Carmine/Danny #12 "Ya like that?"

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Re: Carmine/Danny #12: "Ya like that?"

Figures. I write a long post and my computer decides to freeze. Not fair, lol.

Unbeknownst to me, I actually bought People for my roommate who has a serious thing for George Clooney. So it was quite a surprise when I later discovered that Carmine had also made the list. (I doubt my roommate will even notice that page 122 is missing from her magazine…at least I hope not. :lol:)

But as far as Carmine’s statements are concerned, I agree that in comparison to some of the other guys’ answers – he does look a bit abrasive. Then again, I’ve discovered that while Carmine can make very considerate and well-balanced answers; he can also say things that he either shouldn’t have said or at least taken a little more thought into how it was worded. I’ve cringed a couple of times and thought, “Carmine, you dunce” (affectionately of course). But in this article, I thought he was just being honest, if not frank about it. Chances are it was an interview that was later condensed into five meager sentences and so it’s hard to determine meaning when his words are left in the control of another’s hands. Hell, I’d be nervous to give an interview just based on that idea alone. I’d be neurotic even.

But who knows, a lot could have changed for Carmine between last year and this year. I thought it was interesting that he chose to throw in the “not settling” comment because in the times I’ve seen it used (in this context); it has been in defense – whether done consciously or unconsciously. It might be a slightly touchy subject for whatever reason. (Lol, I know I said determining his meaning would be difficult in five sentences, but I figured I’d just toss my own thoughts in there.)

Though I do admire Carmine’s ambition to find an ambitious woman. He seems to know what he wants and hasn’t bothered to haphazardly involve himself with women in hopes that these traits magically pop up. He never seemed like a serial dater (with the exclusion of that one particular quote from Anna Belknap about knowing romantic places to take women) in his interviews; so I think it’s nice that he’s put some thought into what type of woman he can see himself settling down with.

And now my brain’s shut down, and coherency is becoming impossible. I’ll add more later if I can remember any of it, or if it hasn’t been touched upon by others.
Re: Carmine/Danny #12: "Ya like that?"

Well, I can't weigh in on the relationship discussion since I have, like, zero experience on that front. :lol: However, I just wanted to chime in on the comment that several people have made about them cutting and pasting quotes together to get the blurbs they put on the page.

When Carmine was on the Tony Danza show, Tony brought up the quote in last year's People magazine about, "I'm a tea guy. If it's a rainy day, I'm just gonna stay in. I like tea." In the Danza interview, Carmine said that he can't drink caffeine so he drinks tea, and they asked what he does on a rainy day and he said stay in, so when they put it into the magazine it looked like he said he stays in on rainy days to drink tea. I'm pretty sure that's not what he had in mind when he did the interview, but it's how they edited the quotes together. So I have no trouble believing the same could be true in this year's issue. :)

But I have to agree with what SimplyBlue said about him not always saying something in the best possible way. :lol: I'm thinking of some of his comments during that InFANity episode when he was playing baseball--he came off as a bit of a cocky jerk in that too. :lol: Oh Carmine, think before you speak, darlin'. :p

Now, let's get a few pictures posted in this here drool thread. After all, don't you ladies still love Carmine? I know you do. ;)

Ladies, I know you still love me...

How could you not?

After all, I love you.

So will you forgive me?

Re: Carmine/Danny #12: "Ya like that?"

^^ I always did enjoy your picture commentary, Fay.

On a side note, I love that they chose a picture pre-buzz cut. I like the new cut, but I miss the longer hair. *pines for*

And he has chest it was pre-waxing too. *pines for that too if she's going to continue pining*
Re: Carmine/Danny #12: "Ya like that?"

Yes, that picture is definitely gorgeous. That's really the only reason I get those magazines with Carmine in them, for the pretty pictures. :lol: I read the interviews, but they can make a guy look however they want, and 5 or 6 sentences don't tell me jack-shit about what he's like. Besides, I have, like, no chance of ever meeting the guy, so I'll just be content to think he's a great guy and ogle his prettiness. :lol:
Re: Carmine/Danny #12: "Ya like that?"

Honestly, it's hard to tell how anyone means anything without hearing the actual tone of their voice! That's one thing that bothers me about magazine articles too! :p

Anyways...YAY, since we're posting pics....

The super cool sunglasses I know you love!






Re: Carmine/Danny #12: "Ya like that?"

^^ In all honesty, I think some of his more honest interviews have been here at the CSI Files. I had a laugh reading one where his answers came in paragraphs. It seemed like his mind was going a million directions at once and was having a hard time in picking one direction to go in. For some reason, I found that to be cute (though probably because I'm often such a victim to it as well :lol:).

