Blinded By Smoke
Re: Carmine/Danny #12: "Ya like that?"
Wow! Been gone a day and come back to all this Lab!Porn..and Arm!Porn...and all the other porns. You just can't get enough of's just not possible.
Hehe...Here's some lab!porn...hopefully it's been a while since some of these, and if not, I don't think you'll notice(or care!
(Lap!porn and Tongue!porn :devil
OMG. I know. That picture gets me everytime! One of my favorties, by far.
They sure knew what they were doing when they took that photo... :devil:
Wow! Been gone a day and come back to all this Lab!Porn..and Arm!Porn...and all the other porns. You just can't get enough of's just not possible.

(Lap!porn and Tongue!porn :devil

hidinginmyeyes said:
That picture above where he's on the bed with the white tank top is a very provocative picture... where his hands are... it sends you right to the gutter. Bad boy...
OMG. I know. That picture gets me everytime! One of my favorties, by far.