Carmine/Danny #12 "Ya like that?"

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Re: Carmine/Danny #12: "Ya like that?"

I have a somewhat off topic question: does anyone have or can anyone get/make screencaps of the "stick with bowling" scene from this last ep? I unfortunately don't know how to make screencaps. Any pointers on that?
Re: Carmine/Danny #12: "Ya like that?"

Since we were talking about it, I finally got my very own autographed pic too!!! :D

It (amazingly) made it from Staten Island to Italy in less than 4 days. Oh, and the picture's the one with the green sneakers.

This gave my day a whole new meaning... *goes back to staring at it*
Re: Carmine/Danny #12: "Ya like that?"

wow orison you lucky thing!!!! :D when i emailed him i sent him my addy for him to send me an auto graph.. so fingers crossed!!! hehe :D

JDonne hehe he so did not need to have that belt on!!! i would love to jus stand behind him and run my hand up his back under that shirt... or maybe even in the opposite direction!!!! :eek: :lol:
Re: Carmine/Danny #12: "Ya like that?"

*sniff* I want my postcard, too! Hahahahhah..... my week has been so bad -- and I'm sure this'll continue on to the next. I need something.... or someone to make me smile.

Boxers? No, no boxers. Just the ruff of the denim rubbing across his naked ass cupping the cheeks with a ferocious tenderness all the while thinking you're a damn tease Carmine, take it off - now! It was damned inconsiderate of him to put on a belt, if the pants were too big he should have simply let them fall down in the midst of filming. Fat nasty men the world round have no problem showing off the cracks of their voluminous asses, it is only fair that occasionally we be treated to an ass that is delightful and delicious. In closing, I have always appreciated his squats, since season 1. What an ass, share the ass.

Oooohhh, goin' commando. Every adventurous of him. And while on the clock? Hmmm.... I wonder who's that for? I won't mind a plumber's crack for this man hahahhah
Re: Carmine/Danny #12: "Ya like that?"

Oh Good fucking God! Those new screencaps are orgasmic. *goes to play happily in the gutter*

We just had RSRD last night and I totally cried for Danny. My heart was breaking because his was. Thing is because he had his glasses off, it was more Carmine than Danny, so I felt even sadder. He was brilliant though. He acted the hell out of that part. I was so proud.
Re: Carmine/Danny #12: "Ya like that?"

^Oh yeah, props for Carmine on RSRD.
I love how he gave out that ugly cry in the end lol....
Re: Carmine/Danny #12: "Ya like that?"

^^Ah.. yes, the ugly cry. My brother laughed at that. I wanted to smack his face.
Re: Carmine/Danny #12: "Ya like that?"

RSRD really is such a great episode. Carmine's performance was gorgeous. We still have to wait some weeks until it's shown here. But i got the Season 2 DVDs recently. RSRD was the fist episode I watched. In the meantime I've seen all besides of the last two. But I'm sure when this weekend is over I've seen them also.
Re: Carmine/Danny #12: "Ya like that?"

OMG I haven't been able to get that picture of Danny/Carmine squatting down out of my mind all day. Apart from that beautiful arse is that a little bit of bare skin I see poking out above his jeans? *faints*

I've been trying to teach all morning with that image in my mind. Thankfully I managed to steer the discussion round to CSI :)
Re: Carmine/Danny #12: "Ya like that?"

These pics are so hott!!
How am I supposed to go into work tomorrow and concentrate on adding up when these images are floating around in my head?

His glasses are awesome they really go with his newish style.
Re: Carmine/Danny #12: "Ya like that?"

hehe yeah i totally saw the lil bit of bare skin above that un-needed belt hehe :devil:

Loafie :lol: as soon as i got home from work, i jus HAD to get here and look at that ass!Porn pic ... :devil: gotdam! lol
**Faints into the gutter** :lol:
Re: Carmine/Danny #12: "Ya like that?"

Faylinn - only ONE fangirl a week????????????
do I take this to mean YOU'LL be with him all the time??? if you'll only invite one fangirl a week to mix up the routine :lol: mmmmm seems to me you get him all to yourself, for what, 6 days a week. NO FAIR girl :lol:

How about if you got condoms in ya handbag, or the book of kama sutra, no wait, I think Feenx will have that thanks to her parents :lol:

bugga, I've been outdone by a 20 year old :lol:
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