Carmine/Danny #12 "Ya like that?"

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Re: Carmine/Danny #12: "Ya like that?"

awww wow you are so lucky rhonda!!! :( :D did you send him a letter or email?

speaking of email, has anyone recieved an email from our lovely dish lately???? :confused:
Re: Carmine/Danny #12: "Ya like that?"

Or maybe he wanted to write more but couldn't fit it all in. Like 'So, sweet Rhonda, would you like to come to LA and have my love child?' or something similar.
**packing bags right now** Did I forget to mention that was the exact note he attached to the pic? :p

So, while MrsG and jkladis are fighting over Carmine, I will be running away with him. :devil: **they won't even notice** Not to worry MrsG, I'll share him. I'm not greedy like some people. **cough*jkladks*cough**

did you send him a letter or email?
I sent an email.
Re: Carmine/Danny #12: "Ya like that?"

That's a great postcard, 1CSIMfan. Thanks for sharing. Very cool to see him dishing out a little fangirl love.

1CSIMfan said:
Not to worry MrsG, I'll share him. I'm not greedy like some people. **cough*jkladks*cough**
See, jkladis, that's the way it's done around here! 1CSIMfan received a personal invitation to go to LA and make a love child, yet she's still willing to share with all of us.
Re: Carmine/Danny #12: "Ya like that?"

Awesome postcard, Rhonda! See, that is one reason that I adore this man, he uses Picasso, and he cares about his fans.

In addition to that, Jkladis does appear to have some serious self esteem issues going on here, with his psycho obsession with Carmine and having to have him all for himself. Because the women of the board here share Carmine and the love freely flows between all of us.
Re: Carmine/Danny #12: "Ya like that?"

Oh hoooooh, time for more handwriting analysis! :lol: I think you girls will find the following quite interesting. (This is based on Rhonda's received autograph, by the way. Handwriting analysis results might be questionable, but, it's said to be reliable in assessing personality. :))

Based on a chart, with 0 = None, 5 = Moderate and 10 = Extreme:

Assertiveness = 5
Perfectionism = 1
Aggression = 6
Extraversion = 4

Personality Description

To begin the analysis, the subject's handwriting clearly appears to show a fluency and vitality of flow. The writing impulse is unbroken and the words sweep forward with great ease. This released writing indicates a generally easy-going and less conformist attitude than the average. The subject will be fascinated by new ideas, by the unusual and unfamiliar. Routine will probably be tiresome for him and he will not become over anxious about the occasional loss of control. Released writers express their emotions quite easily, and the subject's moods will probably fluctuate between elation and depression. The subject probably has quite a large number of friends, with many friendships maintained at a fairly superficial level. At a party the subject will usually spend a small amount of time with a great number of people, rather than monopolising any one guest for the whole evening. If it is necessary to maintain an uncomfortable level of control in his job, being with a group allows him to temporarily relinquish this control and give vent to his impulsive nature. The subject can be moody and unpredictable and will probably prefer to do things at the spur of the moment rather than carefully plan them.

The moderate score for extraversion enhances the above personality. The subject is lively and gregarious, preferring to be amongst others than reading alone at home for example. Probably taking more chances than the average person, the subject prefers to take life lightly, and enjoys variety and change to the humdrum of routine.

The pressure used throughout the script is average in intensity, indicating that the subject is able to maintain a balance between too much activity and too great a degree of lethargy. As a result, he lacks the intense drive and enthusiasm shown by writers with heavy pressure, but will be equally tolerant of inactivity in those who use a lower pressure in their script. He will be good at working methodically at the more routine tasks.

The signature is written quite illegibly indicating some sense of superiority. Writers who scrawl their signature are saying that the reader of the document should know who they are, without having to actually be able to read the words. He is also conveying the impression that he is working at high speed under pressure, and this is all of his valuable time that he can spend on the issue.

There are a significant number of signs of aggression throughout the handwriting. These characteristics point to a substantially aggressive personality.
Aggression can take two forms: direct, or indirect.
When the subject uses open aggression it will take the form of angry arguments, with outbursts of temper . As the writer has a high IQ, the chances are that aggression will normally be expressed verbally, with sarcasm, caustic remarks, and perhaps even mockery. When aggression is expressed indirectly, the subject will feel a strong need for revenge if slighted. He will probably harbour a grudge, and wait for the appropriate moment to get his own back. This will be achieved through verbal attacks rather than physical assaults, with the subject relying on his intellectual skills to bombard his victim with mockery, sarcasm and cruel jokes.

The subject is fairly confident and dominant in relationships and can quite easily strike up a conversation with strangers. He may seem to behave more according to his own needs rather than those of others.
As a result he may try to put himself at an advantage, even if it could possibly inconvenience those around him. The assertive personality is revealed by the height of the capital letters in comparison to the 'ascenders'. The subject uses a proportion of capitals which are higher than the other ascending letters. This indicates that he is more likely to speak out forthrightly to defend himself if under attack and is able to talk about personal matters without feeling too self-conscious.
In a quarrel he is likely to argue to defend his rights , even over quite trivial matters. He could even become aggressive if sufficiently provoked , but any attacks will be verbal rather than physical, taking the form of sarcasm or caustic remarks. The subject may make a good sales person, and is good at resisting sales talk. He is less likely to hesitate over complaining about shoddy goods or poor service.
He will also make a good host and can liven up a party.
The subject has some qualities of leadership, but in a position of power may not tolerate opinions which clash with his own. If he is prevented from expressing his views, or if he feels that he is not being taken seriously enough he may become irritated.

