
Attacker:sure you will. now bye bye. *he hangs up*
H:something about that voice sounds farmiliar.
Cooper:H, i recorded the call.
H:eek:k nice going. play it back for me.
*he played the recording*
Eric:eek:h my god! that's Berkley!!
H:no it can't be. Berkley wouldn't do this.
Ryan:actually H i think he would. he caught me and Calleigh together in a bar and he got all upset and freaked out at us.
H:Cooper, run a voice comparison with Berkley's voice.
Cooper:eek:k...*computer beeps* it's a match.
Ryan:H. we got to get him! i'm not going to stand here and let him hurt her!!
*Eric looked at Ryan in shock. he hand never seen him this enraged*
Ryan:H i'm going to the park to get him!!
H:hold up. we need to be careful. put this on *he threw Ryan a kevlar (bullet proof) vest* *he puts it on*
H:now Ryan. we'll be right around the corner waiting for the right moment to contain him
Ryan:eek:k H.
*Ryan goes to meet Jake*
Jake:Wolfe. you're never going to find her.
Ryan:if you hurt one hair on her head. I'll get you.
Jake:well to late to make that threat.
*Ryan slammed him to the ground*
Ryan:if you want to live you'll tell me where she is!!
Jake:fine!!! she's in a house on Hibiscus Street.
Ryan:she better be ok!! *to H* H!! come and get this scumbag out of my sight before i kill him!!
H:Jake Berkley you are under arrest for the kidnapping of CSI Calleigh Wolfe. *the officer takes him away*
Ryan:come on!! we got to go get Calleigh!!
H:eek:k lets go!
*they go to the house Berkley told them to*
Ryan:Cal? Calleigh?!?
Calleigh:in here!!!
*Her voice came from a back room. it was locked. Ryan kicked the door open*
Ryan:Calleigh!! oh my god! what'd he to to you?
Calleigh:i'm ok. it's only a little cut.
H:that looks like it could use stiches
*They take her and get her stiched up*
Calleigh:eek:h Ry, babe. I'm glad you found me.
Ryan:me too. i was so worried. I thought i was never going to see you again. if something had happened to you i wouldn't be able to live.
Calleigh:eek:h Ry!
*They kiss*

Hey I know this is a story about Calleigh and Ryan but because the last of Ryan's family got killed, and eric said about the csi team being family, you should do something like Eric does some digging and fines that Ryan is actually his brother or something like that. but you don't have to if you don't want to, but that would be cute!!
haha that's good! I could use that. it would be cute. and you know come to think of it. they do kinda get along like brothers. one minute they're biting each others heads off. the next they're best friends. thanks for the idea. plus i'm having writer's block..but that just unblocked it! thanks!!!