But yeah, you can't really tell anything (if at all) by five hand-picked sentences.

Edit: I love how in the last picture, the dead and rather bloodied victim is laying at Carmine's feet...and all we can say is how hot he looks in the jacket with the slight bulge in his pants (more apparent in the profile picture).
Re: Carmine/Danny #12: "Ya like that?"

SimplyBlue said:

Edit: I love how in the last picture, the dead and rather bloodied victim is laying at Carmine's feet...and all we can say is how hot he looks in the jacket with the slight bulge in his pants (more apparent in the profile picture).

I know! HAHA :lol: I thought about that too! :p Leather and jeans...doesn't get any better than that!

Ok so it does, but we wont get into that... :devil:
Re: Carmine/Danny #12: "Ya like that?"

'Here, you, dead person! Lay here at Carmine's feet. It's as though you are merely a conquest, he is the all-powerful Lord of, er, Something, and has killed you for...insulting his jacket! Yes, that's it! Now, action!'

:lol: But seriously, that's a hawt picture, can you blame any of us? :lol: If he walked by me in that, I'd promptly run into a telephone poll or a tree or something. :lol:

About what you said, SimplyBlue, regarding his long-ass interviews with CSIFiles--that's very true. He seems to me like someone who just says whatever comes to mind, not bothering to think about it before it comes out of his mouth. :lol: Of course, that might be where he runs into trouble. :lol: (It's also one of the things that makes me think he'd be interesting to talk to. When I start talking, you never know what in the hell the conversation will end up at. Seriously, I'm always going off on a tangent. :lol:)

Gotta love the fang!porn
Re: Carmine/Danny #12: "Ya like that?"

Faylinn said:
About what you said regarding his long-ass interviews with CSIFiles--that's very true. He seems to me like someone who just says whatever comes to mind, not bothering to think about it before it comes out of his mouth. :lol: Of course, that might be where he runs into trouble. :lol:
That's actually quite a possibility. I hope he's learned by now that he shouldn't arm journalists with essay answers. Top may be nice enough to leave him with his words, meanings, and dignity intact, but there's sure as heck others who wouldn't. They would have a total field day picking parts out of an interview like that.

Edit: Lol of course. Such tangents could always provide worthy entertainment. Then it's fun to sit back and wonder how in the hell you wandered from bed skirts to where simian monkeys dwell.

But yeah, I think it's great that he's eager to share. It brings a sense of enthusiasm that he enjoys what he does and enjoys where he's at in life (well, I'm taking the latter into assumption)...and it shows.
Re: Carmine/Danny #12: "Ya like that?"

I love his mini-interviews, they are so...random!? But, who cares what he says?! Who's reading? All of us are ogling!!! :devil: Hot hot hot. Always!

Question - How do I add a picture under my name? Can i upload it from my computer? or does it have to be from a/my website? I don't have one... :confused:
Re: Carmine/Danny #12: "Ya like that?"

^^^All you need to do is make you an account at Photobucket and upload the pics from your computer to there. Then, copy the URL and go to your home (on here), scroll down and you'll see something about your avatar, then just paste the URL there. Hope I didn't confuse you... :confused:Sometimes, things don't sound right after I type them.. :rolleyes:

Faylinn said:
:lol: But seriously, that's a hawt picture, can you blame any of us? :lol: If he walked by me in that, I'd promptly run into a telephone poll or a tree or something. :lol:

I'd do the same thing! :lol: Most definatly! :eek: I just can't stop looking at's so HOT. HOT. HOT. :devil:
Re: Carmine/Danny #12: "Ya like that?"

Totally off-topic for a moment ... idee, I think it's really sweet you like Singapore :) It's just an hour and a half away from me, and it's an amazing country for one so small in size compared to others, eh? ;)

CynRyn said:
Well that can leave a lot of room for interpretation. We've all at some time or another in our lives seen a GORGEOUS guy with a hideous girl and vice versa and wondered what does he/she see in her/him?

You know, whenever I see that, I can't help but go, "Awwww." :lol: Especially if you can see they really love each other. The sad thing is ... you don't see that kind of love much in our time anymore.
Re: Carmine/Danny #12: "Ya like that?"

As far as I know, tea also has caffeine. Lol, anyway -- less than coffee though.

I love the leather jacket pic; he looks like a rockstar. Speaking of rockstars, what genre of music is he making? I hate to bracket anything into categories but what I mean is, what is his sound?

I love how in his TalkCSI interviews, his answers are really long. He's very articulate and I hate how some magazines strip that by taking snippets.
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