The handwriting shows expansiveness, and this use of space is linked with an extravert personality.
The subject has an above average physical and mental need for space around him and hates to be confined. When writing, this hunger for space reveals itself in a desire to cover as much paper as possible with his letters and words.
Expansiveness is also the cornerstone of his social relationships. He prefers company, such as a noisy party, rather than being left alone to watch television or read a book. He probably has many friendships, but all maintained at a fairly superficial level.
He prefers more excitement and risk than the average person, taking life lightly as a result. He probably appears impulsive, blurting out remarks without thinking first, buying goods on impulse, and making major decisions about his life on the whim of the moment. He could be easily bored and often yearns for change and variety. He is likely to freely express his feelings and moods, even if he tries to cover them up. He is not too concerned by some disorder and lack of control, and may even become bored if there is too much order in his life.

The handwriting shows a few signs of a perfectionist personality. Although generally more easy-going than the average person, the subject also seems more orderly and methodical, perhaps being a little over-concerned with small details, and fussy about trivial matters. He may sometimes seem undecided about the best course of action to take, and may appear to have some self-doubts.

A number of artful simplifications in the handwriting show that the subject is considerably intelligent (scoring 3 out of a possible 5 in the IQ categories). He has the intellectual capacity that would enable him to be successful in a career such as teaching, journalism or computer programming.

There are cases of isolated ambiguity throughout the script which shows that the subject is over-concerned with concealment. He is attempting to cover up, and keep aspects of his personality or private life hidden from view or cloaked in mystery.
This type of handwriting is found in professions which demand a high degree of confidence keeping, such as lawyers, bankers and doctors.
It is wrong to interpret isolated ambiguity as a sign of a deceitful personality, but it does show a need for the subject to hide some part of his personality or background which may cause embarrassment or anxiety.

There are a few indications in the handwriting that, at the time of writing, the subject was suffering from mild stress. This may be temporary, for example if he was upset, tired, or working against a deadline. However, the subject may be living at an unacceptable level of stress, one which is beginning to affect his physical well being.
These are warning signs in the handwriting, and indicate that the subject should pause and reflect on those aspects of his lifestyle which may be causing long-term difficulties. He should try to reduce them whenever possible, relax more frequently, check his diet, and perhaps take more exercise. Stress can be beneficial, but if allowed to get out of control, it may prove a hazard to mental and physical health.

Whoa, dang, that was long, huh? :lol:
Re: Carmine/Danny #12: "Ya like that?"

Routine will probably be tiresome for him and he will not become over anxious about the occasional loss of control...He should try to reduce them whenever possible, relax more frequently, check his diet, and perhaps take more exercise.
Ok, so that was a very interesting analysis, Kim, but this is what I got out of it--he needs a woman to feed him and take control in the sack. :lol:

*volunteers* :devil:
Re: Carmine/Danny #12: "Ya like that?"

WOAH! Now THAT is the best card I've seen his autograph on yet. I'm loving that one. You lucky lucky girl Rhonda :)

I love that his capital "S" looks like a treble clef. And that quote by Picasso is a doozy. And so so true ... something I've got a bit of a passion about.
Re: Carmine/Danny #12: "Ya like that?"

FAYLINN - only 1 woman to feed him and take control in the sack :lol:
how many of us fangirls are on this board?
wouldn't we all take control of him in the sack :devil:
imagine poor Carmine if we all rocked up on his doorstep to take control of him in the sack :lol:
woohoo - Carmine, ya like that? :lol:
Re: Carmine/Danny #12: "Ya like that?"

^ Nice analysis, Kimmy. Interesting and thorough. Would love to know how much of it is accurate. Parts definitely sound fitting ... to the extent that any of us really know anything about the guy.
Re: Carmine/Danny #12: "Ya like that?"

tiara, you're very correct--I'll definitely be sure to mix things up (don't want to get too routine) by inviting a different fangirl to spend some time with him each week. Start signing up, ladies. :lol:
Re: Carmine/Danny #12: "Ya like that?"

Bah! Those methods are archaic! I will line you up by the contents of your purse or something. "If you have a personal electronic solitare game in your purse, get in line (I win! :lol:). Now, if you have a handful of mints you stole from the hotel counter in your purse, get in line..." and so on. ;)

Of course, my dislike of more conventional methods could come from a lifetime of being both perpetually-late and with a last name that starts with T. :p

I can't wait to see some screencaps of Danny from this latest episode. He was all kinds of hot-as-hell at the beginning of the episode...*fans self*
Re: Carmine/Danny #12: "Ya like that?"

i should probably pull up the old "Email Carmine" thread but I was so excited. I got another autographed picture in the mail today. I wasn't expecting a second one but I'm so happy. Here's the pics of it..I don't have a scanner (only digital camera) so until I use the photo editor, they're not the best.


Carmine again

and again
OH MY GOD-- You lucky child! I want that!! :D I'm happy for you though!
Re: Carmine/Danny #12: "Ya like that?"

Wow, we have our own resident QD here! Lol, great job Kimmy.

Rhonda -- lucky!!!!! Thanks for sharing it with us. Yeah, Carmine does have pretty handwriting -- for a guy. Heck, he has better handwriting than a LOT of my female friends.

I wish he sends me one too. But bah, being at the other side of the world sucks. Boo-hoo....
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